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I'll Have You FIRED!!!!

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  • I'll Have You FIRED!!!!

    List all the times you've had a sucky customer say that they'll get you fired..

    Just a few minutes ago someone called to say this because, get this, she was twittering and bitching order hadn't been delivered. I told her I was refunding her order and have a nice day and hung up because I was done. She claims I was rude.
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    Was there anything else to it? I mean that if I was twittering and complained that my order hadn't been delivered, then I would think that that was rude but it seems that there are a couple of details that have been left out(?).
    "If ignorance is bliss, then I work in Heaven."


    • #3
      I told her I was refunding, I was sorry and to have a nice day and then I hung up. Apparently I was unaware she wanted to repeat herself for the fifty time.
      "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


      • #4
        "It's the economy" and "I'll have you fired" are sucky customers newest catch-phrases.

        Though "the customer is always right" still crops up from time to time....
        Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


        • #5
          Back when I used to work for Blockbuster, there was a lady that would come in every week and tried to use the same expired coupon. It was one of those deals you got with some cell phone companies as an incentive. It was a card for 6 free rentals but it had expired 2 year prior She somehow had like 20 of them.

          She always came in during my shift so the CSRs just knew to direct her to me. Like clockwork I would ring up her movies and hold out my hold out my hand for the stupid coupon and tell her we didn't except it and rip it up. She would then throw a FIT and tell me she was going to talk to my DM again (she called after the first time and my DM just laughed at her) and get me fired. I would then smile brightly, tell her the due date and "SEE YA NEXT FRIDAY!" It was amusing after the first couple attempts.
          Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


          • #6
            Quoth OfficeSlug View Post
            "It's the economy" and "I'll have you fired" are sucky customers newest catch-phrases.

            Though "the customer is always right" still crops up from time to time....
            "I'll have you fired" isn't new, not by a long shot. It DOES seem to be enjoying something of a resurgence lately, however.

            Over the years, I've had 'threats' of all types thrown at me while working retail. "I'll have you fired" "I'll take my business somewhere else" "I'll call the cops on you" "I'll kick your ass" "I'll sue" "I'll have your legs broken". "This isn't over" "I'll tell my mom" (yes, REALLY!) "I'll get the members of my church to boycott your store". Even "I'll blow this f****** place up." Yes, all these and more. And with only very rare exceptions, it's been because of an exaggerated sense of self-entitlement.


            • #7
              When I worked for a theme park, a mom, dad and young daughter wanted to ride on the bumper cars while I was in charge of letting people into the ride's track area. There was a height requirement to even be seated in one of the cars, and the daughter appeared far below that height. I stopped her and put my measurement pole against her. She was at least six inches too short.

              Mom and Dad went into orbit as the daughter began to howl. Someone that morning had allowed her to ride, so they could not understand why I was no allowing her to do so. I told them that I had no explanation for what might have happened that morning, but I was not allowed to let her on as she was too short to ride according to the height requirements clearly posted at the queue house entrance and three other places in the line. There even was a cartoon character at the entrance holding his hand up to show the required height so that kids could be measured before entering the line.

              Mom and Dad yelled that they would have me fired and went up to the front gate to complain. I got called up there 30 minutes later and was commended for enforcing the rules.
              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


              • #8
                Quoth OfficeSlug View Post
                "It's the economy" and "I'll have you fired" are sucky customers newest catch-phrases.

                Though "the customer is always right" still crops up from time to time....
                Let's not forget "this is unacceptable!", "I don't think that's very fair, because <insert BS rationalization here>", and "I don't think I should have to <comply with completely rational policy>"


                • #9
                  Quoth slavetotheman View Post
                  Let's not forget "this is unacceptable!", "I don't think that's very fair, because <insert BS rationalization here>", and "I don't think I should have to <comply with completely rational policy>"

                  And as long as we are compiling lists - 'we have a problem' and 'I don't have time to apply to rules; I'm a busy man/woman/person/asshat'.


                  • #10
                    Quoth xaenon View Post
                    "I'll have you fired" isn't new, not by a long shot. It DOES seem to be enjoying something of a resurgence lately, however.

                    Over the years, I've had 'threats' of all types thrown at me while working retail. "I'll have you fired"
                    and yes I know that is not JUST the SC's. try having a lower (newly frocked) Management person pull that BS. sorry we know the rules and NO you do not have us over a barrel. and besides the DM has sided with us so take your threats and shove them (will post the detail in MIM)
                    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                    • #11
                      Quoth xaenon View Post
                      Over the years, I've had 'threats' of all types thrown at me while working retail.
                      Let's also not forget the ever-popular "You've ruined my/my kids'/my dog's Christmas/birthday/other holiday!" I got that one relatively often when I worked in the call center of a pet supply store. We had our shipping cutoff dates CLEARLY plastered everywhere, in every catalog sent out after Halloween, all over our website, and on every invoice that was sent out between Halloween and Christmas. It never stopped at least a few people from calling up a week before Christmas and pitching an absolute fit when they were told they'd have to pay for air service or not get their order by Christmas Day. And this was for PET SUPPLIES. Max and Fluffy aren't going to know if their doggy bed comes a few days after Christmas, people.


                      • #12
                        i've worked retail before and so did my brother. his stories were always better than mine and i always got a laugh from his encounters with SC. he worked at a one of those quicky-stop stores and would always have SC come in to try and pull a number on him. it usually had to deal with not having ID for beer or cigarettes.

                        One EW came into his store one night and demanded a case of beer (with no ID, of course). she said she never had a problem with it before and pitched a fit because he wouldn't sell it to her with no ID. so naturally, she starts screaming "I'LL HAVE YOUR JOB!!!"

                        so my brother takes his smock off and says "you want it, bitch? go for it. i make minimum wage and work crappy hours and deal with entitled bitches like yourself all night. here's the keys and enjoy!!"

                        of course, the store was full of customers staring at her now and she goes storming off into the night without her precious beer. she did call his manager and didn't get anywhere with her because the manager agreed with my brother about not selling beer without an ID so SC got exactly squat.

                        i wish i could have done that with the SC i got at my store but i didn't have a great manager like the one my brother had.
                        there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


                        • #13
                          When I still had the paper route, I had some idiot (who wasn't even a customer) say that she'd get me fired...

                          As I was making my deliveries one afternoon, I nearly got hit by a car. Since people tended to fly on that particular street, even when no cars were coming, I'd look both ways, before turning left at the stop sign. No sooner do I get about halfway across the street, some idiot in a red Dodge Lancer comes roaring up the hill, and came within a foot or so of knocking not only me, but the '88 Radio-Flyer was I pulling, into orbit.

                          Needless to say, I yelled something like "learn to drive," and flipped her off. She decided to "put me in my place," and backed up. I got to hear about how I was being "offensive" and that if I did it again, she'd "get me fired."

                          My reaction? "Bring it, bitch" What can I say, other than I was one of my manager's best carriers (1 complaint over 6 years), and could get away with quite a bit. Oh, and there really wasn't any way she could have proven it was me anyway--the wagon didn't have any identifying marks on it, other than the newspaper name and a fake cardboard license plate. Both items...that could be easily removed if necessary. Even so, I never heard a word about it.
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            I heard that one a few times at the gas station.....the biggest threat was usually "Ima tell ye manager!" when I didn't cave in the entitlement whore regular SCs who misbehaved and always asked for freebies or discounts on their stupid coffee.

                            That or the "Don't you know who I am?" card.....oh my lord....that one was the best. Let's see....I see a shitty rusted out pickup truck outside that says "Xyz Plumbing" and I see you looking like you just stepped out of a toilet. I doubt you're anyone important or worth remembering.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              I hear this told to my fellow CWs at least once a week. It's nothing new to us. Sometimes I'm glad I'm an FES because I don't have to deal directly with customers as much as I use to.

