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No crazies, but a crapload of SCs

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  • No crazies, but a crapload of SCs

    On Duty, First SC

    So I went out to relieve my CW. I will admit, she's not really a good register person, because she tends to have an epic conversation with each person who comes through her line. Checking out one person can take forever. Anyway, corporate has this weird rule right now that a relieving staff member can't clock in until the other person has clocked out, unless that other person has been asked to stay late. Don't worry, I don't get gypped on my paycheck cause my manager just changes my hours adds the minutes on at the end of the night. I'm waiting for her to finish the transaction, she's literally opening the register to finish, and the next woman in line goes ape shit.
    Me: I'm just here to relieve her, don't worry, she's almost done.
    Me: Ma'am, I can't do that until I'm clocked in. (CW finishes, I open timeclock and clock in, sign in to the register, and start checking out the other lady. Really, It would have taken longer for her to walk to the other side.)
    Me:I'm sorry, did you just call me an idiot?
    SC: YES!
    Me: Well, you have a lovely night. (SC gets all flustered and leaves.)

    Coupon Lady

    So I put out the papers and fliers, knowing that trouble would follow
    SC: (opens the flier to the coupon commotion section. This flier is through the 3rd, but in BIG BOLD LETTERS it states that the coupons expired on the 28th. Sorry, you're 4 days too late) I want to use all of these
    Me: Oh, those have actually expired
    SC: Where does it say that! (I point to the bold 2" letters. Seriously, it was not fine print) Fine, then I'll do 3 transactions and use this one. (hands me the current 50% off coupon.)
    Me: Well, I can't do separate transactions because the coupon states one per person, not one per transaction. And besides, these items are all on sale.
    Me:...I'm sorry?
    SC: You can't promise 50% off and then not do it.
    Me: Ma'am, it says 50% off one regular priced item. (This isn't one of those coupons that says 50% off in big bold letters and then the rest in .1mm letters. The whole sentence was the same size font, and the regular item part was even highlighted. So SC goes and grabs something just to use her coupon. I'll never understand people who buy more to save.)

    Line Woes

    A huge line erupts. I run up to help my manager. I inform people that this is ONE line and I will pull from that line. Of course people run up to my register anyway. I have a good memory for faces, and I know the exact order.
    Me: Next!
    SC: That's me
    Me: Ma'am, I'm pulling from the front of the line, not the back
    SC: But I'm here!
    Me: But you didn't wait your turn like the others (scolding her as if she's 3. The real next lady comes up and I check her out. SC is standing there still. Jumps in when I'm finished.)
    Me: Ma'am, I won't be able to help you until you get in line. I know you were behind the blond haired lady over there, but you forfeited your spot when you didn't listen and jumped the line.
    SC: HOW DARE YOU! I'M TAKING MY BUSINESS ELSEWHERE! (All she had was a $.50 clearance item, go right ahead.)


    I'm cutting someone's fabric, I'm the only one up front until my CW gets back from her break. Out of the corner of my eye I see a woman walking towards me...on the wrong side of the counter.
    Me: Can I help you?
    SC: I just hafta cut this trim
    Me: I can do that for you when I'm finished with this customer
    SC: I can do it (reaches for the scissor basket)
    Me: No, really, I'll do it
    SC: That's ok, I got it
    Me: Ma'am, please go back to the other side of the counter. This is an employees only area.
    SC: But I don't wanna wait (whining. Really, if you had let me focus on what I was doing, I'd be done. Later my manager comes up to me to vent. Apparently she had found a bunch of stationary with stamps all over it and dirty stamps which now have to go into the damage bin because they're covered in pink ink, and open ink. There were also stickers that were open and stuck to stationary, and one of those scissors with the decorative edge blade had been opened and they tested those on another piece of stationary. We know it was the two girls, because the stuff was covered in pink feathers from their trim, and they had told us they were making invitations to a baby shower and all the stuff she found was baby related stuff. People can be so ignorant.)

    Bag Lady

    A lot of people don't want their stuff in bags now a days, and some even freak out when I give them bags. If a person only has one item I make a point of asking if they want a bag. This lady has a small pack of needles.
    Me: And would you like these in a bag?
    SC: I guess not (said in a snotty tone)
    Me: Ok, have a nice night!
    SC: What, are you rationing them or something! Jesus! (she walks out)
    Next guy: Dude, what was her problem (she's halfway across the parking lot, then turns around, comes storming back in, and literally pushes the guy out of the way)
    SC: You know what, I DO want a bag! (Said in a smug way)
    Me: Ok, here you are
    SC: A BIG ONE!
    Me: Alrighty then
    Next guy: (opens the candy corn he was buying) I think you need some sugar
    Me: Yes please

  • #2
    Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
    Coupon Lady

    So I put out the papers and fliers, knowing that trouble would follow
    SC: (opens the flier to the coupon commotion section. This flier is through the 3rd, but in BIG BOLD LETTERS it states that the coupons expired on the 28th. Sorry, you're 4 days too late) I want to use all of these
    Me: Oh, those have actually expired
    Dude, I took FULL advantage of that particular sale to buy the fabric for my Kefka costume. The coupons from the flyer, coupons from a $3 style magazine and a couple I had saved from prior mailings to get $180 of fabric for $100.

    The lady cutting my fabric didn't even blink at the 10 bolts in my cart as I handed her the bolts and read off the yardages from my list. I've been there enough that they know me pretty well now. Though some of the customers had trouble wrapping their heads around the concept that I was dressing up as a crazy clown mage for fun.
    A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


    • #3
      I could never figure out why some people buy stuff on sale that they wouldn't usually buy. How are you saving money if you don't normally buy it? & then there are those people who go out of their way to buy a sale item. A good example of this would be gas. Say the place you usually get gas is advertising gas at $2.40 a gallon & another place miles away from where you usually go is advertised at $2.25. By the time you get the cheaper gas & drive all the way back home from there then the money that you saved, you just wasted in driving further than you would normally go.
      People need to stop & think about what they're doing!


      • #4
        People need to stop & think about what they're doing!

        Never gonna happen, my friend.

        Customers are what customers are.

        (which is why we're here!)
        Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


        • #5
          Quoth Tigress View Post
          Dude, I took FULL advantage of that particular sale to buy the fabric for my Kefka costume.
          You have to post pics when you're done!
          "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
          - H. Beam Piper


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            Next guy: (opens the candy corn he was buying) I think you need some sugar
            Me: Yes please
            I love candy corn. It is one of the few candies that I will literally eat until I'm sick. Yes, I have done this. This is why I never buy the stuff.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Fire_on_High View Post
              You have to post pics when you're done!
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Me:I'm sorry, did you just call me an idiot?
                SC: YES!
                Me: Well, you have a lovely night. (SC gets all flustered and leaves.)
                Heh, I love your response.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Quoth Tigress View Post
                  the concept that I was dressing up as a crazy clown mage for fun.
                  I'm only partially certain why, but you just reminded me of one of Kefka's "intro" quotes from Dissidia:

                  "One of us isn't taking this seriously."

                  He says this as he merrily prances onto the battlefield.

                  Gotta love the K-man.
                  "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                  "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                  "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                  "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                  "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                  "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                  Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                  "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                  • #10
                    Quoth Tigress View Post
                    Dude, I took FULL advantage of that particular sale to buy the fabric for my Kefka costume. The coupons from the flyer, coupons from a $3 style magazine and a couple I had saved from prior mailings to get $180 of fabric for $100.

                    The lady cutting my fabric didn't even blink at the 10 bolts in my cart as I handed her the bolts and read off the yardages from my list. I've been there enough that they know me pretty well now. Though some of the customers had trouble wrapping their heads around the concept that I was dressing up as a crazy clown mage for fun.
                    hehe, I third the pictures thing. Yeah, that was an awesome sale, especially since it's time to start making costumes. I like that you actually knew how much you needed. I get so many people who toss fabric and patterns at me and expect me to figure everything out or people who change their mind 8 million times. I've even had people who needed to see the fabric actually cut to know if it's enough. Come on, I can't magically reattach the fabric with my mind (As some people seem to think. I get so many requests from people who want me to sew stuff for them. I'm a yarn person, I can sew a straight line and that's about it.)

