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"Is it new?"

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  • "Is it new?"

    I knew I was on to a winner with this one the second he walked through the door, tapped me on the shoulder having walked past my manager behind the empty desk and demanded...not asked....DEMANDED to be shown to "That cat book you have in the window...NOW..."

    I make what I considered to be the very valid point that there are at least 3 books and a set of notecards into the window with cats on, which end of the window was it in, what does the jacket look like? (The window is divided into two sections, half for kids books and half for everything else) Naturally, due to his highly pressing schedule and the fact that I am a mere peasant in comparison to his holiness, he doesn't appreciate the question and proceeds to inform me that he "doesn't have time for me to mess him around" and he wants me to show him "the bloody cat book RIGHT NOW".

    I lead him to the most likely section which seems to have been a gamble worth playing since he pounces on a book there as if it were the grail and waves me off with a limp wristed hand. I go back to putting the stock out.

    He wanders up to the counter, by this time my manager is fielding a phonecall, so, seeing as he's huffing and sighing cos she's just not getting off that phone quick enough for his majesty, I go to serve him.

    Him: "This is grubby. I want a clean copy."
    Me: "I'm sorry sir, the only copies we have are the two you just looked at and the display in the window."
    Him: "The other two were worse than this. *pauses and flips over book to point out teeniest tiniest brown smudge of shelfwear* Look at this! It's filthy! Is it even new? What is this, chocolate?"
    Me: "Well that's an awful waste of chocolate sir! How about I just lick that right offa there for you! I'm sure it'll comeup a treat with a lil spit shine and then everyone's happy, I've had my snack for the day and you get a shiny clean NEW book!"

    Relax...I didn't...I gave it a bit of a polish and mr.stroppy went on his way without saying thank you...but in my head I was screaming it... Is it new ...ooops, ya caught us...there we were thinking we'd just randomly shove a few third hand charity shop jobs on the shelves to see if we could con you poor unsuspecting customers out of a vastly reduced RRP...silly us for thinking you wouldn't spot it...OF COURSE IT'S NEW...moron...

    Christmas is shaping up to be a good one....*waves teeniest flag in the world*

  • #2
    Oh yes, the same sort of customer who rips the plastic wrapping off of a book so they can see what it looks like - and then buys a plastic wrapped one. Leaving the one they opened now out for general wear and tear like the other three copies that were aready open and sitting there!


    • #3
      Well, at least he has an appreciation for the written word...
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth Reyneth View Post
        Oh yes, the same sort of customer who rips the plastic wrapping off of a book so they can see what it looks like - and then buys a plastic wrapped one. Leaving the one they opened now out for general wear and tear like the other three copies that were aready open and sitting there!
        I've had customers ask me to make sure a certain toy worked.
        Not a problem!
        So, I'd take it out, put batteries in it, flip the switch and viola!
        It works!
        Then, without missing a beat, they'd grab another one that hadn't been opened and buy it.

        "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


        • #5
          Oh god, I get this with packs of paper for crying out loud! People open a pack of paper, look at it, because as we all know, 'Paper' could mean anything from marshmallows through to rusty nails, and then pick up an unopened pack. It just boggles the mind.
          Reviews of games, movies and more at The Review Bucket


          • #6
            Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
            I'd be more inclined to buy the one the clerk opened and demonstrated. At least I know that one works and has all its parts.
            And you might get free batteries with it
            And the sky was full of stars... and every star, an exploding ship, one of ours...


            • #7
              Yes, IMAPseudonym, but then, you're not an SC.
              Apparently, an unopened box develops the plague or something the minute the seal is broken, so can't buy that one!

              There is no comprehending the SC mindset.
              I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago. The only thing that kept me going most of my retail days was the fact that I knew that one day I'd remember those moments and LAUGH at the idiots I had to deal with!
              And here we are.

              This website is better than any therapist that ever lived.

              "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


              • #8
                Quoth Lulu View Post
                Him: "The other two were worse than this. *pauses and flips over book to point out teeniest tiniest brown smudge of shelfwear* Look at this! It's filthy! Is it even new? What is this, chocolate?"
                "No Sir, I do believe it is feces."




                • #9
                  Quoth Lulu View Post
                  Me: "Well that's an awful waste of chocolate sir! How about I just lick that right offa there for you! I'm sure it'll comeup a treat with a lil spit shine and then everyone's happy, I've had my snack for the day and you get a shiny clean NEW book!"

                  Relax...I didn't...
                  Darn it! I was so hoping you did. Needed the proverbial swipe of the boot in his rear, if you ask me.
                  No good news is good bad news


                  • #10
                    "No Sir, I do believe it is feces."
                    because we hire monkeys to stock the shelves...
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      I did this!

                      Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
                      I'd be more inclined to buy the one the clerk opened and demonstrated. At least I know that one works and has all its parts.
                      I was looking for a new Notebook computer at Best Buy. The clerk opened one up and showed me it (including powering it on). I decided I wanted that one and then she said "Shall I get you an unopened one" and I said "No, I know this one works." I was thinking about this site when she asked me that.
                      "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
                      - Nathaniel Borenstein

