It's that time of year again for those of us up north in the states: snow season
Usually by now we've had our first snow (it's never bad, never too cold but chilly). We just had our first snow yesterday... here enters the bitchers... er SC's.
SC: Is this kind of early for snow???
Me: No, by now we have usually gotten a dusting at least. (Keep in mind, it did snow today but it rained after and most of the snow went into liquid form)
SC: OMG this is horrible!!! I didn't bring a winter jacket!!! (Side note, more often then not as I grew up in Montana I have had to venture forth on Halloween through snow... If there isn't snow, it's freakn' cold!) So, what's the weather going to be like the farther west I go?
Me: go into the mountains farther west so...more snow.
SC: (Wait for it, idiot SC moment coming
Well, as long as it's not on the roads, I don't care.
Me: ... ... ... *blink blink* (I had to say it!) Well, it can't avoid the roads so that is the bad thing about it....
SC: *stare in horror*
I have had a handfull of people already freak out about the cold...Hello this is Montana. Sure, this part has the milder winter (southern/bottom area of the state) but it does get cold and snowy here. The fact that people freak out about this....makes me sad for them.
Usually by now we've had our first snow (it's never bad, never too cold but chilly). We just had our first snow yesterday... here enters the bitchers... er SC's.
SC: Is this kind of early for snow???
Me: No, by now we have usually gotten a dusting at least. (Keep in mind, it did snow today but it rained after and most of the snow went into liquid form)
SC: OMG this is horrible!!! I didn't bring a winter jacket!!! (Side note, more often then not as I grew up in Montana I have had to venture forth on Halloween through snow... If there isn't snow, it's freakn' cold!) So, what's the weather going to be like the farther west I go?
Me: go into the mountains farther west so...more snow.
SC: (Wait for it, idiot SC moment coming

Me: ... ... ... *blink blink* (I had to say it!) Well, it can't avoid the roads so that is the bad thing about it....
SC: *stare in horror*
I have had a handfull of people already freak out about the cold...Hello this is Montana. Sure, this part has the milder winter (southern/bottom area of the state) but it does get cold and snowy here. The fact that people freak out about this....makes me sad for them.