Anyone who knows anything about the military knows that above all else, rules are rules. Sensible or stupid, that's all there is to it. Wonder if hubby dearest knew she was acting like an entitlement whore?
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total bitch
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Quoth Lachrymose View PostPerfect!
Or: Okay, since your husband served, he can have the discount....
Or even better: "Ma'am, you do realize that this is a reflection on him as a X (soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine), and that his Y (1Sgt or CPO) would likely be very concerned that his wife is browbeating a civilian to get a discount , and if contacted your husband may very well be called to account for your behavior?"
Yeah, I've been led to understand that the army doesn't care much for misbehavior. And enlisted chick was stalking one of the guys in my band years ago and after all the crap he went through to get rid of her, one letter to her superior and the problem got instantly solved.
I don't know what happened to her. I just know she was no longer a problem.
Quoth Jack Doe View PostOr even better: "Ma'am, you do realize that this is a reflection on him as a X (soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine), and that his Y (1Sgt or CPO) would likely be very concerned that his wife is browbeating a civilian to get a discount , and if contacted your husband may very well be called to account for your behavior?"
ooooh! that's a good one! When the hubby was in the military that was absolutely true, you misbehave on base and your husband might actually be called on the carpet to deal with said behavior. Good threat."No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh
Quoth thatcrazyredhead View PostMy fiancé spent 15 months in Iraq after serving a 12 month tour in Afghanistan. I am very proud of him, but I would never try to use his service to get a discount. What an EW.
I'll occasionally ask if a place has a military discount, but that's only if I'm there in person and can show my ID. And if they don't have one? Ah well, never hurts to ask.
Granted, if I get one here in Virgina Beach, I'm actually a bit surprised because this is a military town and a lot of places gave up on discounts years ago.Waiter? ... Waiter?
Curses! When will I ever remember- Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restauraunt.
Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View PostI don't know what happened to her.
Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View letter to her superior and the problem got instantly solved.
See, a lot of officers in the military do NOT like anyone under their command making the uniform or the branch in question look bad, and so when such things do happen, they call the person below them on the carpet and chew them a new one so badly that their mother feels it.
I live in a Navy town, and know a lot of Navy (and Coast Guard) folks, and know that a lot of the commanders would NOT put up with a lot of the shit that some people try to pull. Hell, a lot of grunts would rather have to deal with the civilian police than ever have their CO find out they were being bad.
Quoth SteveZim1017 View PostAny Vet I've ever met has NEVER asked for special treatment.Last edited by Jester; 10-07-2009, 09:08 PM.
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
Quoth Jester View Post(like serving them alcohol even if they are underaged, just because they served in the military)"I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
Yup. Enlistment age in the US is basically as long as you start basic (or acadamy if you're going the officer route) on or after your 18th, you're good. Drinking age is 21. Anything more on the topic is, well, Fratching-worthy, so I'll leave it at the facts.
Thread-drift strikes again!
Oh, right. I always forget it's 21 in the US (and I believe also in the UK?)..."I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
Quoth Jester View Post"Smith, if you don't get your ASS in shape and start ACTING like a goddamned SOLDIER, I am going to have you busted so low on the totem that you'll be saluting enlisted assholes in BOOT CAMP! You got me, Smith? I don't want to hear one goddamn word about you bothering this civilian ever again, or I'll be so far up your ass you'll think you're shitting Sergeant every morning! Do you underSTAND me? GOOD! Dis.....MISSED!" (My civilian non-military impression of what might happen, based purely on Hollywood and stories I've heard from military folks.)
I live in a military town so I often get asked if we give military discounts. Unfortuantely we don't, since we are starting to open stores on bases now. However, there is no store on the base in our town but we still aren't allowed to do military discounts. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
However usually when I explain that we don't offer it, everyone understands and doesn't bitch. I have the utmost respect for people in uniform but I don't believe you deserve everything on a silver platter simply because you fought for our freedom."If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant
I hate to say it, but those that always whine for the military discount SUCK! Yes I know you are serving our wonderful country. My wife was in the Navy for 6 years. 4 of those years we spent in Sicily at the base there. I worked at the bowling center there. It was on the base and for use by the people stationed there or traveling through. Got it - Only Military members and families...
Can anyone guess what one of the questions asked to me the most was?
If you guess something about a military discount you would be right. No there is no military discount on something that only AUTHORIZED military members and family get (yes there were checks of military ID cards).
Honestly a discount for military members is great if the company is willing to offer it - and NEVER should any military member or family member feel entitled to it.
(I also have to say that yes, I have heard people at the Navy Exchange asking for a military discount - when they only serve the military and those authorized, and there is no sales tax on anything no matter what state you are in - and again very strict ID checks).
My dad served in combat in two wars.
Whenever anyone played the combat veteran card with him, he asked the man what unit he was in or what his MOS was.
Amazing how many "combat veterans" served their country by fixing the ice machines in the bars at the officer's club.
The teeth-to-tail ratio in the US military means that many Iraq vets never left the security of their bases. This isn't true if you're infantry/Marine but applies to most Navy and Air Force personnel.
So, yeah, I respect your service but don't try to BS me by passing yourself off as someone risked his life in combat everyday he was in Iraq.