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Loyalty cards...

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  • Loyalty cards...

    So, my department store has very popular loyalty cards (called clubcards) which you must ask for in every sale. They really are the worst part of being on tills, particularly when after having the uttered the phrase 'Do you have a clubcard?' a few hundred times in a few hours, it's all too easy to forget to say it for the one sale. Then when the till is open out comes the dreaded phrase' Oh I have a clubcard' after it's too late to get it go through.

    Me: Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask you. (Never mind the fact that there are clubcard signs dangling from the ceilings and that the till screen facing the customer says "Please present your VALUEclubcard"). It's too late to put it through now, sorry.
    SC: You never asked me.
    Me: Yes I'm sorry.
    SC: Well that's no good to me. I want my points! Put them back on!
    Me: I'm sorry but we have no way of doing that
    SC: For God's sake!! Well what are you going to about it? Will the customer service refund me and out it back on?
    Me: No I'm sorry, they won't do that.

    Ughhh. Most of the time it's less than 12 points or something. Sure I should have asked but it's so easy to miss one on mental days (every day is mental) and past the not asking, nothing is my fault!

    SC: Will I get points for this? (transaction: 75cent)
    Me: Sorry but no, you'd need to spend at least a euro to earn points.
    SC: Well that's a joke! Every little counts it should all add up, that's ridiculous!! I want points for that blah blah...

    not my fault you scabby bitch now let me serve the rest of the MASSIVE line.

    SC: You haven't sent me any clubcard vouchers!

    Oh I'm so sorry! Part of my job description! They're never happy with being told to ting the freephone number on the card to check point balance/address no I should be able to print off vouchers for them on my till or something.

    SC: Can I use these? (clubcard vouchers anything from 2 weeks to 2 YEARS out of date).
    Me: I'm sorry but I can't accept out of date vouchers.
    SC: And why not?? (because I'd get a warning DUHHH)

    rant...rant..Superquinn (rival supermarket) would honour them!

    Do.Not.Care. So much more trouble than they're worth.

  • #2
    You are describing my job

    I have the exact same problems with the whole "no I don't have a card-oh is it too late to do so." I actually got in trouble with that one once. (not my fault, CW's fault because she HAD asked, but the lady said no, THEN she pulls out a card as soon as my CW opens the drawer. She then comes back to ME (doing CW's break) and asks.)

    Fortunately, any vouchers are done automatically through the card.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Quoth fireheart17 View Post
      Fortunately, any vouchers are done automatically through the card.
      Yay for immediate discounts upon presentation of the card!
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        I will never understand why it's so damn hard for people to be prepared with their shopping.
        For all the stores I have point cards at I have the card IN HAND while I'm going through the check out.
        If you're incapable of preparing yourself for something that the store gives you as a courtesy (note: you're not entitled to it, fuck bag, it's a courtesy) then you've missed your chance. Better luck next time.


        • #5
          I'm so prepared with my discount key tags, I often let the people ahead of me use mine. First to get them through the damn line faster, then to gain the extra points.

          Ain't I altruistic?
          Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


          • #6
            Man I hate loyalty cards. I go through this everyday.

            Me: Do you have your K+ card
            SC: ignores me
            Me: *Starts scanning*
            SC: Isn't that suppose to $2.99!!
            Me: Yes with your K+ card.
            SC: But it's $2.99!!!
            Me: Yes ma'am it'll be that once I scan your card.
            SC: Well you didn't ask for the card!


            • #7
              The cinema has just introduced a loyalty card. That you have to pay for.

              There is a huge push to sell it. I am really glad that I don't work downstairs anymore.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Quoth cinema guy View Post
                The cinema has just introduced a loyalty card. That you have to pay for.

                There is a huge push to sell it. I am really glad that I don't work downstairs anymore.
                I'm so glad ours are free. It's bad enough they're having us push the Company Master Card Credit Card.


                • #9
                  This brings back horrible memories of the Subway Cards. I'm so glad they abolished those in my location. They were honestly nothing but a slew of problems. Basically the computer was set up the same to where you had to swipe their cards during the transaction and not after. Most people had their cards ready with their payment but there were also a lot of idiots who after everything was rung up would be like "Oh, I have one of these!"

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                  • #10
                    Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                    I'm so prepared with my discount key tags, I often let the people ahead of me use mine. First to get them through the damn line faster, then to gain the extra points.
                    Best way to deal with loyalty cards.



                    • #11
                      In the early '80's I worked at a bookstore that had one of the first discount cards in the area. For the first 2 years or so, the cards were free. After that, they went up to $9 per year, and would get you 20% off most purchases (everybody got 10% off list price) and 40% off NYT best-seller titles. You had to be a serious bibliophile back then to make that card earn it's cost! But yeah, they were a pain in the butt.
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

