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I have to pay for the room, but you seemed so nice!

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  • I have to pay for the room, but you seemed so nice!

    Most of the guests who stayed at the hotel I worked at liked me because I was so sweet and helpful. If they wanted a tour of the rooms before they rented I'd give it to them. If they wanted a discount on their room, I would try to find one. However, there are always those who just aren't satisfied.

    Once night a few days after Hurricane Bill, a woman came in looking for a room. I took her around and showed her the different types of rooms we offered. As we were walking she kept complimenting me on how sweet I was. She even asked a few times if I was the owner because "Hotel Staff are never this sweet."

    After showing her one of each kind of room, she decides she wants an ocean view room with a balcony. But not the one I showed her, because the view wasn't perfect. I showed her four more rooms before she found the one she wanted. As we were going back to the desk she asked how much the room would be. I told her the price, and she said it wasn't good enough. I asked her a few questions, and told her that I could give her a twenty dollar discount. She said it wasn't enough. I offered her a less expensive room, but she refused. She wanted that room, but not for that cost.

    She offered to pay me 60 dollars in cash for the room. The cost of the room normally was double that. I told her that I could not do that, but I could apply a special emergency discount that would make the cost of the room a little less than 90 dollars. She said my boss did not need to know I was giving her the room for so cheap, I didn't even need to put her in the computer. I explained that I can't make real keys for a room unless it's in the computer. She told me she'd think about it, but was going to go to dinner with her family first.

    Half An Hour Later
    SC= Alright I'll take that room. 60 dollars cash right?
    Me= No I told you, ma'am. The best I can do is 90 and even that is a severe price cut from the actual cost of the room.
    SC= You promised me 60 dollars cash.
    Me= No, ma'am I did not.
    SC= I didn't look for any other hotels because you promised I could have the room for 60 dollars cash. It's too late to find a room now.
    Me=(It was 7pm) I'm sorry ma'am but this is the best I can do.
    SC= You seemed so nice before, why are you being mean.
    Me= I'm not being mean. I just can't give you a lower price than what I'm offering.
    SC= When did you get so mean?

    This continued for a while. She had to retrieve her husband and he confronted me on my "promise." I was going to kick them out, when they finally agreed to take the room.

    I was so happy I wasn't the one to check that family out.
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

  • #2
    apparently she has selective memory when it comes to money. not cool
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      It almost sounds like she was buttering you up. The hotel staff I encounter are always nice.

      "Oh, you're so sweet, are you the owner? Give me a cheap room, you're so nice..."


      • #4
        You just know she pulled crap come morning. I think I'd pull the "You're right, it IS quite late. The special pricing is no longer valid and I can only offer that room for $120"
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          You just know she pulled crap come morning. I think I'd pull the "You're right, it IS quite late. The special pricing is no longer valid and I can only offer that room for $120"
          Honestly when we are full up and it's late I don't put up with that stuff. I tell them how much the room is, and tell them the computer says I should charge them an extra twenty because we are so full. So do you want to play normal prices, or the extra twenty?
          Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

          Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
          Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


          • #6
            What an EW, to make such a big deal about the view not being "perfect" enough for her, and then insist that the room which she chose is too expensive. Whose fault is that, hmmmmm? And to try and take advantage of your kindness like that is just I hope she had to sleep in her car or something
            "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


            • #7
              did you check with the person who checked her out the next day? I bet she told the clerk, "I was told to tell you to give me a refund of $30. The price was $60 but the computer would only only let me have the room for $90 so the nice person last night said that I can get a $30 refund in the morning."

              Or some scam like that.
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #8
                I left a note about it for the person in the morning. I also told the Nigh Auditor about it. So it was written almost in stone by the next morning.

                It still shocks me how many people think they could pay me under the table.
                Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                • #9
                  or in the alley beside the dumpsters


                  • #10
                    Quoth sylvier View Post
                    or in the alley beside the dumpsters
                    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                    • #11
                      Quoth sylvier View Post
                      or in the alley beside the dumpsters
                      Now that's more my coworkers deal.
                      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

