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Spring Break! WOOOOOOOOOO!

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  • Spring Break! WOOOOOOOOOO!

    I work for a large corporate chain of Las Vegas casinos and I mostly book free or discounted rooms for players card holders. But I can book "general" reservations for people without players club cards.

    One of our properties happens to be a very popular and iconic resort that was recently featured in the highest grossing R rated comedy movie of all time.

    I got a call the other night from a house full of 6 southern college kids. They asked me to quote the absolute cheapest rates possible for spring break. I was super nice to them even though they rubbed me the wrong way (they were dong that "I'm above you because I go to college thing and your just some loser in a plebeian job" thing (you know that attitude of someone who hasn't experienced the "real" world yet).

    I feel bad because I sold them are lowest level room type (the ones that were built with the casino in the 70's and 80's and not remodeled). I hate booking the "classic" rooms, I don't think they fit at all with the image people think of in their heads when they demand this property and none other. I hope they are not disappointed because they spent $1,500 for 5 nights on two rooms with pea green carpet and 27 inch CRT TVs. I hope the don't think that that money will get them anything close to what they've seen in the movies (*mentally challenged guy with a gift for playing blackjack* or *bachelor party gone wrong but right*). I think in the future I will describe the room type I'm booking in more detail than "two queen beds non smoking". Do I worry too much? Am I too nice?

  • #2
    You're probably being too nice. Be honest about it if they ask, but anyone with common sense will understand that the best rooms are not going to be sold for the absolute cheapest rates, and the movies are not going to show anything but the upper/best rooms.

    I went to Las Vegas this summer for a friend's wedding - it was good to go once, but I'm glad I don't live there and I don't plan to go back. I've never had so many people try to push advertising on me or rip me off - it was about once a day someone tried to scam me with some great deal, and by the way, there's only a small charge here...

    The other thing I remember is the dingdingdingding of the slot machines... slot machines in casinos, in restaurants, in shops, in the airport. I cringe a little now when I hear that type of dinging.


    • #3
      You're worrying too much. Since it's for spring break, after they check in they will probably be too drunk too care what the rooms are like.


      • #4
        Quoth dbuzman View Post
        You're worrying too much. Since it's for spring break, after they check in they will probably be too drunk too care what the rooms are like.
        Besides, I'm betting the hotel is less uptight about a bunch of guys getting drunk and potentially trashing one of the "vintage" rooms than if they were on the Strip in one of the shiny new rooms.

        Charging groups like that for any damage they cause is might be a decent revenue maker to fund the renovations.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          Quoth Hanzoku View Post
          The other thing I remember is the dingdingdingding of the slot machines... slot machines in casinos, in restaurants, in shops, in the airport. I cringe a little now when I hear that type of dinging.
          This. I get queasy from all the slot machines making the same type of sound but not all together at the same time. I noticed that when someone wins, it does a much different type of sound that breaks up the din and it makes me less nauseous and my head ache feel better... for a moment. I know this must not be an accident.
          I was not hired to respond to those voices.


          • #6
            Quoth poofy_puff View Post
            I know this must not be an accident.
            it's not... nothing in the casinos is done by accident. They make the sound of winning so pleasing as a way to get more people to play... if for no other reason than to hear that sound of winning more. Hell, the very placement of the machines is intentional so you get a proper mix of game noises to make it seem more exciting.
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
              Do I worry too much? Am I too nice?
              In this case, yes. And this is why:

              Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
              I was super nice to them even though they rubbed me the wrong way (they were dong that "I'm above you because I go to college thing and your just some loser in a plebeian job" thing (you know that attitude of someone who hasn't experienced the "real" world yet).
              The fact that you were even nice to them makes me nauseous, considering the attitude they gave you.

              The fact that you worry that these fuckwits are going to be disappointed with their accommodations makes me laugh, and makes me think you either have a severe neurosis, or are way too nice for your own good. Or both.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
                I got a call the other night from a house full of 6 southern college kids. They asked me to quote the absolute cheapest rates possible for spring break.
                I'm just wondering why they're booking now for Spring Break. Can you book that far in advance?
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  I'm just wondering why they're booking now for Spring Break. Can you book that far in advance?

                  Sometimes you have to for an event like Spring Break, or Mardi Gras, or what have you.
                  I was not hired to respond to those voices.


                  • #10
                    Couldn't you have sold them a space in the dumpster out in the alley behind the kitchen?


                    • #11
                      Hell, they'll probably end up there anyway


                      • #12
                        Don't worry about them getting a crappy room. I've did it at the end of the summer with my friends once we were all 21. We rented as cheap a room as we could at the casino we wanted, and the only time we spend there was when we passed out at 4am. That's all the room is, a place to sleep at night. Very little time is even spent in there.
                        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                        • #13
                          I was nice to them because I LOVE what I do and I love that I have my own unique eccentric style. I get paid to help people have a good time in Vegas and it's super fun to piece the puzzle together. I just can't help being me and doing the best I can for everyone. I never dick anyone over, but I do treat nice people and not so nice people differently. If your nice I will send all sorts of requests to the front desk (sometimes stuff you didn't even know to ask for), I'll waive fees, if your a player (or two players) I will cherry-pick which computer system makes your "magic number" look the best (we have a number based on play that the front desk sees in the corner of every reservation, they use this number in order to make decisions regarding room assignment and upgrades). If your a dick I won't do any of this.

                          I just am always paranoid booking paid reservations at this property because people hold a certain image of it in their heads. Yes, it is a very nice hotel but it is HUGE. Their bread and butter for many years have been the super big high rollers and anyone less (and those who don't play) get a little lost in the shuffle. The classic rooms from the 70's and 80's are nice (the bathrooms are almost all marble) but they come from a different time when a super nice room is Vegas had a different standard (smaller and simpler). For the same money at some of our other properties I can get a guest a chic modern room done in designer fashion, it's bigger with name brand appointments, 2 flat screen tv's (versus one small CRT), and an Ipod dock. I dunno why I feel so weird about it, they do get to tell their friends "I stayed at *hotel from movies*!" and for lots thats all that matters.


                          • #14
                            BTW, we can and do book up to 9 months in advance (you could plan to give birth to a baby in our rooms I guess).

                            This time around I think these guest may have lost out, City Center opens in December and it will be one of the largest hotels in the world. It is one of our competitors and I think with that massive number of rooms coming online we'll see room rates drop across the board.

