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How NOT to convince a lifeguard to close doors...(Long *weep*)

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  • How NOT to convince a lifeguard to close doors...(Long *weep*)

    Setting: YMCA pool. Pretty decent size. Staff door at one end (leads to lobby), locker-doors on one side, and a backdoor at the far end. (I should just start using pictures...)
    1) Sunny: Yours truely. Sadly.
    2) SC: Grumpy old lady. Surprise surprise.

    Okay, so, three months ago? Time flies. Three months ago I was showed up for work at the usual 5:30AM. Sign in, grab the keys, take two steps into the pool area and stop. The air system is off, and it feels like it's been that way all night. This may not mean much, but it's usually ~100 degrees or so outside at that time of the year, and usually a few degrees hotter INSIDE.

    And my air was turned off. D:

    FINE. Good thing I can handle heat, right? Normally we throw open the backdoors for fresh air anyway, so I just went ahead and propped them both allll the way open. Move the Guard chair as close to the doors as I can, and good to go! Everything is hunky-dorey for, oh, and hour or so. Maybe less.
    Then in walks a certain crazy old lady, our SC of the story. A brief explantion: She has been coming here for little periods of time over the last ten years or so. She's also one of those old people that feel that by BEING old, she has authority over everyone else that's not as old as she is.

    Think you can see where this is going? Just wait. -.-
    She comes in, heads to 'her' part of the pool which happens to be at the far end from me (and the doors, remember that), and starts her 'workout'. What with it still being really hot (read: 95+), I was up and pacing around the pool edge. Beat melting in one spot.

    So at one point I walked past her area, and she motioned me over.
    SC: "So why do you have the doors open?"
    Me: <---still not suspecting anything "Beeecause it's hot and the air isn't working?"
    SC: "Oh really? Not bothered by mosquitos, are you?"
    Me: "...Well no, not really. Too much clorine in the air for the little buggers."
    I give a shrug and start walking around again. After another circle or two, she motions me back over.
    SC: "You /do/ know mosquitos could be carrying malaria or west nile, right?"
    Me: "....I, uh, suppose they could? >.>?" (Last I checked, west nile was nowhere NEAR this part of the country, and is Malaria even present in North America?)
    SC: "...But you're still going to keep those doors open?"
    Me: "Well, yes. I seriously doubt there's any mosquitos with either of those nearby."

    This pretty much went on for the next two days (luckly the air system was fixed that evening; But I habitually kept at least one door open) in much the same vein. (SC: "*Same drivel about disese carrying mosquitos*" Me: "And a circius train could have a train wreck just outside and I could have lions and tigers and bears, OH MY. :|")

    Well she started getting more and more pushy about it, to which I kept responding with "Lady, none of the bugs that make it in can even SMELL you over the water and the clorine and other chemicals." Finally one day she started in with the "I have learned that I have the right to ask that the doors be closed, and that's what I'm doing."

    Me: "And I have the right to decline to do so on account that I'm hot and I like the fresh air. :|"
    SC: "You're supposed to do what the patrons ask, and I'm a patron, and I am /asking/ that you close those doors!"
    Me: O.o? "Actually, if you actually read the rule sheet, you'll notice that the lifeguard, and I quote, 'has final authority i---*"

    This was about the point that she snapped, and it occured to me that she had to be crazy.
    SC: "You don't have final authority! Your BOSS has more authority, and the BOARD OF DIRECTORS had more authority, and *stabs at the sky* GOD HAS MORE AUTHORITY!"
    Me: o.o "....Now see-"
    SC: *not going to stop her rant, ooohh no.* "This orgnization was founded by Christan people with a Christian attuidie and I don't think you're acting very Christian-like and more like a HEATHEN*"

    This was where her ranting stopped being coherent. She went on for a good five mins total before storming off and out of the pool area. Luckily, the only other people in there at the time had eyes about as big as I did! I mean, I've been called alot of things while on duty, but a heathen? >.>

    Flash forward to the next day: I get word from my supervisor and ceo that APPARENTLY miss SC had somehow gotten the phone numbers of the /entire/ board of directors; and had spent most of that evening calling them at their homes. We had a quick discussion, and decided that while all three of us were of the view that I was actually completely in my right to not have to close the silly doors (and that SC should /probably/ be kicked out or something), we figured it would be less headaches all around if I just go ahead and simply avoid the maniac for awhile.

    Luckily, she seems to have vanished about a month or more ago, and haven't had to deal with her since. I have no doubt she'll be back at the worst moment, but oh well. On another note, by all accounts she is legally Bi-Polar, and (unsurpsingly) refuses to take her meds for it. So, um, yeah. >.>
    Last edited by Sunflash; 10-22-2009, 04:26 PM.

  • #2
    Maybe she caught malaria from all those mosquitos in the pool


    • #3
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        Or maybe the old witch had a house dropped on her.


        • #5
          Hmmm, for a 'good christian' she sure wasn't very nice to you. Sad, sad excuse for being an entitlement whore. I hate when they bring religion into the argument.
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            I forgot to add this (editing it in at the end), but it turns out she actuall /is/ legally crazy to one degree or another.

            More exact, she's Bi-Polar and refuses to take her meds by all accounts. >.>


            • #7
              *stabs at the sky* GOD HAS MORE AUTHORITY!"
              And as soon as you get him to come here and tell me to shut the doors, I will, until such other time, I have more authority regarding the running of this facility than you do.

              ^ My response would have been something along those lines.
              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


              • #8
                I seriously thought about throwing something like that out, but by the time I was finished recovering from the insanity she was already half-way to the door. D:

                Oh well. I wouldn't be surprised if I get another chance down the line. >.>


                • #9
                  It must be something about the Y that draws out the crazy old ladies...

                  We had a group at my first Y (a whole class devoted to cranky old bats) that got their karma returned to them by having the ceiling tiles fall on them. Most exciting and strangest day of my lifeguarding career. Don't teach you about that in your guarding class

                  And trust me when I say these ladies were horrible to us. We weren't worth the dirt on their shoes (or maybe the chlorine in their saggy, fadded swimsuits). Finally got to the point that I was the only one willing to guard them. And I did so very reluctantly.


                  • #10
                    I suppose she's right. Your boss, the board of directors, and God DO have more authority. But unless she can produce some identification saying that she's your boss, a member of the Board of Directors, or God, then you still overrule her.

                    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


                    • #11
                      That reminds me of Favorite Seat Lady. FSL was this older woman that used to ride a bus I would ride while looking for work. Now I don't know about other busses but the ones in this area always have side facing seats meant as priority seating for elderly and disabled people.

                      Now there are 12 such seats six on either side of the bus. The first time I saw FSL I didn't anything of it. There was one girl sitting in one of the seats the other 11 were empty she walks up to the girl and says, "Excuse me miss could you please move that is my favorite seat." The girl shrugged said sure thing and moved.

                      Fast forward to the very next day again very empty bus one girl, different girl, sitting in those seats on the opposite side and 4 seats down from the FSL's favorite seat. She gets on sees the girl walks over and says, "Excuse me miss could you please move that is my favorite seat" I was stunned.

                      I spoke to the bus driver apparently this lady likes feeling power over younger people so makes someone move everytime she boards.


                      • #12
                        SC: *not going to stop her rant, ooohh no.* "This orgnization was founded by Christan people with a Christian attuidie and I don't think you're acting very Christian-like and more like a HEATHEN*"
                        I really hope you follow some Pagan religion...
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          If I had been faster on my feet, I would've thrown out something like ' HAIL ZESUS' or 'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD', but...
                          ah well. Probably for the best anyhow. >.>


                          • #14
                            We've had to moderate a couple of posts, so...

                            Just a reminder not to turn this into a "Christian bashing" thread.

                            Generalizations are never a good thing.
                            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Ree View Post
                              We've had to moderate a couple of posts, so...

                              Just a reminder not to turn this into a "Christian bashing" thread.

                              Generalizations are never a good thing.
                              I agree completely but is it out of line for me to giggle at the irony of the last line?
                              Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
                              Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.

