Okay, I am going to take the other side here. Don't get me wrong, the guest was an ass. But I don't think it would be a bad idea for the bike shop to give the hotel clerk (in this case Dave) an ETA for the bike deliveries, and for the clerk to pass the ETA along to the guest. "Ma'am, I just got off the phone with the bike shop, and they said that they will have your bikes out to you within the next two hours." Or some such. Sure, she might have bitched about that. ("Whhhaaaaat? I have to wait here two hours? Who's going to compensate me for the time I am wasting here?") But it would be a step towards more positive customer service. And I realize that the bike shop might have only told Dave "today." I am just saying it might have been worth the effort for Dave to give a followup call to the guest.
Just my thought on the subject.
Just my thought on the subject.