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Yes I know you!

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  • Yes I know you!

    I’ve been spending some time reading a lot of old threads in the sucky customers bit & a couple about sucky celebs & the famous “do you know who I am” mutterers reminded me about my own brush with a sucky (minor) Celeb!

    Years back there was a famous (at least in the UK) snooker player who’s nickname was the type of windy storm more known for blowing over such areas as Florida etc. He was a gent who liked the odd drink and had the type of self importance that only came from a belief that he was the best thing that had happened in the area since the dinosaurs and the amount of peroxided middle aged ‘ladies’ that swarmed after him.

    On this particular evening, he was stood in the private bar area of the place I worked in, away from the riff raff but close enough that he could bask in the glory of his adoring fans. He was accompanied by his driver, who was looking a little bored & sipping his orange juice. Eventually, it was my turn to go & serve him his drink.

    As I took his drink and placed it in front of him, he looked me in the eye and asked that question.. you know the one.. ‘Do you know who I am?’

    Now, I’ve never been star struck, celebs to me are just people who have to use the bathroom like the rest of us mortals; so I could only suppose I wasn’t grovelling enough or showing the right amount of awe as I was serving him his drink. Anyhow, i put on my best quizzical expression, raised an eyebrow & replied.. ‘Yes, your name is A_ and you play snooker, why?’

    I don’t know which was funniest, the goldfish expression from the snooker player with the superiority complex, or the poor driver/minder/babysitter behind him with his hand over his mouth bent double with a red face trying not to snort his OJ though his nose with laughter. Must admit, seeing that, I had to make a quick escape under the guise of topping up the ice buckets before I cracked up too.

    Hateful creature, aren’t I
    Arp happens!

    Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

  • #2
    Ah, sweet, sweet pwnage.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
      ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


      • #4
        Reminds me of an Eddie Izzard Skit

        "Do you know who I am?"
        "Do you know who I am?"

        "This is not a game of who the fuck are you"

        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


        • #5
          "you fuck my wife? you fuck my wife!?!?"
          "i am your wife!"

          i love eddie izzard...
          If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

          i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


          • #6
            Quoth Cazzi View Post
            Now, I’ve never been star struck, celebs to me are just people who have to use the bathroom like the rest of us mortals ...
            Ah, see, there's a fault in your logic. This is actually not the case, which in turn explains why celebs are so often full of $#!t


            • #7
              Quoth slavetotheman View Post
              Ah, see, there's a fault in your logic. This is actually not the case, which in turn explains why celebs are so often full of $#!t
              Good point!
              My excuse being i was very young & naive back then and that thought just hadn't crossed my mind
              Arp happens!

              Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


              • #8
                My favorite approach (that I've never gotten/had to use, but other people have suggested) is to treat them like one of my mom's Alzheimer's patients.

                "Oh, honey, I'm sure we can find someone who knows who you are and can get you home."

                Or there's always the snarky "Do you know who I am? No? Then we're even."

                But I definitely like how you handled it.... a new classic!


                • #9
                  There currently is a commercial campaign for Kinder Bueno around here, where a football (soccer, for those on the other side of the pond) player, waiting in line at a vending machine, seems to be utterly depressed at the thought that the young lady before him took the last Kinder Bueno. He asks her: "Do you know who I am?". The girl shakes her head, the guy says he is Didier Drogba. The girl asks "The football player?", he nods and she replies "Well, I play football too".

                  I really think this ad would be a lot funnier if she instead reply with a confused "Who?".
                  "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                  • #10
                    There's an amusing (apocryphal) story about Jane Fonda pulling this trick at a restaurant owned by a Vietnam Veteran in a bid to bypass a three hour wait for a table. It backfires with predictably disastrous results.


                    • #11
                      If you have to tell people who you are, you aren't.


                      • #12
                        Even though I've not played WoW in a year or two, and haven't watched Zinwrath in about as long, I still think of the "Do you know... who I am?" every time.

                        "Do you know who I am?"
                        "The left elbow of Ragnaros?" etc
                        Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                        • #13
                          SC: Do you know who I am?
                          CS poster: Yes some a-hole EW trying to scam a freebie.
                          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                          Who is John Galt?
                          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                          • #14
                            Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                            "Do you know who I am?"
                            "Do you know who I am?"

                            "This is not a game of who the fuck are you"
                            "I... am your manager."
                            "You're Mr. Stevens?"
                            "No, no, I'm Darth Vader, Lord Darth Vader, LORD Vader!"
                            "You're Jeff Vader?"
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              It's so much more of a blow to their ego to go from

                              Do you know who I am?


                              Do you know who I am?
                              Yes, but I don't care.

