Had a concession attendant come running up to tell me her customer ordered a slushee, wandered off a few steps while "waiting for friend to bring money"...then bolted into his auditorium. With slushee. Without paying.
I said, "You remember what he looks like?"
CA: "Sure."
Me: "Grab a detail cop and walk into the auditorium. When you see the guy, have the cop ask him to step outside."
They go. Two minutes later, the guy flees the theatre and disappears into the night. CA and cop reappear, CA clutching a wad of bills and cop looking smug.
Me: "What did you SAY to him?"
I said, "You remember what he looks like?"
CA: "Sure."
Me: "Grab a detail cop and walk into the auditorium. When you see the guy, have the cop ask him to step outside."
They go. Two minutes later, the guy flees the theatre and disappears into the night. CA and cop reappear, CA clutching a wad of bills and cop looking smug.
Me: "What did you SAY to him?"