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Excuse me. Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!!!

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  • Excuse me. Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!!!

    So right after this happened, I was walking across the front of the store en route to the break room when I heard a guy behind me trying to get my attention.

    SC: Excuse me....excuse me....excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!! EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!

    I ignored him since 1) I wasn't on the clock, and 2) I wasn't even in uniform! I was wearing a white t-shirt with a giant 1-Up Mushroom on it.

    SC (now getting right in my face): EXCUSE ME!!!!!!

    Me (sharply): What?!

    SC: I need a flyer!!

    Oblivious to the end. They are right there in the vestibule; he walked right past them when he came in.

    Me (snarky): They're in the foyer.

    SC: Where?

    Me (condescendingly): Thuh FOY ER!!! *points*

    He headed off in that direction and I just kept going.

    One of the technicians told me later that that guy was PISSED at me.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    You know, someone did that to one of the bartenders at the restaurant I worked at.

    Him: EXCUSE ME! (snapping his fingers while she was walking through the dining room) I need more coffee!
    Her: (not even breaking stride) And?

    I don't even let my FOUR YEAR OLD get away with that. She can ask politely or I ignore her request. That "I need..." shit does not cut it.


    • #3
      I always raise my hand up in a kind of hey over here gesture so that when they make eye contact they can come over so I am not yelling across the restaurant.


      • #4
        I would have thought that snapping one's fingers at a server was about the worst bit of rudeness one could pull off in a restaurant until I read the OP >_> Jeez...
        "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
        "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
        "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
        "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
        "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
        "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
        Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
        "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


        • #5
          I don't know about this- just because someone's not on the clock doesn't mean they're allowed to be rude. I mean, if you had answered their first "excuse me" they wouldn't have yelled. Also, maybe they had a brain blip when they couldn't find the flyers? Happens to me all the time. Just my opinion!
          It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
          -Helen Keller

          I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


          • #6
            If I was a customer in a shop I would be tempted to just ignore some nutter yelling at me as for yelling into the face of someone that is just rude.


            • #7
              Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
              I don't know about this- just because someone's not on the clock doesn't mean they're allowed to be rude. I mean, if you had answered their first "excuse me" they wouldn't have yelled. Also, maybe they had a brain blip when they couldn't find the flyers? Happens to me all the time. Just my opinion!

              Once you're off the clock then that means that you're on your time now & you don't have to bend over backwards to please customers. I'm not saying that you have to be rude & crude but that what you put up with while you're on the clock you don't need to put up with once you're off the clock.


              • #8
                Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
                I don't know about this- just because someone's not on the clock doesn't mean they're allowed to be rude. I mean, if you had answered their first "excuse me" they wouldn't have yelled.
                He was off the clock and not in uniform. If you're not in uniform, why should he need to do dick? There's good customer service, and there's having lost your spine. I don't bother random people not in uniform when I'm out, why should anyone allow themselves to be bothered?
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  I agree. He's not obligated to pay attention to some strange dude yelling "excuse me!" I mean, he can if he wants, but he's not obligated. If I say "excuse me" to someone and they ignore me even though they probably heard me, I take the hint and move off.

                  Hell, "excuse me" is how every single panhandler that has ever approached me (and there have been quite a few) started their speil. I hear that on the street, I DO ignore it. Pointedly.

                  Once the guy got in the OP's face, a line was definately crossed.


                  • #10
                    Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
                    I don't know about this- just because someone's not on the clock doesn't mean they're allowed to be rude. I mean, if you had answered their first "excuse me" they wouldn't have yelled. Also, maybe they had a brain blip when they couldn't find the flyers? Happens to me all the time. Just my opinion!
                    IF I am not on the clock, I AM NOT WORKING! I would be on my own time, and possibly shopping. There is no requirement to help someone else. If I am on my own time I would respond in kind to how someone got my attention.

                    Ahhh, thank God I am based out of my own home office and only have to deal with county/state government people.


                    • #11
                      SC (now getting right in my face): "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!"
                      I have been known to respond to idjits like this with " `Excuse me' is a request, not a demand."

                      (Or you could say "You're excused" and keep on walking. Who knows, maybe he farted or something. Of course if you want to get more confrontational, there's the ever popular "You're not excused." or even better, "No.")

                      That "I need..." shit does not cut it.
                      It could be worse, though. Seriously. I'd rather hear "I need such and such", than "You need to get me such and such." That's even ruder, but I hear it all the time. "I don't have any refills left, so you need to call my doctor." I don't need to do that, you need me to do that.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                        He was off the clock and not in uniform.
                        What he said.
                        Last edited by Dave1982; 12-09-2009, 02:00 AM.
                        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                        RIP Plaidman.


                        • #13
                          Indeed. If you're off the clock and not in uniform, then you are a regular person doing your shopping. Nobody should have to deal with such rudeness. If, however, you're off the clock employee but still walking around in dress code, then you should at least be polite. Calmly explain your're off the clock, but polite. You are on store property and still a representative of their company, after all.

                          For some reason, people see me and assume I work there whether or not I'm in uniform. Guess I have that retail-ness about me.
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #14
                            Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
                            I mean, if you had answered their first "excuse me" they wouldn't have yelled. Also, maybe they had a brain blip when they couldn't find the flyers?
                            Not being able to find the flyers is NOT such an emergency that you need to scream at random strangers (off the clock and out of uniform means he was just another shopper) for help.

                            And Dave DID help him. He was as polite about it as I would have been to a random stranger who acted like that towards me.
                            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                            The stupid is strong with this one.


                            • #15
                              Okay, I wasn't clear that he was yelling to begin with- I just thought that if a person said "excuse me", I'd find out what they wanted whether I was in uniform or not- not a customer thing, just a people thing. But if he was rude to begin with, I can see your point.
                              It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                              -Helen Keller

                              I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!

