Back story. On a furnace with a pilot light the only way to turn it off without stopping the gas for the pilot is to stop electricity so tripping the breaker. Turning the thermostat as low as it will go just tells it that you need it to be much colder before it comes on that temp is above freezing and it will come on if it gets cold enough.
When someone calls to stop their service if a new party is taking over we wait until the next time we read the meter and then calculate what the read was on the day they asked to stop. Most of the time this is accurate.
Until yesterday every single customer who told me their furnace is Off meant they had turned the thermostat down and my bosses had told me without electricity the pilot would go out.
SC calls to say the usage we are charging her for is wildly inaccurate.
So at this point I have done my research see the calculations were done correctly and
SC (Sucky customer)
Me (Hapless rep)
ME: Well ma'am I am showing that those calculations were done correctly.
SC: It's not possible the furnace was off.
ME: Ma'am you turned your thermostat all the way down.
SC: Yes I turned it off!
ME: Ma'am was the pilot light out (standard follow up question to that statement)
SC: No it wasn't out but the furnace was off the usage for October should look like the usage for August!
ME: (me under the impression that since it got cold the furnace came on) Uhm ma'am your comparing a warm month to a cold month?
SC: (In a very agitated voice) Now your just being a smartass! Your not listening to me your talking over me and you don't seem to get what I am saying to you!
ME: Ma'am I am sorry at this point maybe I could have a supervisor give you a call,
This conversation had been going in circles on me explaining the furnace would still be used if the pilot was on and her telling me I wasn't getting that the furnace was off.
So I took down the number to reach her at passed it over to my supervisor and when she gets on with my supervisor.
SC: I know it's off because I turned the breaker off!
Uhm well why didn't you say that. If you had just said oh I turned off the electricity to the furnace you know that thing none of your customers do because they all are too freaked out to touch much more than the thermostat.
I think this qualifes for sucky training too because quite honestly I had been repeatedly told that without electricity the pilot light would be out so when the pilot light is on I would never think to ask about electricity.
Anyway my boss got it straightened out but why do customers withhold information and expect us to know every single thing about their indiviual equipment.
When someone calls to stop their service if a new party is taking over we wait until the next time we read the meter and then calculate what the read was on the day they asked to stop. Most of the time this is accurate.
Until yesterday every single customer who told me their furnace is Off meant they had turned the thermostat down and my bosses had told me without electricity the pilot would go out.
SC calls to say the usage we are charging her for is wildly inaccurate.
So at this point I have done my research see the calculations were done correctly and
SC (Sucky customer)
Me (Hapless rep)
ME: Well ma'am I am showing that those calculations were done correctly.
SC: It's not possible the furnace was off.
ME: Ma'am you turned your thermostat all the way down.
SC: Yes I turned it off!
ME: Ma'am was the pilot light out (standard follow up question to that statement)
SC: No it wasn't out but the furnace was off the usage for October should look like the usage for August!
ME: (me under the impression that since it got cold the furnace came on) Uhm ma'am your comparing a warm month to a cold month?
SC: (In a very agitated voice) Now your just being a smartass! Your not listening to me your talking over me and you don't seem to get what I am saying to you!
ME: Ma'am I am sorry at this point maybe I could have a supervisor give you a call,
This conversation had been going in circles on me explaining the furnace would still be used if the pilot was on and her telling me I wasn't getting that the furnace was off.
So I took down the number to reach her at passed it over to my supervisor and when she gets on with my supervisor.
SC: I know it's off because I turned the breaker off!
Uhm well why didn't you say that. If you had just said oh I turned off the electricity to the furnace you know that thing none of your customers do because they all are too freaked out to touch much more than the thermostat.
I think this qualifes for sucky training too because quite honestly I had been repeatedly told that without electricity the pilot light would be out so when the pilot light is on I would never think to ask about electricity.
Anyway my boss got it straightened out but why do customers withhold information and expect us to know every single thing about their indiviual equipment.