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Problems in a Land of Chicken and Tacos

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  • Problems in a Land of Chicken and Tacos

    These are all stories from this weekend and the one before it (I can only work weekends because my school gives so much homework).

    Clean Freak

    Before I start on this one I'm going to say that my hands never touch the food that I work with and that everything is done by using tongs or scoops.

    This woman walked into my lovely place of enployment and ordered a crispy chicken bucket at a very busy time. This normally wouldn't have been a problem because I'm used to packing and have been there for a while, but this was a different story.

    CF: Clean Freak
    Me: Hello

    CF: Excuse me.
    Me: Yes, mam? What can I get for you?
    CF: Could you wash your hands before my order?

    I nod and go to wash my hands and then go back to start.

    CF: Excuse me?
    Me: Yes mam?
    CF: Could you put on gloves to pack my order?

    I say that I will and go backto find a pair or gloves to put on and then go back.

    CF: Could you also wash those tongs that you've been using to get chicken?

    I nod and sigh because as of this point I haven't even started to bag her order and there are quite a few after it. I go back and wash and dry the tongs and am finally able to pack her order. It wouldn't have been so bad if she asked for it all at once so I didn't have to keep running back and forth, but I guess she wanted to see me suffer a bit.

    Such a good co-irker....

    Background here is that this is Halloween during the morning. My co-worker came in and did a few things to help before ignoring helping me out and flirting with another co-worker until his break with about 3 smoke breaks in this time as well. He comes bacdk from his break late while I'm starving and then seems annoyed when I need to take my break an hour later so I don't collapse. After I come back he spends an hour and a half sweeping the floor (a task that he used to gloat about being able to do in twenty minutes tops). In the middle of his floor sweeping I get rushed and my manager calls him up to the front to help me out by packing. That is when this happened....

    AW: Annoying Woman
    CW: Evil co-worker
    M: Frazzled manager
    Me: Hi

    AW: I want to order 8 chicken wings.
    Me: Would you like to have biscuits with that?
    AW: No, just the chicken.

    I ring her up for 8 individual pieces of chicken. We do have a special price we could use that would include a biscuit with either 5 or 3, but we aren't meant to use that is it's more than the single serving of 5 or if we are worried about running out of chicken. Both were applicable here (she wanted 8 and we ran out of all chicken except the grilled 10 minutes after this...) so I didn't press the idea of with a biscuit and rang her in for a normal price.

    CW: Mam, we have a way to put this in for a much cheaper price. Let me go get my manger to do this.

    He does this and I go to pack, somewhat annoyed at him because it's now how we're meant to do this and if my other manger was working he'd never allow this and sometimes yells at us for filling a five wing order.

    They fill it out.

    Aw: If I can get them in fives then give me ten of them instead of eight.

    At the end we tell them out a survey number on the back to rate us.

    AW: Well you can bet you'll be getting good scores because of CW. What is CW's name? I want to mention him in my review because of what a great worker he was.

    The lady then comes back in a few minutes later and orders ten more. We have to give her 3 in a different kind of chicken because we completely run out of wings in the kind she's ordering. That's another huge problem because you're only allowed to ring the order in if we can fill in with a special. After the flood dies down and CW goes back out to sweep for another hour I go in the back and have a little break down. I took almost all of the orders, packed most of the food, did all of the stocking, while he smoked, flirted, and goofed off and he's the one to get praised. (It didn't help that he did the same thing the weekend before, but I accepted that one because he was sick the time before). And people wonder why I bemoan the fact that I do my job right....

  • #2
    This guy sounds like a real winner. He really should have just quietly mentioned the special to you so that you could explain to him why it's not allowed.

    In any case, to !

    The is on the table, we have boxes aplenty, and someone should be along with warm cookies shortly ^_^
    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


    • #3
      Thank you Erickei. That's not the only time this guy has done this too so I'm not expecting him to get any tact any time in the near future.


      • #4
        Quoth aelliflame View Post
        It wouldn't have been so bad if she asked for it all at once so I didn't have to keep running back and forth, but I guess she wanted to see me suffer a bit.
        More likely she figured you're a fast-food drone who can't keep track of more than one request at a time. Bitch.


        • #5
          *hands out cookies*

          That clean freak lady would have driven me crazy. Why sure I'll run all around the store because you can't tell me things all at once to make my life easier. Argh.


          • #6
            If you haven't overdosed on cookies yet, try my Bad Day Special:

            Fudge brownie supporting a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream, and Baileys poured over top.

            If that doesn't make you feel better, nothing will.

            Welcome to the only safe haven in a mad, mad world.
            What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


            • #7
              Thank you everyone for welcoming me.

              Oh and I don't think I could ever overdose on sweets.

