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internet connection

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  • internet connection

    Why is it that guests find whatever wireless network & try to connect to it & I get this gem too often:

    Me: Front Desk
    SC: Yeah uh is there some secret to getting onto the wireless?

    Yeah, dipshit, don't you know the secret? For not knowing this you shall die!


    No, there is no secret! The guest was trying to connect to another company's wireless network & it was asking for a password. Our network is *OurHotel*guestnet. Why did you connect to *NotEvenClose*? Even if it popped up first on the listing...oh that's right SC's don't use their brains...forgot there for a second!

    Also his lady comes down for an ethernet cord (our wireless is being replaced currently) and she decides she needs 2 bottles of water & a cell phone charger. I had another guy come into the hotel & is standing a bit behind her looking like he wants to check in. I ask her if she would like to just take our box of charges (the most left behind item at any hotel) & she says no....So I basically tell her straight out if I could move her then so I can help the guy behind her. She was of course in her own world & the entire time I am helping this gentleman check in she is interrupting us by saying things like, "Are there REALLY this many different chargers? Why can't I find mine?? There are so many! I guess I will just find it in the morning & let it charge while I eat breakfast."

    I tell her, "Well, if you can find one in the morning." She laughs at me like I am an idiot....
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---