I currently work as an Emergency Dispatch Operator for ABC (not the real name) Security Services. My job is to call homes and businesses when alarms, or trouble signals, go off to verify if authorities are needed or to warn them of the problems with their system.
I just got out of training and while I was still in class I had to call on a burglar alarm for a fast food restaurant. Per our call order I called the premise, but got no answer (very close to opening time but not yet open so they weren't picking up the phones). After that I called the number we had listed as our 'before police' contact. It was the boss. I reached him and this is our conversation.
Me: Hi, this is Heksubah with ABC Security Services. I'm calling to notify you of a burglar alarm from Blah Restaurant at Blah Address. You are listed as the emergency contact, would you like the authorities notified?
Boss: *sounding grumpy* No, we don't need the police. My opener came in and couldn't get the alarm to shut off so he ripped the panel off the wall. Can you get me to someone so I can schedule a technician to repair the system?
So the guy opening apparently decided that, rather than call the boss and go "Eeek, sirens of doom, it won't shut off, save me! Save my ears!" ...that he'd just rip the panel off the wall. If he were my employee... *points at the thread title*
I just got out of training and while I was still in class I had to call on a burglar alarm for a fast food restaurant. Per our call order I called the premise, but got no answer (very close to opening time but not yet open so they weren't picking up the phones). After that I called the number we had listed as our 'before police' contact. It was the boss. I reached him and this is our conversation.
Me: Hi, this is Heksubah with ABC Security Services. I'm calling to notify you of a burglar alarm from Blah Restaurant at Blah Address. You are listed as the emergency contact, would you like the authorities notified?
Boss: *sounding grumpy* No, we don't need the police. My opener came in and couldn't get the alarm to shut off so he ripped the panel off the wall. Can you get me to someone so I can schedule a technician to repair the system?

So the guy opening apparently decided that, rather than call the boss and go "Eeek, sirens of doom, it won't shut off, save me! Save my ears!" ...that he'd just rip the panel off the wall. If he were my employee... *points at the thread title*