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People Who Don't Listen

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  • People Who Don't Listen

    If you go into a store and ask the clerk where something is, please for heaven's sake LISTEN to them! You will save everybody a lot of time and frustration. Especially the poor frazzled clerk

    Now admittedly this bookstore has a lot of nooks and crannies, and certain sections are in very specific places. You know, like 99% of all bookstores So if a customer asks for a section they might get an answer that is MULTIPLE SYLLABLES and would therefore have to stand and listen to me talk for more than two seconds. How many people do you think have the ability to do this? I would say about half. That may seem like a lot of people being stupid and impatient but it's true. There are two types of people who can't listen: those that actually can't and those that just don't.

    Type #1: Can't listen SC

    SC: Where's [whatever section]?
    Me: Section 9B on the top two shelves
    SC: Okay!
    (At this point SC may go to a completely different section, or they may go to 9B and look on the bottom shelves for a while before becoming confused and disoriented. SC may give up entirely or may come back and ask the same thing again.)

    Type #2: Won't listen SC (definitely more annoying)

    SC: Where's [whatever section]?
    Me: Sec--
    SC: *walks away*
    (SC either never finds the section and wanders around aimlessly or comes back up ten seconds later and asks the same thing again.)

    P.S. Please people, stop asking me where the nearest Borders is! Like I would even tell you >_<;;;;
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

  • #2
    Ugh I hate when people ask you where something is as they're walking by. I don't have a loud voice and hate yelling, and sometimes it'll take me a minute to think of where something is and then explain where something is(bad at directions)


    • #3
      Oooh, or on the phone, customers asking directions.

      SC: I'm coming from the north shore, how do I get there?
      me: You take 93 south to rt. 24, and get off at 2nd exit-
      SC: OK, thanks. <click>


      good luck. Same lady kept doing that, then repeatedly calling back to say she kept getting lost. Imagine that?
      "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

      Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.


      • #4
        Quoth spookysonata View Post
        good luck. Same lady kept doing that, then repeatedly calling back to say she kept getting lost. Imagine that?
        And as we all know, if she's getting lost and you're the one giving her directions, it must be your fault!
        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


        • #5
          >< I hated people who would do that!
          "Excuse me...where is (item)?"

          "That would be up-"

          *customer starts walking away*

          I eventually just stopped talking when they would move to walk away.... made lots of people very upset that I wouldn't just yell the directions at them across the store :P
          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

