I work at a European bakery and had quite the time with this special customer today. An elderly gentleman came in claiming he had put in an order, gave his name. I asked him what type of bread he had ordered and he said "rye bread". Well thanks gramps, about 75% of our bread is rye and they're all different. So, I looked through all the orders, didn't find his name. (He came in a high noon when we're extremely busy.) The next customer in line behind him pulled a loaf of bread out of his bag, and asked if this was the type of bread he had ordered. My special customer said "yes, yes, that's it" so I went and got him three loaves and cashed him out. Too easy, yes? Of course! About three minutes later, he had joined the lineup hollering "this is not my bread, I made an order, what's wrong with you people" My manager came out and told him "I'm calling the owner out to speak with you and you better not talk to him like that!" She's great. We finally figured out what type of bread he wanted, but only had one loaf left. He was still grumbling when he left, and then of course we found his order. For Saturday! I really hope he comes back tomorrow ha ha ha
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what kind of bread do you want