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Who do you think you are?

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  • Who do you think you are?

    In a way to explain the title below my name, I offer this story.

    Now I have a notoriously low tolerance for people thinking that they are entitled to something. I will usually keep my frustration to myself and allow them whatever it is.
    However, there is a line to be crossed, and it has been crossed before.

    Since I work the night shift, and my store is within walking distance of 4 bars, I tend to get a few drunks on Friday and Saturday nights. One of the things that I'm very good at is not allowing drunks to purchase any more alcohol. Usually it's strangers that I'll never see again. Unfortunately that wasn't the case this time.

    Into the store comes R, a guy that just turned 21 a few months ago that is a regular in the store. Overall he's a nice kid. With him is is Dumbass Uncle, DU from now. Both are obviously hammered and are in the beer section having the most ridiculous discussion I've ever heard. They finally settle on what kind of beer they can afford and DU heads for the counter. He's got everything: Slurred speech, Bouncing off things in the store, and aggressive behavior just to name a few.

    Me: "Sorry sir, I think you've had a few too many already."
    DU: "Good one man. How much?"
    Me: "I'm serious I can't sell this too ya."
    He looks at me for a second, I assume waiting for his hamster wheel of a brain to start going, before getting an angry look.
    DU: "Fine, I'll just go over to the bar and get some there."
    With another angry look DU leaves and R goes with him.

    I'm guessing that the bar didn't work out because 2 minutes later he was back, this time R waited outside. He comes to the counter and takes a very aggressive stance. I take a step back from the counter to stay out of range of anything that might come my way and keep my arms folded so as not to bait him into anything.
    DU: "Come on man. I'm not driving, I'm only a couple blocks away..."
    Me: I stop him. "I don't care what your excuse is, I can't sell you the beer."
    He extends his hand offering to shake. I don't make a move since I'm just a little suspicious of him. It was pretty obvious that he was itching for a fight at this point.
    Me: "Sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
    DU: After another moment for the hamster to start moving, "Huh....I don't think so. I'm a customer."
    Me: "I still want you to leave till you sober up some."
    DU: "Who do you think you are?" He's spitting when he talks now. "I'm not drunk, I've just been up for 4 straight days." Oh great, he's on Meth too, great. At least that's what I thought to myself. "Your just a punk that's all."
    Me: Still somewhat calm at this point, "Now you can leave and not come back, we don't need your kind of attitude here."
    DU: "Who do you think you are?" Again?
    Me: "Right now, I'm the master of this store, and I'm telling you to get lost or I'll call the police."
    DU: Not making any moves towards the door. "Why don't you call them right now?" I pick up the phone and act like I'm dialing. That was enough to send him out.

    Like all drunks when they think they've been wronged, he plays the staring game as soon as he gets to the corner. He then crosses the street and starts staring at me again. Now R's house is just down the block from the store, I can see his front porch from my spot behind the counter. The two of them walk home finally and go inside. I just assumed that would be the end of it. That's what I get for assuming.

    I get home about 11pm. I only live a few blocks from the store, and from R. I usually stay up pretty late at night, and I was watching TV. About 2am my roommate comes home. Not 5 minutes later there is a knock at the door. He was closer to the door so he answered it. Surprise, Surprise it's DU and R. Now my roommate and I have the same first name. This should give you an idea of how drunk he was,
    DU: "Uh...----?"
    Roomie: "Yeah?"
    DU: "You don't remember me?
    Roomie: "I've never seen you before in my life."
    R: "Were looking for the ---- that works at 'the station'"
    I walk to the door, having recognized the voices.
    Me: "What do you want?"
    DU: "I thought I should apologize for earlier."
    Keep in mind I am, for the moment only in the back of my mind, livid that this A-hole would show up on my front porch.
    Me: "Fine. You can go now."
    DU: "Don't you think you should apologize to me?"
    That was the final straw. I just blew up at him. He was in that aggressive stance again, and he had the nerve to demand an apology from me? I'm screaming at this point.
    Me: "I don't owe you S@#!. I did nothing wrong."
    DU: "You just think I'm a piece of S@#!. You did..." I interrupt.
    Me: "You just think I did since I didn't sell you your beer. And now you think you can do this. You have zero right to bring this S@#! to my house. F*%& with me at work all you want, I'm at least paid for it there, but don't you ever do this S@#! again." At this point, I'm sure everybody in a 3 block radius could hear me, but I managed to talk him down and get R to take him home.

    Of all, I was probably the most upset with R. I couldn't believe a guy like him would have done something like that. Then I got the story. DU used the fact that R did not come in the store the second time to make up a story. He said that I had punched him and then kicked him out of the store.

    Such is life I suppose.

    Peace all
    A true warrior enters the battlefield with all his weapons at the ready.

  • #2
    Wow, scary story this is. You're lucky he isn't packing anything here. I don't know about you, but I think calling the police would be in order since he's now appearing at your private residence. All this guy has to do is bring a weapon or a few of his other drunken buddies with him.


    • #3
      Up for four days straight (meth for sure) AND drunk - what a combo! I think I would've gotten the police involved - if not, just to make a report.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Call the cops, start a report. You can start a report withouth pressing any charges. But you should alert them to what happened, and start some paperwork to show history.


        • #5
          I would call the police too, and make them aware of the situation. Drunk methheads don't act with any sort of logic, you REALLY don't want that guy associating your house with a place where he is tolerated. Frankly, it would have been best if you'd jsut shut the door when you saw him standing there, but hindsight is always 20:20...

          Still, i would absolutely make the police aware of your concerns.
          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
          - Dave Barry


          • #6
            i agree with everyone else, you should make a police report detailing what happened. You did what you are required by law to do, which was refuse to sell beer to a person you believe to be intoxicated. He had absolutely no business taking this dispute outside of the store.


            • #7
              i never understood the "drunks wandering around looking for more booze" thing

              when i get drunk i make sure i have more than plenty* at the house so i won't even be tempted to try going anywhere, even not driving, when you are drunk it's hard to tell if your driver is drunk and it's risky walking because you don't have the awareness/reaction time if someone veers off the road towards you.

              *more than plenty = 14 bottles of liquor, a mini fridge full of beer, and some more beer set on top of the fridge because it's full, and 2 bottles of wine


              • #8
                Part 2

                Well, there is another part to the story.

                The store I work at is right next door to a police station.

                About 2 weeks later, DU comes in the store again. He was acting like nothing happened.

                Me: "And your here...Why?"

                DU: "What are you talking about?"

                Me: "I banned you from the store."

                DU: "Man, you need to just drop that S*@!. I just want a pop."

                Me: "Listen asshole, I told you that you were banned. The fact that you felt the need to show up an my house only means that there is no way that I will 'drop that s*@!'. Get the F*&% out!!"

                DU: "Man your a punk." <--Like that's a huge insult or something.

                He finally left, and headed back to R's house. Funny thing is that I can see the front porch of R's house from my spot behind the counter. This time I was not going to let him show up again at 2 in the morning. When one of my cop friends came in, and I have plenty from my years of working there, I told him about it and the whole story. He went right over there and talked to him. I never heard from the guy again.

                My buddy told me that the guy was trying hard to get arrested when he talked to him. He was arguing with him, but finally agreed. Mike, the cop, told me that he was at least 3 times the legal limit and he really could have dragged him to jail, and that threat was what got the guy to settle down.

                If things ever got really serious, I could call next door and have a few cops in my store in 30 seconds.

                Luckily, that is the only time a guy has shown up at my house. Usually they just mess with me at work. At least I'm paid for that.

                Peace all
                A true warrior enters the battlefield with all his weapons at the ready.


                • #9
                  New News on DU

                  I got word today that DU got sent to jail. He will be seeing at least 3 years for DUI, and driving while suspended. It is like his 5th offense, so it's a felony for him.

                  Thank goodness for mini-miracles.

                  Peace all
                  A true warrior enters the battlefield with all his weapons at the ready.


                  • #10
                    And thank goodness for cops that are on top of things!

                    I hope DU gets clean and sober in the clink. Maybe a few years of no booze or drugs will wake him up and make him improve his life.
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Quoth XCashier View Post
                      And thank goodness for cops that are on top of things!

                      I hope DU gets clean and sober in the clink. Maybe a few years of no booze or drugs will wake him up and make him improve his life.
                      But knowing humanity, it'll probably just make him bitter and he'll be visiting the OP as soon as he gets out.


                      • #12

                        I've heard from R, that DU had been in and out of jail a few times. It was always the same. This time he had been out for 5 years, got himself a good job and a nice apartment. Then, according to R anyway, "It was just one bottle of Tequila to start him down that path again."

                        Officially its 25 months, or 14 with good behavior. We will see how that goes.

                        A true warrior enters the battlefield with all his weapons at the ready.

