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Bitter Victory (ugh-- epic)

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  • Bitter Victory (ugh-- epic)

    What did I ever do to you?

    Note: This first one is a bit of SC tho its more of a co-worker suck.

    W: weirdo of a woman who has a problem with most females in the company. She tends to go up to our SOs and mutter things like "I think your girlfriend/wife hates me." 9/10, her existence was unknown to us, period. Seriously, I didn't even know who this woman was until hubby complained about her and finally showed her to me.

    Regardless of her personality conflict with the most of us, she's been around for a while and has been highly regarded by one of my favorite supes as almost always doing the right thing.

    SC : Duh
    M: me

    So the SC calls in wanting to cancel a deposit into his other account [yes, I am being very vague here, if you need further explanations feel free to pm me.] to do a rental search. There are two types of deposits: a temporary one and a permanent one. Lately, due to the influx of so many permanent deposits being canceled willy nilly our product support has put a stop to this by changing the forms we fill out to cancel these said deposits. The only ones we can cancel are the temporary ones. Us planners are to *hold the line* but sometimes, depending on the issue and our discretion, we can take the situation up higher up the food chain and see if we can cancel these with a supervisor. 9 times out of ten, though, they're not canceled.

    M: thank you for calling our company, this is Demise speaking. [... ] How may I be of service?
    SC: Hi, I just got through talking to W not too long ago and she told me about the deposits she was making into my other account, and quite frankly, I want to take them back. Is there any way I can undo that?
    M: -after reviewing the notes- Well, quite frankly sir, these deposits were made as a permanent form of deposit so unfortunately I cannot cancel these; however, if I were able to cancel the deposits, you would still have to do travel with your ownership to use up the time on reserve by the expiration date, which is see is the end of this month. If you don't check into a location by the 31st of December, you would forfeit your time accrued. At least by keeping the deposits as W explained, you'd have another two years to travel with your accrued time.
    SC: Yes, but see, well... you people tell me I already did one of these deposits early in November and I didn't authorize that, so well.. I'm quite.. disappointed. I don't want to travel with that company anymore.
    M: I do apologize, SC, and I do see where you spoke to a supervisor about this although according to our notes you did authorize that particular deposit. At least you have your week saved and can travel with it until November of 2011. I also see where W mentions you authorized this deposit as well today.
    SC: But, um.. I remember discussing the deposits, not actually making them. Cant' you just cancel them? I know there's a processing time of 24-48 hours.
    M: That is true but only with the temporary ones.
    SC: I can't believe this. It was a mistake! I didn't think this through.
    M: (Aha! I got you) I do apologize you did not think it through, sir, but the deposits have been made-- if you want to travel this year you can always borrow time from your next use year.
    SC: I don't wanna do that! I want my time back!
    M: SC, I understand what it is you are asking of me but due to company policy I am unable to cancel this. Besides, look at it this way; your time won't expire this 31st of December. You've given yourself another two years to work with this time. And to be very honest, SC, finding a reservation *now* for any up-coming holiday -- or just any time in general-- is extremely difficult. I sincerely advice you to accept the deposits and if you do find something to travel with, to use your next year's time. You're a Platinum traveler, SC, and so close to check in you get a fifty percent discount, complimentary upgrades and you can borrow your time without fees.
    SC: Its those damned fees, okay? I just don't want to pay those damn fees with Sister Company and I want you to take the time from the other account to this account because I did not authorize the deposit! Pull the call! If you can't do it, get me a supervisor that can!
    M: I will be more than happy to get a supervisor if you don't mind being placed on a brief hold.

    At this time, I decide since W is actually in *this* office, I'll go have a quick chat with her before I bring in a supervisor. I have a feeling this guy is just trying to avoid more fees with Sister Company. He has a history of complaining to get his way and really, if she can collaborate with what I think is going on, I can very easily dissuade a supervisor from doing the exception. Especially if it is one in my office-- we don't like to break policy willy nilly because it makes it harder to enforce the policies over all... and these policies are here for a very good damned reason.

    So I put the guy on hold and wonder off to the other side of the building. When I get there, W is on a call. She glances up from her computer and gives me the stink eye and gets a disgusted look on her face when she realizes I'm not just passing by but actually wanting to talk to her. She was to the end of a call so I decided to stand next to her patiently until she could talk. After all, I had two interests at hand a) helping a co worker maintain her quota as our goals this month are insanely fucking high. b)upholding company policy. Really, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions and then tell my Supe "I talked to W, she said she talked to the guy and informed him of his choices. He's trying to back out of it because he has cold feet."

    W: -slams her mute button- WHAT?
    M: I have a client who spoke to you on the phone earlier and I just need to talk to you about that in a minute. I'll wait until you're done with your call. (She had after all, just got to the script that leads into our closing before she snapped at me.)
    W: -crinkles up her nose as if she'd just smelled someone taking a shit on her desk, rolls her eyes and ignores me. She dives into her closing shpiel.-
    M: -shrugs it off-
    W: -disconnects the call and starts typing her notes-
    M: As I was saying, I have a client, SC who says he spoke to you about some deposits into his Sister Company account and ---

    Before I could even finish she just gave me this glare and shooed me off as if I had the plague. I could have understood if she had asked me to hold on for a minute but our notes are filled with auto script most of the time so really, all we do is click little buttons unless the call was super difficult... which hers, judging by the form she had been filling out, was a simple reservation. Nothing difficult to do.

    I just shrugged my shoulders at that time, talked to a supervisor nearby and she said 'no go' but really, this issue had to be escalated to another department.

    So I walk back to my cubicle, the whole time just ignoring the death-glares, smirks that W is giving me.

    I was so enraged, that when I got the other department (call it Tier 2), I told the supe the clients "He says he didn't authorize the deposits and wants an exception. I already told him no. What do you think?" explanation. This particular guy has the spine of a jelly fish and before I could even try to convince him otherwise or review the notes, he said he had already sent our Product Support team the exception form.

    Oh well. W didn't get her quotas but my satisfaction level went up. Its a bitter victory.

    Your Jedi Mind Trick is defective.

    M: -opening sphiel-
    SC: Um, hi, yeah. I'm trying to book a reservation online and its telling me I have to pay a reservation fee. I never had to pay no reservation fee-- well, I mean, I have, but I did that already.
    M: I'd be more than happy to help you with this. Allow me to review your account for a moment please.

    At looking her account, I see where she had booked a reservation two days ago over Christmas (wow, talk about luck! X-mas has been booked solid for three months at that resort!). I also see where the counselor advised this woman on how the reservation fees are set up - you get x many complimentary booking days (token) a year to book vacations with. You are charged a token for the first transaction done (i.e $0). You can then book as many transactions on your account for free within the same business day. Subsequent reservations booked outside of said business day will charge you another token or, if you are out of these, a fee. Any monies used for the first reservation will be treated as a complimentary transactions-- meaning, you pay for the FIRST transaction only, the rest are free... within the same business day . If you decide to change your dates a day or a week after the original reservation, you *will* have to pay/use another CR token. End of story. No exceptions -- unless the planner made a mistake. (note, the person in our call center fucked up; if YOU made the reservation online, it is considered your mistake as there is no middle person and you'll eat that fee/token. Period). You get a discount if you book your vacation online.

    So this lady is SOL as 1) the Counselor put very thorough notes 2) she was explained of our Token/Fee structure two days ago, because, I am sure, the owner asked why she was being charged a fee (it always happens the first time). 3) why else would she be booking a reservation online if not for the discount?

    M: I do see, Miss SC where you have been explained how our Token/Fee structure works at the time of booking and that you get a fifty percent discount when booking online. The charges are valid.
    SC: I do not understand.
    M: -explains the token/fee structure again-
    SC: I hear you, but I can't understand.
    M: You paid a booking fee two days ago,right?
    SC: yes.
    M: Okay, if you had extended your stay that same business day it would have been free-- however, you are trying to amend your stay two days *after* the original booking so it is counted as a separate transaction. You will have to pay a fee.
    SC: But why?I wasn't told of this. The date I wanted wasn't available when I booked my dates!
    M: On the booking screen, right where the fee is being calculated there is a question mark next to the phrase "Booking Token". If you right click on that, it will give you a pop up that will explain how the tokens are awarded and how they work. Hopefully that explanation will be more helpful than mine.
    SC: But that doesn't help me; I was NOT told about this fee.
    M: According to our notes, SC, you have been advised of this fee two days ago. Today, I am advising you of this policy and always, at booking online, the system will advise you of the fees.
    SC: I am not paying this fee.
    M: I do apologize for the inconvenience, but this is a fee that I cannot wave.
    SC: I need this date!

    At this point, I was irritated. To quote someone else, a person does not NEED a five star resort to live. Also, lack of planning on your part does not mean it is an emergency on mine. Clients have thirteen months to book in their property and ten on the others offered in our club; we always advise them to book with a year to ten months in advance to ANY major holiday but do they usually? Nope. I no longer am moved by their pleas.

    M: You can always book it online, Miss Sc. It will cost you twice as much if I were to do it.
    SC: Well, I just won't pay it.
    M: ...
    Sc: ...
    M: ...
    SC: I just won't.
    M: I do apologize that you feel this way, SC, but there is nothing I can do at this point. The policies are very strict when it comes to the token/fee structures unless it is an error on the company's part; notes and your own statement has told me that the last day you are looking for was not available at the time of booking. The fee will be charged and I advise you do so online for a discount.
    SC: What if I can't book online because it won't let me?
    M: Then you are more welcomed to book in the call center, but the $xx booking fee will take place, not the offer of ($xx)(0.5).
    SC: This is ridiculous. I WILL NOT PAY THIS FEE.
    M: I am sorry you feel this way, miss SC. Is there anything else I can help you with?
    SC: I just refuse to. What are you going to do then, huh?
    M: What dates you want to book, miss SC is sorely your decision. If you want to book the extension, you can pay the fee; if you don't, you can let the unit be and have someone else have a chance at it. Now is there anything else I can help you with?
    SC: So those are my choices, then?
    M: Correct, these are your choices. You can either book the unit or not, but that is your decision. Can I help you answer any *other* questions or concerns for you this evening?
    SC: No.. bu--
    M: In that case, it certainly has been my pleasure to assist you and I do apologize for any inconveniences this issue has caused you. I wish you have a safe and happy holiday season, thank you for calling Your Rental Store today.
    Sc: ... -to someone else in the background- I'm not paying for that. Are you going to pay for that? -SLAM-

    And that, was only the beginning of my day. Ugh.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa