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"Helpful" SC

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  • "Helpful" SC

    I've only got a few more shifts to go at the wine store before I'm done, and the SCs are taking advantage of the little time they have left with me to make my life miserable.
    A few days ago, I was sick as a dog and probably should have stayed home. Add that to the fact that I just don't care anymore, and I'll admit, its not a recipe for good customer service. But when this woman comes in and asks for a very specific, pain-in-the-butt gift basket to be made up, I cheerfully agree in the spirit of the holidays.
    The only problem is, we're out of half the items I need to make it up. No big deal, I'm expecting my delivery to arrive within an hour. I tell her TWO hours, just to give myself extra time in case the delivery is late. She says she'll come back.
    The delivery is REALLY late, and REALLY big. The pallets are just coming in when she returns. Here's the conversation:

    Me: I'm sorry maam, but the delivery is far later and bigger than I expected. Is there any way you can come pick up your basket tomorrow?
    SC: I COULD, but I'm here now. I'll wait.
    Me: You'll be waiting for hours, maam. They have just started unloading the truck now, and then I'll need to dig through all the boxes to find what you need. And only then will I be able to start putting together the basket. And I'm the only one here right now, so I'm going to be interrupted constantly to serve other customers who are just popping in to buy a quick bottle of wine. I really think you'd be better off returning tomorrow.
    SC: Really, I don't mind. I'll wait.

    Phone rings, I'm drawn away from the scene. When I'm done with the call, I turn around to find this woman ripping into and digging through every single box as they bring them in. She's actually tossing products onto the floor. I rush over.

    Me: Maam, you can't be doing that! The only people allowed to open those boxes are employees.
    SC (not even looking up from her frenzy of destruction): Its okay! I'll find those things! You just go ahead and take care of whatever you need to do!
    Me: Its a health and safety issue. We could be fined. You absolutely need to stop that.
    SC: Oh. All right, I guess I'll let you do it.

    At this point, I realize this woman is going to be breathing down my neck until I get that damn basket done, so I dig through everything, find her stuff, put in together, and get her the hell out of the store. And it took me LONGER than it should have because of the mess she made with the stock.
    She was really nice, but frankly, that just made her more annoying. Because I couldn't justify giving her a piece of my mind.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

  • #2
    Awww bless at least she was trying to help.
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #3
      Quoth Boozy View Post
      Me: I'm sorry maam, but the delivery is far later and bigger than I expected. Is there any way you can come pick up your basket tomorrow?
      SC: I COULD, but I'm here now. I'll wait.
      Ah, yes..."how dare you ask ME to come back?" (what do you want to bet she's in the area of the store tomorrow with other errands?)

      It's strange; some people have the ability to know when their helpfulness gets annoying and will nicely stop when asked. Others plow right ahead, thinking "I'm being helpful by aiding the employee in the search for whatever, they'd have to clean up a mess after searching anyway and I'm getting it 3.5687 seconds faster".
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        Thank god I have a locked door between me and my SCs. Although I'm sure some of them would LOVE to dig through my shipments

