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Get out of MY lobby!!

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  • Get out of MY lobby!!

    Between the hours of 11pm and 7am, the hotel lobby, kitchen, breakfast area, etc. are mine. In fact, the whole hotel is mine for those 8 hours. I'm the Manager on Duty and I run that place like a well oil something or other . Seeing as how it's just me and the security/maint. man we're pretty relaxed about all the rules and regulations. You wanna work out at 2.30am but the hours are posted 6am to 11pm? 'Nah, go right on ahead. We don't mind.' You're hungry because you had a long flight and an exhausting day? 'Give me 2 minutes and I'll make you a bagel and some oatmeal' (or if I'm in a really great mood, some cookies) You just came in from long day of traveling and don't have any ciggs? 'Here, I'll lbum you one till the morning when the shops open' I like to think I'm pretty cool for the most part...

    But the one that has been bothering for the past couple of nights......

    The Ongoing Battle with the Pizza Flyer Guys

    A little background.

    When you register at a hotel and get all your many bags into your room, sit down on the bed(s) and go "HMMM. I'm hungry. Let's order something for delivery" Oh! Would you look at that, a pizza flyer under the door.

    PLEASE! Please, call the Front Desk and ask if the aforementioned pizza flyer place is reputable.

    I couldnt tell you how many times we've had to stop those little a*holes from entering the hotel and delivering an uncut, cold pizza to you. And if, by some chance we can't catch them and they DO deliver your uncut cold pizza and you call them back to get your money refunded, they hang up on you!

    So what do you do?

    Why call the Front Desk and bitch and moan, when I honestly can't do anything for you. I know it sucks. I know your angry. I know you want your money back. But I can't do anything. Nope. Outta my hands. All I can do is call the non emergency police and have them call you back to make a report. And, no, the hotel will not reimburse you 'for all the trouble' when this whole thing could have been avoided by you just simply calling the FD and asking for numbers and menus of pizza places we know and love.

    Ughh, If I had a dollar for everytime something like this happened, I wuld be a millionaire.

  • #2
    So is this pizza thing a scam? Or just a really shitty pizza place around town? Either way, that sucks!


    • #3
      Can you get these guys for littering?

      They don't have permission to leave their fliers in your establishment, so I suspect you could go after them for it, somehow.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        They're not only soliciting, they're littering and trespassing.

        It would take some work, but you should be able to go to court and get them restricted from coming on your property, meaning every time you find a flier from their establishment in one of your rooms they can be fined for violating a court order. Police get called and they get a ticket and can try to argue it in court if they like. It will take time and a little money on the hotel's part to file the paperwork and go to court to address a judge, but once you tell the judge you're protecting your customers from scams the order should go through pretty quick.

        I bet they stop real quick once they are held accountable and it starts costing them money to pull their scam.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          And delivering uncooked food could be a health & safety hazard.

          Don't restaurants have to be licensed?
          "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


          • #6
            Quoth Ren_Doodle View Post
            [FONT="Tahoma"]Between the hours of 11pm and 7am, the hotel lobby, kitchen, breakfast area, etc. are mine. In fact, the whole hotel is mine for those 8 hours. I'm the Manager on Duty and I run that place like a well oil something or other . Seeing as how it's just me and the security/maint. man we're pretty relaxed about all the rules and regulations. You wanna work out at 2.30am but the hours are posted 6am to 11pm? 'Nah, go right on ahead. We don't mind.' You're hungry because you had a long flight and an exhausting day? 'Give me 2 minutes and I'll make you a bagel and some oatmeal' (or if I'm in a really great mood, some cookies) You just came in from long day of traveling and don't have any ciggs? 'Here, I'll lbum you one till the morning when the shops open' I like to think I'm pretty cool for the most part...
            Not exactly the main point of the topic, but this is one of the perks about my job I LOVE. If someone's an asshole to me, I get to be a hardass when it comes bending the rules. Managers will back me up 100%

            If you're cool to me, I will do almost anything within my power to make you stay more enjoyable. Hungry? Were you ever an asshole to me? No? Sure, let me grab you a bagel or an apple. Would you like any milk or juice with that? And managers would back me up 100% in this as well.
            To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


            • #7
              The thing with the pizza guys, is the delivery guy has to be 'caught' 3 times before it's considered bonafide trespassing. And these pizza places send new guys everytime, so it's very hard to keep up with which guy is with which pizza place.

              However, I do have an update!

              My coworker 'M' called me on my cell and left me a viocemail to 'call her back as soon as I get this!' Thinking something horrible happened and she couldn't get ahold of any of the Managers, I called her back in a panic.

              Me - M! What's wrong?!
              M - (happy as could be) Oh girl! You will never believed what just happened!
              Me - What's that?
              M- Well a guy from (Pizza Place) snuck on property and D (3 to 11 maint guy) was doing a floor check and caught him! The pizza guy ran out the 2nd stairwell and out towards the back of the building! Well, wouldnt you just know, that at that time, some of San Antonio's finest were doing a drive through of the parking lot to make sure we had no breakins. Girl! They caught his ass and it turns out the pizza guy had warrants and they took his ass to jail! And he's going back to prison!

              One down. Only like 5 more to worry about


              • #8
                Sounds like you guys are in a tough bind. You can't post anything that says "don't order from this place" because that breaks disparagement laws. What's the proper procedure for banning them from advertising or sending any "representative" to the property? Registered letter? I'm safe in assuming this isn't a hotel that requires a keycard to access the floors?

                Glad to hear that one guy got caught though.

                Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                • #9
                  Quoth Ren_Doodle View Post
                  M- Well a guy from (Pizza Place) snuck on property and D (3 to 11 maint guy) was doing a floor check and caught him! The pizza guy ran out the 2nd stairwell and out towards the back of the building! Well, wouldnt you just know, that at that time, some of San Antonio's finest were doing a drive through of the parking lot to make sure we had no breakins. Girl! They caught his ass and it turns out the pizza guy had warrants and they took his ass to jail! And he's going back to prison!
                  Good one! If the story of his fate gets out, then the other fly-posters might chicken-out and leave you alone. I do enjoy the presence of cops, and there's A LOT of them where I live. "Community Support" officers and some real police backing them up when necessary; it's a very good visual deterrence. I actually got stopped once because I was carrying a laptop bag in casual clothing. He wanted to do a "stop and assess" to make sure that what I was carrying wasn't stolen.

                  Some people think that police are a sign of danger, but they're not. I'd actually be rather shifty-eyed and paranoid if there weren't any police around, watching my back when I'm heading to the bank with excessive amounts of cash, waiting at the station or even riding a bus (Yep, that's right. Police ride the buses just for the sole purpose of crime deterrence!)
                  Last edited by Alteran Ancient; 01-15-2010, 03:33 PM. Reason: I REALLY need to stop over-quoting...


                  • #10
                    Maybe in the short term you could print some cheap B&W notices to put in the room to warn people about the fake/terrible pizza flyers. Just something to drop next to the phone, or under the remote in each room. I would save you some ill-will until the issue can be cleared up.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Geek King View Post
                      Maybe in the short term you could print some cheap B&W notices to put in the room to warn people about the fake/terrible pizza flyers. Just something to drop next to the phone, or under the remote in each room. I would save you some ill-will until the issue can be cleared up.
                      Yeah, something like "flyers found in rooms are not necessarily recommended by the management", and a comment to call the
                      front desk for suggestions for local dining.

                      Doesn't name names, and gives them a warning. And much easier to say later "we told you to call us first", too.

                      Madness takes it's toll....
                      Please have exact change ready.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Alteran Ancient View Post
                        (Yep, that's right. Police ride the buses just for the sole purpose of crime deterrence!)
                        Sometimes, just showing up is the job.

                        I had a security gig for a bit at a grocery store in a real slum of a neighborhood. They had a problem with petty theft. My entire job was to stand around and be seen. I was effectively a shoplifter scarecrow.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Hey! Hey!
                          You! You!
                          Get out of my lobby!

                          Stones FTW
                          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                          • #14
                            Another option, contact these establishments and make it clear to their management teams that their flier distributors are not welcome and police will be called. Better yet, put that in a strongly worded letter (more impact).
                            I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                            Who is John Galt?
                            -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

