Luckily most places have a policy that you can refuse to serve the customer for any reason as long as you're not discriminating (jack ass is not a protected group) and if your boss tries to make you anyway? Hostile work environment.
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Wow, what the hell did I do to deserve that?
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Wow, that sure was uncalled for. I think something like that should be enough to refuse to serve him. Perhaps when he comes around again you can have someone else deal with him.Check out my art:
Quoth Can I Help Your A$$? View PostJust keep in mind that most people who behave this way live sad, sad lives.
But my moms side of the family is tactless like that. For ex., when my mom was in the hospital, I gave directions to a relative. She gets to the hospital (I meet them in the parking lot) and she might have said, "hi dmfan" but nothing else before she says, "You're directions suck!"
Then latter we are in my mom's room and they are talking about an aunt of theirs. my aunt says, "aunt x would never have anything nice to say. As soon as you see her she will say something mean, like "you are fat" or "that's an ugly dress."" So I guess my relatives learned to be asses from their relatives.Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.
Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.
I wish porn had subtitles.
Quoth Food Lady View PostCould someone please tell me how to accomplish this?
It's actually a mental technique that takes some learning to do, but it can be done.
Whenever an undesired thought crops up, counter it. In this case, I'd go one of several ways:
- he's not qualified to judge, and the person who is qualified to do so is pleased with me.
- he's an immature childish brat and thus his opinion doesn't matter
- his statement is simply untrue.
The first might be 'well, my doctor is happy with my health'.
The second might be to consciously picture the idiot as a toddler, and laugh at the statement the same way you'd laugh at a toddler saying something inappropriate.
The third you just mentally go 'what an idiot'.
You have to BELIEVE the counter, however. So pick one that really works for you.
Quoth Jester View Post"Here's your coffee, sir--WHOOPS!--oh, sir, I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to spill that blazing hot coffee all over your crotch. My big fat belly must have gotten in my way. I'm terribly sorry, sir!"
Not even if they deserve punishment.Seshat's self-help guide:
1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.
to you, Scroob. And a
for your managers, for making you put up with that horseshit.
Although my bosses can be a pain on occasion, they would NEVER expect us to let a comment like that slide. It makes me so mad that you, and so many others on here are expected to take abuse and harassment from these sub-human creatures."So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13
Ugh, reminds me of two incidents at the wholesale club. The first being the jackass who pulled the un-funny "joke" on me recently, who was point-blank told "That's not funny," and the other being the little Hispanic kid who came up to me and said, with a big s**t-eating grin on his face, "Tu eres gordo!" (You're fat!) and was given a glare and told, "Y tu eres feo!" (And you're ugly!) That kid was shocked as hell and ran off.PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.
There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!
Ten other possible responses to micro-dick ass-wipe:
1- Oh, I'm pregnant! Am I showing already?
2- The doctors say the tumor is inoperable.
3- Not eating? That means more food for meee!
4- Yeah, I should exercise more, but it's hard to find the time when I spend all my off-work hours getting laid.
5- And you're a jerk. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was state the obvious day.
6- And I care about your opinion because....?
7- You know, I've heard having low blood sugar can cause people to act like assholes. Maybe you really should eat something.
8- Oh, God! Insult me more! Insults make me so horny!
9- Hahahahaha. That's so funny! You're a riot. No, really, you should have an act in Vegas, you comedian you. (said dripping with sarcasm).
10- Oh, dear, you poor man, did your mother never teach you it's not nice to say things like that? (Call over to co-worker) This poor guy's mom didn't teach him any manners! Isn't that just the saddest thing you've ever heard? (Back to suckstomer) It's okay dear, don't feel too bad. It's not your fault you were never taught any better. But it's not too late, I'm sure there's some class or something you could take...
and bonus response:
Do you find that your Tourettes makes it difficult to form friendships?Don't wanna; not gonna.
Being large myself I found a great response.
Wow you must have been a detective in another life, but in all serious sir/ma'am you are going to have to try harder if you want to be insulting. I am rather happy with the way I look and let me tell you it is great to not fit into the "mold" that everyone has to be a certain size... but just let me know if I can get anything else for ya.
Fantasy response, said quite loudly:
"You called me fat! Why would you do a thing like that? Is it considered socially acceptable now to remark on the perceived shortcomings of others? If so, I'm sure you won't mind me saying that you are terribly obnoxious and I would prefer you to remove yourself from the premises. Is it really okay these days to walk up to a complete stranger and make rude comments on their physical appearance?" *to someone in line behind him* "Ma'am, did you know they're allowing people to behave this way now? I really had no idea we were allowed to say things like that. Let's see, what else is can I see that's wrong with this man?" and continue on, motor-mouth style, until you manage to induce some sense of shame in the jerk and he slinks off.
Of course, it might cause more problems than it's worth to actually do anything like that.... Something much more subtle would probably serve you better in the actual situation, but that would be my fantasy response.
Some people really, and I mean really really really (I can't say "really" enough on this one) do NOT care what comes out of their mouth and who hears it.
And those people, ugh...they are just treasures. I work with a bunch and my bf's mother is like that. She doesn't go around calling people fat or anything like that, but she will just blurt out whatever the hell she feels like, no matter whom may be around or how inappropriate or insulting it may be. She's embarrassing.You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth
I'm fat. It's pretty, er, noticable.
Most people don't just walk up and insult you, but it's pretty common for people to be insulting if I have any other kind of run in with them. If I call someone out on queue jumping, or raise my voice slightly to ask someone to move for a third time when they're blocking a supermarket aisle it's my fault because I'm fat
The problem is it doesn't actually work as an insult.
I don't care what some random idiot thinks. I care about the opinion of those who love me, and the opinion of my doctor. That's it.
And it's just too obvious. I'm fat. I know that. Everyone who gave me even a passing glance knows that. Trying to embarrass me in public by bringing up the fact isn't going to work.
I'm fat. It's the most obvious thing about me. It's also the worst really. Up hill all the way from there. I'm fat. I work hard. I care for my family. I spend all day every day helping people. I'm kind. I'm smart. I don't get to be modest when people wish to revile me in the street.
They are nasty. They are mean. Their worst traits seems rather more serious than my worst trait.
And all they had to do to hide their bad trait was keep their mouth shut.
So if someone wants to call me fat they're welcome. Every single person who overheard already knew I was fat, but they've just learned that the random idiot is mean and nasty. Only one person should be embarrassed by that.
Thinking that through after a particularly nasty argument with a complete bitch on the bus made me feel a lot better. And if I do need to respond then those are the points I'll make, which allows for plenty of variations on a theme. A simple "I think everyone can see I'm fat, they didn't know you were an idiot until you opened your mouth" would do.
It takes all the power away from the insult, it makes them look silly and if you can actually believe it (which took me a while) it makes you feel better.
Victoria J
"I suggest you get something to eat after all, since hunger seems to make you act like an ass."