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Banking Suckage 101

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  • Banking Suckage 101

    So I've had my fabulous new job for about a year now and have developed some 'ticks' that are part of my daily interactions with my clients. I'm a banking rep, my job is heavily weighted on sales. I sell bank accounts, lines or credit, mortgages, loans. I like my job, I'm good at sales and I love talking with people. But some things should be common sense and some issues require patience. And as we know, the general public can be greatly lacking either or both of these qualities.


    I guess I originally assumed that in this day and age, everybody knows how to operate an ABM. Well, we all know what happens when you assume.....

    I must get asked at least two, three, four times a day to walk someone through the process of depositing through the machine (I work for a mid-sized bank, ALL deposits are done at the machine, no cash is handled over the counter). Usually, I'm happy to help, but there's some clients that get me to help them everytime. They forget their pin on a weekly basis, lose their cards on a bi-weekly basis, need their hand held through a simple cash deposit..... ...
    .......... really????'

    ya that's kind of important

    It was really busy, people waiting in chairs for help, and I was the only one on shift. I had just opened an account for a customer, and had set her up at the machine with a pin. All that was left was to make a deposit in her new account. I was a lil hesitant to leave her to do it, because she had asked a few silly questions (like REALLY silly), but she said she was fine making the deposit. So I reminded her it was under the chequing button, handed her an envelope, thanked her for her business, and took the next couple in line.
    A few minutes later, she returns and pokes her head around the corner to catch my attention

    SW (silly women): ummm I'm really sorry, can I ask you one more question??

    Fufu: yes of course

    SW: When I make a deposit, should I have put the money in the envelope???

    Fufu: oh yes, please make sure you put the deposit into the envelope and seal it, before depositing it into the machine.

    SW: makes more question??

    Fufu: mhmmmmm (as I'm filling out paperwork for the clients I am with)

    SW: what if I put the $300 in there without the envelope....they'll know it was mine right?


    SW: i just didn't realize what you gave me the envelope for


    Patient Couple: feel free to with that (snickering over the whole thing)

    SW: I just wasn't thinking you know... was it that important??

    Fufu: Ya, that's kind of important

    So we got her on the phone and HOPEFULLY, they will find the whole balance in the bucket when they come to collect it. If not, she loses whatever isn't accounted for. She let me know that it all worked out

    She's one of the ones that I help all the time at the machine..... Can't imagine why.....

    So you'd rather lose your money..

    So it's very common around the holiday season for customers bank cards to get compromised, frauded, copied. The bank has a system that flags potentially frauded cards, blocks access to the card, and attempts to contact the customer. Mostly, customers are thankful for this process, even though it is a pain to come in and change your pin or card number to regain access to your account. I'm fairly understanding and compassionate when someones a little frustrated about it, it's fair. They're not mad at me, they're mad at the situation. I try to educate customers about what usually took place that compromised the card, why we have to block it, how it can get flagged etc. That said, I had one lady....

    SC: this is just ridiculous! I don't have time to be here, noone got my money!!

    Fufu: Well, I'm glad to hear we were able to flag the card before any attempt was made to access your account I'm sorry for the hassle of coming in, but we'll get this fixed for you right away

    SC: Its my money and you had no right to block me from it!! My card is IN MY HAND!

    Fufu: Well when someone copies your card, they make a duplicate card *strating talking about how it happens and why her account wasn't protected anymore*

    SC: *cutting me off* well it's MY money and if someone copied it, it would be MY fault, you CAN'T cut me off from MY money, I'm getting the papers involved. I don't believe my account was EVER frauded. I think you just like to inconvenience the customer!!

    Fufu: I assure you, it was necessary......

    We got her set up, but she continued complaining like an EW the whole time. Why? Whyyyyyyy would I want to subject myself to that more then I needed to?? lol I hope she loses all her money to fraud.... I really do

    Even Mickey Mouse needs to show ID

    Canada has some really strict ID requirements for opening an account with a bank. This applies to ALL banks in Canada, not just my small midsized bank. However, because we are a smalled sized bank, we have slightly stricter rules as to what identification is required to open an account. Especially if your are a new customer opening your first account with us, as we don't have any information on file in order to validate you.

    I had an SC come in, this mid-aged women and her elderly mother. She wanted to open a joint account for the two of them. Neither of them existing customers. I was excited as I needed the sale today (it was a slowwww day). We sat down to open the account for them.

    Fufu: So to open a new account and get your started with your banking, I nee two pieces of ID from both of you, please. At least one must have a photo on it.

    SC: I have MY drivers license and a credit card

    Fufu: fantastic! that'll do just fine. And what do you have for *mother*?

    SC: She lost everything in a fire, so all I have is this bank statement and a photocopy of her SIN card. oh and a credit card with her name on it but it's expired....

    Fufu: ohhh.... unfortunately it's not enough for me to put her name on the account.

    SC: well open the account in my name and then add her to it

    Fufu: Unfortunately I can't do that. But I can put her name as a beneficiary on the account, so you can deposit her money into the account. But I can't add her to it as joint until I have another piece of ID.

    SC: I have ID, right here!! Look!!

    Fufu: I'm sorry but it's not enough to open an account, there's legislation around what I can accept as minimal ID, and unfortunately its doesn't meet that. It applies to any bank and I can't accept anything but what I'm told I can.

    SC: I want you to call your manager or office or something and get this worked out!! Immediately, this must be done today!

    Fufu: There's noone that can overwrite what I require for ID to add her to the account, I'm sorry. But we can get it set up, and if you just come when you have..

    SC: I DON'T THINK YOUR LISTENING , she lost EVERYTHING in a fire, didn't you HEAR ME?

    Fufu: I'm sorry, but that doesn't change...


    Fufu: I would suggest you go there then??

    I gave her a 1-800 number and a pamphlet on ID requirement guidelines.

    My boss called me 2 days later. She had called and complained and yelled and screamed. She wanted me fired. I got rewarded for doing my job hellllllllz ya

    / end rant
    Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

    ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~

  • #2
    Quoth Fufu487 View Post
    My boss called me 2 days later. She had called and complained and yelled and screamed. She wanted me fired. I got rewarded for doing my job hellllllllz ya
    That's what caused the funny wobble in the Earth's rotation the other day! Someone not getting reamed for doing their job!
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3

      Air Battle Manager...?


      • #4
        Quoth Hobbs View Post

        Air Battle Manager...?
        I'm guessing Automated Banking Machine, kind of like the ATMs we have in the states.


        • #5
          Automated banking machine...... i believe..... rite??
          Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

          ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~


          • #6
            All deposits through the ATM? PC Financial?
            Last edited by prb; 01-25-2010, 02:01 AM.


            • #7
              Sheesh! And I thought tech support gets the shit end of the SC stick!
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                When I was using the ATM at my bank last week a woman was getting very annoyed trying to feed notes into the deposit machine next to me....without an envelope!

                She kept hitting cancel, starting again, muttering that the damn machine kept beeping loudly at her while she was trying to feed a note into the slot

                I did think about quietly mentioning the envelopes, but by the look on her face I would have been cussed at, so I didn't.
                Arp happens!

                Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                • #9
                  I was in a McDonalds the other day. Ahead of me in line was a well-dressed woman in her late 30s attempted to pay for her order with a debit card. It seems she had never made a Point Of Sale bank card transaction before in her life, and didnt understand what to do.
                  I thought this was really odd, until a friend of mine pointed out that many areas of Europe have atms, but no POS debit/credit machines.

                  Question about the would-be joint account:
                  Is there any reason the SC couldn't have opened an account in her name only, gotten 2 cards for it and given one to her mother?
                  Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                  "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    To be fair...

                    Where I bank, when you make a cash deposit, the ATM / ABM actually counts the bills, and deposits the cash directly into the account. Money shows up in the account in less than 5 minutes. (That's how long it took me to get home and double check the account online).

                    So...yeah, not all ATMs / ABMs require envelopes.

                    Also, how does opening accounts count as a sale?
                    "Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is." - Steve Martin


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pagan View Post
                      That's what caused the funny wobble in the Earth's rotation the other day! Someone not getting reamed for doing their job!
                      Woah! Is THAT what that was???

                      And I can't believe that woman just put her money in the machine and assumed it would know it was hers. In the future, maybe...
                      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                      • #12
                        Quoth Bobsentme View Post
                        So...yeah, not all ATMs / ABMs require envelopes.
                        While it's sweet that you're trying to defend someone's idiocy, the ATMs around here that require envelopes also have rather large, animated graphics on the screen showing the money being placed in to an envelope, then put in to the slot. So, to miss that, yes, you are a fucking moron.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          Quoth Bobsentme View Post
                          Also, how does opening accounts count as a sale?
                          When a person deposits money into a bank account, the bank uses that money to make investments and to disperse loans. The bank then profits off the dividends and loan interest. Ever wonder why a lot of banks require customers to maintain a minimum daily balance in checking? It's because the more dough people keep sitting around in their accounts, the more funds the bank has to play with.

                          Every account opening is a "sale" because accounts, by their very nature, generate profit. It's weird to think of a bank account as a "product," but that's exactly what it is in the banking world.


                          • #14
                            Question about the would-be joint account:
                            Is there any reason the SC couldn't have opened an account in her name only, gotten 2 cards for it and given one to her mother?[/QUOTE]

                            Where I bank, and I am assuming it is the same for most CDN banks, you are allowed only one banking card at a time per person on the account.


                            • #15
                              Quoth chikenlady View Post
                              Where I bank, and I am assuming it is the same for most CDN banks, you are allowed only one banking card at a time per person on the account.
                              That's a simple thing to get around. Just call to ask for a replacement without de-activating the old one. Tell the bank that you damaged it, and just need a new copy, and they'll send one.

                              When my old card started getting twitchy, I ordered a new card to replace it so I'd have it on hand when the old one finally stopped working completely. In the meantime, I had two cards available for use.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

