After yesterday's SC marathon, today was better. Only got one scumbag.
This guy came in and dragged me off my register to try and find a Brother DR-510 drum unit that he needed TODAY to complete his print job that was VITAL to National Security (or so he'd like me to think, as if that makes any difference).
Since it wasn't busy at the moment, I went to help him. I actually did manage to find the drum unit SKU in the little flip chart over by the toner cartridges, and looked up the SKU in the inventory system. Nothing. Nobody has them; the SKU is on I (inactive) status. Other than that the screen is BLANK.
Me: Sorry sir, this item is going to be available online only. None of the stores have it.
SC: What the HELL?!?!?! That's ridiculous! And this isn't the first time I've had this problem with you people not carrying the things you need to be carrying!! I don't have time to order it online and wait until next week to get it! I need it TODAY. And I'm NOT buying a whole new goddamn printer just because you refuse to carry what I need!
Me: Well, if you order it by 4PM, it will be in tomorrow.
SC: I need it TODAY! Is there any way it can be in today? (said like he knows the answer)
Me: No.
SC *in a threatening tone*: Well then I guess I'll have to go to try your competition!
Me: Nothing I can do about that, sir.
*SC turns to leave, walks ten feet, then turns back*
SC: You tell your manager that he needs to get on this and get this stuff in!
Me: Sir, we can't carry EVERYTHING.
*SC gives me a "I can't help you if you can't help yourself" look*
SC *condescending tone*: That's what you're in business for!
Contrary to this guys wishes, I made a point of NOT mentioning this to the management. He can go pound sand. I very much doubt that the competition has it either. Much like whining/complaining/asking repeatedly, threatening to go to the competition will NOT cause an item to magically appear in stock somewhere.
This guy came in and dragged me off my register to try and find a Brother DR-510 drum unit that he needed TODAY to complete his print job that was VITAL to National Security (or so he'd like me to think, as if that makes any difference).
Since it wasn't busy at the moment, I went to help him. I actually did manage to find the drum unit SKU in the little flip chart over by the toner cartridges, and looked up the SKU in the inventory system. Nothing. Nobody has them; the SKU is on I (inactive) status. Other than that the screen is BLANK.
Me: Sorry sir, this item is going to be available online only. None of the stores have it.
SC: What the HELL?!?!?! That's ridiculous! And this isn't the first time I've had this problem with you people not carrying the things you need to be carrying!! I don't have time to order it online and wait until next week to get it! I need it TODAY. And I'm NOT buying a whole new goddamn printer just because you refuse to carry what I need!
Me: Well, if you order it by 4PM, it will be in tomorrow.
SC: I need it TODAY! Is there any way it can be in today? (said like he knows the answer)
Me: No.
SC *in a threatening tone*: Well then I guess I'll have to go to try your competition!
Me: Nothing I can do about that, sir.
*SC turns to leave, walks ten feet, then turns back*
SC: You tell your manager that he needs to get on this and get this stuff in!
Me: Sir, we can't carry EVERYTHING.
*SC gives me a "I can't help you if you can't help yourself" look*
SC *condescending tone*: That's what you're in business for!
Contrary to this guys wishes, I made a point of NOT mentioning this to the management. He can go pound sand. I very much doubt that the competition has it either. Much like whining/complaining/asking repeatedly, threatening to go to the competition will NOT cause an item to magically appear in stock somewhere.