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Gettin' Bad Vibes

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  • Gettin' Bad Vibes

    So yesterday, me and Hoss are outside doing carts. We're just about to bring the last train of carts for inside the club when Hoss (who was steering the front of the train) signals for me to stop, and goes inside to talk to CR, who is our front door guy. Then Hoss signals for me personally to come inside. I do so, not liking the fact that I have the train of carts blocking one lane of the service road in front of the store.

    Seems these three black guys had come in together, and CR had gotten bad vibes off of them. Specifically, CR was going to follow them and needed Hoss to keep an eye on the door. Hoss then asks me to follow CR, to make sure he doesn't get in any trouble. So I wander over to the end of the aisle where CR is confronting the black guys in the electronics section.

    I don't overhear the entire conversation, but the gist I got was CR was lecturing them about giving him an attitude, about not showing their membership card, and the guy I mentally labeled as the leader of the trio is giving CR grief right back, and accuses CR of profiling ("you only doin' this 'cos I'm black"). Eventually CR gets the leader to flash his membership card, which doesn't have a picture. So CR tells him he needs to go to the front desk to get his picture taken, but oh, no, the guy don't like pictures.

    After another minute or two of this, the black guys start walking off into the club, with CR following them. I trail behind, and then MS, the MOD, shows up. I point him toward the whole group, and then head back up to the door to get the carts out of the street. A couple minutes later, CR returns and Hoss and I get the rest of the carts back inside.

    The black guys end up buying a few gallons of milk and some other items, and CR asks me to hang back inside until they leave, in case they try to give him some more attitude. CR specifically was worried they wouldn't show their receipt. They do so, and the leader mumbles something impolite as he walks away. CR calls him back, and says, "What did you say to me?" Now the leader won't repeat it, and says, "You spoke English, you'd-a heard me." "I do speak English. I speak English very well. What did you say?" But he won't say it to CR's face and walks off, still copping an attitude.

    We can see them go out into the lot, where their car was parked in the "Reserved for our customers with infants" space. CR then tells me that he'd seen them walking up to the club, and then the leader had asked for one of the electric handicapped carts, 'cuz "I got a broken ankle." (Yet he was walking just fine, and no cast on his leg-- he was wearing SHORTS, too, so we would've seen it.) Then they copped the attitude about the membership card when CR asked for it (which he tends to ask for if he suspects someone's only coming in to shoplift), and then when he confronted them in the aisle, they tried to play the race card.

    CR described them perfectly as a "bunch of punks." He even noted to me after that last exchange as they were leaving, "You notice he [the leader] couldn't say it to my face."

    The MOD did tell CR that he shouldn't have followed them and asked him [the MOD] to do it instead. But when CR gets wound up by someone, he doesn't always think clearly like that.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    Why exactly did they do or say that made CR decide they needed to be followed around the store?
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      If CR's the front door guy, he's probably in charge of checking memberships on the way in. It's probably not the guy's membership since he didn't want his picture taken, and so he likely waved it in CR's general direction. We'd get people doing that all the time when we were checking tickets at my first theatre, and 95% of the time, those were the people with issues with their tickets.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        At my club, we're fairly lax about checking memberships on the way in. We will ask for them if we have a suspicion about potential shoplifters-- as CR did here-- or on exceptionally busy days when we have a number of people who aren't regular members coming in, as we did on "P-Day" when a certain Alaskan politician did a book signing at our store.
        PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

        There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

