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Random tales from a servo in Boganville

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  • Random tales from a servo in Boganville

    NOTE: Bogan is an Aussie term for trailer trash (sort of) and the place I work happens to be in the middle of their world.

    Well as most people know my main (paying) job is working the graveyard shift at a local servo (petrol station to you non-Aussies), this job mostly sucks and only has three real advantages:
    1. I'm unsupervised so when I get all the work done, if I have any spare time I can grab my sketchbook and play around a bit.
    2. The occasional scenery (ie pretty gals).
    3. I don't have to take abuse from customers.
    And it's number 3 I want to talk about now, just a few stories from the past month.

    First story.
    For most of the night I have to serve people through the little night window and am only allowed to open the door for deliveries or Police, most people understand this.
    Sometimes when I've got the door open for a stock delivery people will wander in (despite a bright green sign telling them not to) so I have to ask them to go outside to the window. It's a pain yes but most people understand when I explain it's company rules and I don't want to get in trouble (like the other graveyard guy has).
    But the jackass this night, wanders in right past the delivery driver pushing loaded stock cages despite both me and the driver politely asking, then politely telling and finally rudely telling him to leave. His Response?
    "I'm in here now I'm gonna buy some shit".
    Me, "Well you'll have to go out to the window, that's the rules."
    Jackass, "That's fucking bullshit. Where's it say I can't come inside?"
    Me, "That bright green sign on the door."
    Jackass, "I don't read fucking signs."
    While my brain shuddered at the sheer stupidity my mouth responded "Well you can get the fuck out, you're not getting served at all here tonight."
    So the Jackass goes out to the window and expects me to serve him, "Sorry we reserve the right to refuse service."
    Jackass then tries to get his mate who was waiting in the car (parked right beside the window btw) to make the purchase for him, I refuse to serve this guy as well and he makes all the usual threats of complaints. No follow up of course.

    Second story.
    On promo change night it takes about an hour or two for the system to finish updating the prices, which is a pain in the ass, so this month I decided to restrict sales to the only products not affected by the promo change (fuel and smokes), even putting up signs saying Fuel Sales Only, most people got this and walked off, some asked and I explained the system is updating, one Prick felt the need to argue.
    Prick, "Why can't I buy shit?"
    Me, "Because the..."
    Prick cuts me off, "That's not fucking good enough."
    Me, "I'm sorry but..."
    Prick, "That's not fucking good enough, Why can't I buy shit?"
    Me, "Because..."
    Cuts me off again, "That's not a proper answer."
    Me, "Sir I can't serve you, goodbye."
    Prick, "Why fucking not?"
    Me, "BECAUSE."
    Prick, "Get me your manager."
    Me, "It's 1am I'm the only one here."
    Prick, "Then I want his number."
    Me, "That's not gonna happen."
    Prick, "Bullshit I'm the customer."
    Me, "No customers actually get served what you are is BANNED, now fuck off before I call the cops."
    More swearing and threats from the prick but I ignored it and went about my work.

    Third story.
    Shortly before door-close one night two dudes came in to use the toilet. One guy was swaying like crazy and was practically carried by the other.
    Sure sign that the dude was drunk and going to throw up in my toilet.
    So I tell them if they make a mess they're cleaning it up, an idle threat that usually keeps the drunks more focused on their aim.
    So after they're done Not Drunk Guy decides to have a go at me. Apparently telling a drunk to watch where he chunks is "discrimination".
    After telling them to fuck off I locked up and went to check the toilet, stank like beer and vomit but thankfully he seemed to have found the right target. I sprayed a full can of Glen 20 in there and waited until the morning before cleaning the loo.
    Ain't my life glamourous.

    Fourth Story.
    This is a bit of an old one.
    One night shortly before xmas 2008 I had an encounter with the only person who ever complained about me (twice actually) at my previous retail job (worked in a supermarket for 9 years).
    I'd just finished serving a customer, checked the forecourt for customers (were none) and checked the time because I had to put on a bake soon. Then I rushed out into the cold room to try and finish re-stocking it.
    Now one of the problems of this place is you can't her the pump alert in the cold room ass the fans in there are too loud, so every few shelves I stick my head out to see if anyone's there.
    Then suddenly there's a banging on the window, a customer (b!tch) rudely gesturing for attention.
    So I rush back to the console and authorise her pump. After putting about $30 of fuel in she comes to the window and hands me the money.
    THEN the following ensues (paraphrased from memory):

    SC - I had to wait ten minutes for you to turn on my pump
    Me - (look at screen, only seven minutes have passed since I left the till) Ma'am I haven't even been away from my till ten minutes and there were no cars out there when I left.
    SC - You're lying I was out there for ten minutes before I had to make you turn on my pump. *insert much swearing and ranting and threats that I can't remember the specifics of*
    Me - (process sale hands change) Here's your change, goodbye.
    SC - I'm not finished with you.
    Me - This sale has been completed you are no longer a customer now fuck off or I'll call the cops.
    SC - You can't call the cops on me
    Me - (phones local police station on speakerphone)
    Sergeant M - **** Police Station.
    Me - Hi this is Scooby from Servo...
    SC - Fine I'm going but I'm going to tell your boss about this
    Me - Fair enough. (Into phone) Thanks M
    Sergeant M - No problem, is the coffee machine fixed?
    Me - Yep
    Sergeant M - Brilliant, see you soon.

    The lady did put in a complaint, three months later, and all my boss had to say to me was "Try not to tell them to fuck off" and we now have a swear jar.

    I have many more stories but will save them for a later time.
    "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly

  • #2
    Quoth akaScooby View Post
    Prick cuts me off, "That's not fucking good enough."
    Me, "I'm sorry but..."
    Prick, "That's not fucking good enough, Why can't I buy shit?"
    Me, "Because..."
    Cuts me off again, "That's not a proper answer."
    You, sir, have FAR more patience than I do. I would have just closed the window on him after he wasn't interested in listening to anything. If he's the sort who actually complains when he threatens to it's going to happen no matter what you do in that case.


    • #3
      Quoth akaScooby View Post
      all my boss had to say to me was "Try not to tell them to fuck off" and we now have a swear jar.
      Love it!!!!!


      • #4
        Quoth Magpie View Post
        You, sir, have FAR more patience than I do. I would have just closed the window on him after he wasn't interested in listening to anything. If he's the sort who actually complains when he threatens to it's going to happen no matter what you do in that case.
        Funnily enough in about 14 years of retail only the one person has ever complained about me, three times now over two jobs.
        "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly


        • #5
          Quoth akaScooby View Post

          The lady did put in a complaint, three months later, and all my boss had to say to me was "Try not to tell them to fuck off" and we now have a swear jar.

          What happens when the swear jar is full? Do you get a pizza party? How's the obesity treating you?
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Quoth Soulstealer View Post
            What happens when the swear jar is full? Do you get a pizza party? How's the obesity treating you?
            Swear jar contributes to xmas party and I get drunk enough to dance.
            "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly


            • #7
              akaScooby, which state are you in? It sounds like some of the idiots from Old Store have escaped...
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                akaScooby, which state are you in? It sounds like some of the idiots from Old Store have escaped...
                QLD I'm pure Brisvegan.
                "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly


                • #9
                  Quoth akaScooby View Post
                  "Why can't I buy shit?"
                  Because if you eat right, you can get it for free.

                  Yeah, I had something much more clever in mind, but when the time came, it disappeared out of my head.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Quoth akaScooby View Post
                    Funnily enough in about 14 years of retail only the one person has ever complained about me, three times now over two jobs.
                    It's been the same hag all 3 times? Well, you could accuse her of stalking you!
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      Quoth akaScooby View Post
                      QLD I'm pure Brisvegan.
                      Unfortunately it sounds like some of my customers at the old store have migrated north....
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...

