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Can we look through your bins?

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  • Can we look through your bins?

    A bit of background- we're an affordable opticians, and despite the fact that technically we shouldn't, we regularly repair broken frames from other places.

    In this case, we did it for free. The frames weren't ours, we matched the broken arm as best we could ([retty damn well, and we didn't have to take apart a pair of frames from the shelf, bonus) and told him to come in and collect them.

    Please note, for FREE. And the side was broken.

    Over the course of the day we regularly clear up our repairs centre, and the broken side we took off the frames was thrown in the bin.

    Five minutes to closing our man comes in. We make sure the frames are fine, adjust them and they fit well. Then here it comes.
    "Can I have the old side?"
    Um, whut?
    You want the old side? The broken one? The one we through away about four hours ago? You want that one?
    So we search for it, all over the place. No luck, it's most likely in the bin bags I already took out.
    So the woman thats with us demands to look throuhg our rubbish. The man is muttering about how inconvenient this is, and how we didn't ask him if he wanted to keep it. Take some responisbilty. We do this a lot during the day, if we kept everyones broken bits of frame when they didn't request us to we'd have no space for actual stock. I mention that he didn't ask us to keep it, because if he had, we would have. We're good like that. The woman with him snaps 'you should have asked'. Maybe we should- but I don't know. It's a tiny, broken piece of metal and plastic that cost the company who made it around 10p. Most people don't want to keep them.
    For some reason we let them look through our rubbish, 6:05. Someobne has to stay out there with them to make sure nothing is stolen, as it's being done where we keep our stuff. Coats, and the like,
    Our man empties out the binbags all over the floor and starts flinging stuff around like a toddler having a strop. It takes 20 minutes (for which I am not being paid) before we finish. We do find his precious precious side. Do I get a thankyou? No. I get a snarl.

    I expect I was getting a little snippy and rude towards the end, but they are lucky I didn't tell them to just go fall in ahole somewhere, but seriously. 35 minutesof searching, rudeness and him behaving like a spoilt toddler over a broken bit of metal and plastic.

    I seem very relaxed when typing this, but trust me, I was shaking with anger when I finally left. I asked my manager if I killed them, would he fire me? He said he'd give me a raise,
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
    Our man empties out the binbags all over the floor and starts flinging stuff around like a toddler having a strop.
    And who got to clean the mess he made? As if I had to ask.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #3
      What the hell. It's free, you're doing them a damn favor which as far as I can see you don't even have to do, and they're still bitching?

      Ha. If it would have been me working there, once they found their broken earpiece, I'd've taken the new earpiece off their glasses, put their old broken one back on, and sent them on their way.

      Oh, you still want that fixed? That'll be $15.00 (or whatever you charge normally, I have no idea what this service normally costs). Don't wanna pay? There's the door, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. Take your broken glasses with you.

      (I remember a story told me by my locksmith instructor Ed about a situation where someone hired him to open his locked car. He said "That'll be $20.00" (this was in the seventies, it's a lot more than that now). The guy agreed, so they got in his truck and went to where the car was. Ed jimmied the latch with his slim jim, and got the door open in a few seconds. "Customer" then refused to pay up. He said "What, I have to pay you $20 for that?" Ed said "No, you don't," shut the car door, and started walking back to his truck. Note that the button was still down at this point. The guy starts raving, and Ed explains that he doesn't work for free. Finally the guy says "All right, I'll pay you, open the damn door again." Ed says "That'll be $40. In advance." The guy yells "But you said it was $20 just now!" and Ed says, "Sure, but now I have to do it twice." He got his $40, too. On those principles, maybe you should charge $30 instead of $15...)


      • #4
        Oh god, the temptation...

        As I left last night I overheard our managers saying how they may no longer do repairs on other opticians specs now, because of stuff like this. Well done toddler man, you just ruined it for everyone else.

        Oh, I cleaned up most of his rubbish. But left- near all our coats and bags and shoes- was the stuff he didn't feel like touching.
        May I just say- yuk?

        I may have sarcastically said as he left 'I'm so glad we could find that for you!'. Sarcasm was my only defence against what was- at that point- pure fury and the urge to just grab him by the back of the head and SLAM.

        What's the betting I'll get that 25 minutes back at any point?
        Last edited by GingerBiscuit; 02-04-2010, 07:05 AM. Reason: forgot something
        Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


        • #5
          This reminds me of a story.Sorry have quite a few of these. I was at work and essentially the lenses of my glasses popped out. So I needed them repaired and quick! my optician is at the other half of the city, so i had to use the opticians in the centre I worked in. SO I went down (after a few hours because my till superviser wouldn't let me off for it. The manager had to tell me to before she would approve!) and went into opticians explained it to them and went your not my usual optician so I aske dhow much it would cost. His reply was we'll do it as a favour for you. I was very thankful. In fact so thankful they are now my registered optician and after it I purchased quite a few things in the store I did not need to make up for it. If I had asked for my screw that he had to remove and replace back I would be embarrassed.

          However, maybe the gentlemen sees it as a trophy or a medal of his war against customer service assistants.


          • #6
            I would have said to the guy "I'm so very sorry we threw out the broken piece. Let me make it up to you by giving you a full refund on your free repair for glasses you didn't even buy here in the first place."

            That or reached out and broken the replacement part.

            This reminds me of a classic story from Acts of Gord wherein an SC refused to pay for the repair to his child's controller because "it only took 5 minutes," despite the Gord repeatedly informing him that the labor was free, and the only charge was for the replacement part.
            Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

            "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


            • #7
              I get that once in awhile. "But it only took 5 minutes!"...yes, the fix took 5 minutes, but it took me X minutes of trying to pry out of you what went wrong so I didn't inadvertently make things worse (trust me, digging in the registry with only "I think it did this..."/"it has to be this because the internet says it is!" to go on usually ends badly).
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #8
                Where's my part?

                Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
                Oh god, the temptation...
                Oh, I cleaned up most of his rubbish. But left- near all our coats and bags and shoes- was the stuff he didn't feel like touching.
                May I just say- yuk?
                I may have sarcastically said as he left 'I'm so glad we could find that for you!'. Sarcasm was my only defence against what was- at that point- pure fury and the urge to just grab him by the back of the head and SLAM.
                Update Feb 7th) Since I'm in the US and You're in the UK it's possible that the following might not pertain to you. Just found out. Sorry if I created any confusion. -Larry)

                Ginger, I know the guy gave you a rough time and you were nice enough to do the repair for free....But unfortunately this customer, as shitty as it may be, has the law on his side. Technically you threw out someone else's property without permission. I know this sucks and you were caught in a bad situation and I feel your pain. I learned this , at first, the hard way too. You're really not allowed to throw away someone elses parts until the sale or repair is completed. And things are signed off on. That goes for car repairs, electronic repairs and by default optical repairs too.
                Dumping the trash was a bit much though. sorry about that!
                Last edited by Larry1; 02-09-2010, 12:10 PM. Reason: clarification


                • #9
                  If the discard bin contains parts that are unusable, then the d-bag has no grounds to complain. You don't need to do a damn thing to accommodate him.

                  Tell him you always toss broken parts. If he wanted them back, he should have said something beforehand.

                  Then send him on his way.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Larry1 View Post
                    I learned this , at first, the hard way too. You're really not allowed to throw away someone elses parts until the sale or repair is completed. And things are signed off on.
                    Ginger's in the UK, so the law's not necessarily the same.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      OK, I know it's routine for auto repairs to ask if the customer wants them to save the old parts, but a broken arm of a pair of glasses? What the hell was he going to do with it? Unless he's a hoarder or something...

                      Quoth C-130 View Post
                      In fact so thankful they are now my registered optician and after it I purchased quite a few things in the store I did not need to make up for it. If I had asked for my screw that he had to remove and replace back I would be embarrassed.
                      And this would be why they do small repairs for free...

                      My mom once had a screw replaced at LensCrafters. She didn't buy the glasses there, but she happened to be in the mall so it was convenient. She was all prepared to pay for it and was pleasantly surprised.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Didn't know that

                        Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                        Ginger's in the UK, so the law's not necessarily the same.
                        Thank you for the heads up.
                        Didn't know she was in the UK
                        It's very possible that the situation could be totally different there.
                        I was just trying to be helpful and can only speak as to how things are in the US.
                        Point taken
                        Last edited by Larry1; 02-08-2010, 12:50 PM. Reason: syntax


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I'm not entirely sure about the legal things here, but I'm pretty certain if you hand something to us to be repaired it's at your own risk, and we can't garuantee returning any old parts.

                          It was actually snapped at the hinge, so there was no physical way we could have repaired it, either.
                          Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

