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In a GK-esque post...

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  • In a GK-esque post...

    I shall attempt to show the current.... obtuseness I get constantly.

    Background - I work on an IT Call desk, as part of the company itself (no more outsourcing for me, take that [previous job]. Answer the phones, fix the issue, etc etc.

    On a side note, a big pet peeve of mine is when I answer with my name, its polite to say "its [user] speaking."... but... would I post here if they did that?

    And this is the most basic of the calls we field. All we need, is their name to unlock their account.....

    Me - Your friendly deity of the Sun.
    User - Making name substitutions that are far out even for me.
    {} - My thoughts.

    Me - "Good afternoon Service desk, ApolloSZ speaking."

    User - "they've knocked me off the system"

    {I feel sorry for you. Being named that by your parent's truly is a heavy burden... unless... congratulations are in order? Did you hit "them" back? Did you start the fight? Did you finish it, and this is their parting retaliation? Its the organisation isn't it. 'The Grid' if you will.}

    User - "Can you help?"

    {Uh sure, mysterious person.. Wait. Its fight club isn't it. Aren't you not supposed to talk about that?.... }

    Me - "Who am I actually talking to?"

    User - "Oh, its mysterious fighter. Can you help me?"

    {... Seriously? I dont' think I can make to your office in time to turn the tide of battle, but, I can find the combo to unlock the ultimate fatality move for you. It even includes a a Shoryu-ken!}

    Me - "Whats actually happening?"

    User - "It says my account is locked out. And I need to contact the administrator"

    {Ah. A clue! I think, just possibly, your account being locked out is the issue. I have solved the quest! Now you surely will provide me with the sacred stone, to unlock the ultimate blade?}

    .... Sigh....
    "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
    Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias