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This lady is a total whackjob!

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  • This lady is a total whackjob!

    Not aggressive, just really really weird. She's in a smoking room though I don't think it's tobacco. Her adventures will be ninja edited as they happen. Let us hope I don't have to add stories.

    This door is locked with the mystic KEY

    Towards the beginning of my shift SC calls needing a replacement remote.

    SC: The remote is not working.
    Me: No problem. I have another remote at the desk you can use.
    SC: How do I lock my door?
    Me: It'll lock automatically when you shut it.
    SC: Will I need a key to unlock it.
    Me: Yes (thinking: How else do you unlock a door?)

    Some people stay far away from the door If there's a chance of it opening up. They hear a voice in the hall outside And hope that it just passes by.

    SC: How's your security?
    Me: What seems to be the problem?
    SC: I think I heard someone try and open my door.
    Me: (Good thing those doors lock automatically, eh?) I'm sure it was just a mistake.

    To humor her, I offer to have a look down the hall. As I'm ascending the elevator, I have a thought. There's someone in the room across the hall. Maybe she heard that.

    As I was composing this post, I checked a couple into the room next door.

    Who would you need to fax at this hour?
    SC: Do you have a fax machine?
    Me: Yes we do.
    SC: Even this late at night?
    Me: (Nope we just uninstall the fax machine after 8pm. It won't be active again until 7am.) Yes. We can fax whenever you need it faxed.

    This did give me an idea. I'm going to start my own late night fax services. Welcome to Fax Fux. Soon you will be connected to the hottest party in the country. $2.99 for the first fax. $1.99 each additional fax.

    Edit 1

    Do hotels even have these types of beds anymore?

    I didn't think this story would be important but it raises a question regarding a later story.

    SC: Do these beds vibrate?
    Me: No
    SC: It must be just mine then?
    Me: Is it possible your cell phone is going off?
    SC confirms that this is indeed the case and hangs up.

    Busybody in the Lobby

    I see a younger girl talking on her cell phone on one of the chairs in the lobby. I didn't see where she came from, and when I approached her, it almost looked like she was sleeping. I find out her room number so I can be certain she's not just random person from outside who came to chill for a few hours. SC was in the lobby by this time.

    SC of the evening interrupts my watching of Buffy on my portable DVD player just to tell me she saw the guest go back to her room on the first floor. Thanks, but that's really none of your fucking business!!

    Four O' Clock and all is well!

    SC calls down.

    SC: What time is it?
    Me: Almost 4:00

    Don't cell phones automatically adjust to the time? Couldn't she have just checked that? It's not like she even crossed a time zone border to get here. She's from the same state!

    As a side note, for whatever reason, whenever she calls, I get 2 calls coming in at the same time. It's only happend twice, but it's still weird. And when I'm on the phone, I can hear the ringing that you hear when you're trying to call someone.

    Edit 2
    Note: I'm home now so unless she extends her stay (knock on wood) this should be the last batch. Maybe not because she checked in early yesterday afternoon. The person I relieve should have some stories.
    Closed for the first time ever

    SC calls down
    SC: Do you know what time 7-Eleven opens?

    I don't know of a gas station or c-store in my town that DOESN'T close.

    Feet violation the 5-Second rule

    SC is in the lobby and comes up to the desk.

    SC: Are we supposed to have shoes on?
    Me: (WTF!!) I would HIGHLY recommend it. The lobby is a high traffic area and there's really no idea what people bring in on their feet.
    SC: OK I'll go get my shoes. My doctor even said I shouldn't do this.
    Me: (Double WTF!!!!!!! Why in Din's, Nayru's, and Farorie's names are you disobeying a doctor's order?)

    Whew! All this from one SC. She was up all night.

    Edit 3
    FUCK!!! She added another night. I'm pulling a 10 hour tonight. This is going to be fun. So far nothing on my shift, but my coworkers told me a couple of gems.

    Geezers in Freezers

    SC calls down.
    SC: How would I go about making my room less cold?
    CW: Did you turn on the heater?
    SC: ooooOOOOH! (Hard to convey this in text. It's like she had an epiphony, or sudden realization of great truth.)

    This CS member also apologizes for using the term "geezer." Coming up next. The Case of the Cantankerous Old Geezers

    The Ice Machine Uses Blizzaga on SC

    SC: Is there a problem with the ice machine?
    CW: Not that I know of. What's it doing?
    SC: It's too loud. And when I press the button, ice comes out too quickly.
    Last edited by Mr Hero; 02-07-2010, 05:25 AM. Reason: Add even more stories!!!
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

  • #2
    For the last one the person/company he was faxing may have been in a different time zone where it would be normal business hours.


    • #3
      As it turns out, it was a local fax. And the main point in my story was that she was surprised that we are able to fax something this late at night.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Um, if the doctor is telling her not to go barefoot, then something is probably wrong with her feet. I hope she didn't spread something contageous.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Just the fax mamm

          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
          As it turns out, it was a local fax. And the main point in my story was that she was surprised that we are able to fax something this late at night.
          I had a person call me a liar about a fax.
          God's honest truth.....
          Quote " If you received my fax why is it still in the machine?"
          I thought she was making a joke..
          So I joked back that that was an old joke.
          when she replied : What the hell gives you the idea I'm joking?
          I then transferred her to the SM. I don't have to listen to loons.
          That's what the high priced talent is for.


          • #6
            Quoth Larry1 View Post
            That's what the high priced talent is for.
            among other things
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              Gods she sounds familiar; I think she might have stayed in MY hotel once!

              Except mine wanted a refund because someone woke them up during the night trying the wrong door handle. Which is why we lock our doors children!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                Quoth Mr Hero View Post

                Do hotels even have these types of beds anymore?

                I didn't think this story would be important but it raises a question regarding a later story.

                SC: Do these beds vibrate?
                Me: No
                SC: It must be just mine then?
                Me: Is it possible your cell phone is going off?
                SC confirms that this is indeed the case and hangs up.
                The BEST story i have heard in a long time.

                Thank you..i needed a laugh


                • #9
                  Wow, who was this hotel guest? Norman Bates' Mother?
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #10
                    Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                    Um, if the doctor is telling her not to go barefoot, then something is probably wrong with her feet. I hope she didn't spread something contageous.

                    The doc has told me not to go barefoot and I am not contagious. Just extra-sensitive to stuff.

                    Quoth LillFilly View Post
                    Gods she sounds familiar; I think she might have stayed in MY hotel once!

                    Except mine wanted a refund because someone woke them up during the night trying the wrong door handle. Which is why we lock our doors children!
                    I remember a case of someone being arrested for entering houses and licking girl's feet.

                    The doors were -unlocked-.

                    The stupid...OMG.
                    Last edited by Broomjockey; 02-07-2010, 05:09 PM. Reason: multiquote


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                      Why in Din's, Nayru's, and Farorie's names are you disobeying a doctor's order?
                      Maybe she's a fan of Star Trek but not of Dr. McCoy.
                      Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


                      • #12
                        But there's still Dr. Chapel, and Dr. Crusher, and . . .
                        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Mr Hero View Post

                          Who would you need to fax at this hour?
                          SC: Do you have a fax machine?
                          Me: Yes we do.
                          SC: Even this late at night?
                          Sure, just wait for it to finish smoking out the back, then it'll come back in and fax all you want it to.

                          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                          This did give me an idea. I'm going to start my own late night fax services. Welcome to Fax Fux. Soon you will be connected to the hottest party in the country. $2.99 for the first fax. $1.99 each additional fax.

                          That is all...
                          "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington

