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Willing to help is just not enough (longish)

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  • Willing to help is just not enough (longish)

    This didn't happen to me, it happened to my co-worker.

    This lady brought in her laptop, an HP and said that she wanted Windows to be re-installed. She had her restore discs and asked that my CW use them for the install. No problem, he even had the unit ready for her within 24 hours and it usually takes around 3 days or so unless a rush fee is paid (which she did not).

    Complaint number one. She calls in and talks to my CW after she pics up, claiming that her finger print reader software isn't on the computer. My CW kindly explained that he used the recovery discs that she provided for her model HP and that any software that came on the computer will be there. She couldn't get it in her head that maybe she just couldn't find it or it wasn't there from the beginning/added on later. This is when the insults started to fly from her, supposedly, as she kept claiming that CW didn't do his job right, and on and on. Now, CW takes pride in his work and when people start claiming that he did something wrong his blood starts to boil. I hear his tone start to rise, but he offered to help her if she could bring the machine back and help her get it sorted out, which of course was completely ridiculous to her. He sort of lost it on her after that and he actually hung up (not his proudest moment, but I don't blame him).

    Supposedly she found out that the software wasn't there to begin with, or wasn't included on the recovery discs (for whatever reason) and she had to order a disc from HP. Of course she never apologizes for accusing CW of not doing the work right, being a bad tech, etc.

    Complaint number two. She comes in on Wednesday afternoon, claiming that the unit was now doing the same thing as when she brought it in originally. That's cool, we took it in and took a look. Now, when it was first brought in, her HDD passed diagnostics, there where no troubles experienced during the Windows install or during updates. CW tested it again today (Thursday) and the HDD passed diagnostics. He was assuming she somehow messed her system up again, so we wanted to see if there was any trace of malware or anything on the HDD. Long story short, while attempting to connect her hard drive to a multitude of machines and seeing nothing but problems, and running various other diagnostic tests on the HDD, CW found that the hard drive was actually bad. Recognizing his mistake originally, CW called the customer and let her know that she needs to buy a new hard drive, and we will re-install Windows for her at no extra charge, since he missed the bad HDD originally. Seems perfectly reasonable, right? Apparently not. She wanted to speak to a manager, she wanted to write to Head Office. We even offered her a discount on the drive! She felt that she shouldn't have to pay any more because "we should have replaced it in the first place". Even though she would have paid more had we caught it the first time around. WTF!?

    This was a bad one for me today, and I didn't even deal with her. She just had me fuming... who the hell does she think she is?

  • #2
    Quoth it'srefurbished? View Post
    ... who the hell does she think she is?
    The "lady" getting a free HDD from corporate.
    Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


    • #3
      People like her have no business having technology,such as computers.

