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Hear that sound? It's me beating my head against the wall.

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  • Hear that sound? It's me beating my head against the wall.

    So, I was scheduled to be off today but got a call at 10:30 saying X from this thread was sick again and needed to go home. I needed the hours, so i said yes. The day went fine, until 30 minutes before i was done for the day.

    At 4:00 a little old lady walks up and asks me to move the photos from her old phone to her new one. Now, i work in a discount retailer, we don't do any service or tech work. Secondly, she had a pair of AT+T phones. Were I live AT+T doesn't have any retail outlets, yet. She had gone to Verizon and suprise they wouldn't help her with a non-verizon phone.

    I spent a good ten minutes trying to get her to understand that I'm not familar with her brand of phone. My company doesn't allow me to work on customers products, especially products that we don't carry. After Ten minutes of this , I caved. I know you are all disapointed in me for doing so. However, i wanted to go home on time.

    So I sold her a media card, spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how the phone worked. got it transfered and still left work late.

    It's so frustrating, people seem to think that i am a tech or help desk, especially the older ones. I don't have time to load your tracphone minutes on to your phone.My company will not change your watch batteries any more. and i especially don't have time to work on a product that we don't sell, or support.
    They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

  • #2
    It is nice you helped her though; maybe she'll come back and buy a bunch of stuff, or refer all her friends to buy stuff because the people at your store are so nice! Think positive! You probably did something she's been trying to get 3 cold-hearted, 'we're to busy to visit this week grandma even though you hand-raised us after our parents abandoned us to join the circus and paid our way through college by knitting socks" grandchildren to do for months! You made her day!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth LillFilly View Post
      It is nice you helped her though; maybe she'll come back and buy a bunch of stuff, or refer all her friends to buy stuff because the people at your store are so nice! Think positive! You probably did something she's been trying to get 3 cold-hearted, 'we're to busy to visit this week grandma even though you hand-raised us after our parents abandoned us to join the circus and paid our way through college by knitting socks" grandchildren to do for months! You made her day!
      Yeah. And you even made a sale right there with the media card. So you did a good deed, made the store a little money right at the get go, and she may come in more.


      • #4
        If, It's something that I sell, I'll gladly help any costumer. But I don't carry the product in question. I have no training in the said cell phone's. I'm liable if i break the dang thing. I wonder if you'll would feel the same about the situation if it wasn't a little old lady, but a teenager or a 30 something man.
        They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

