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General b*&%hings...

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  • General b*&%hings...

    Hey, long time no post...

    Please just let me cut the coupon.
    It drives me crazy when the customers insist on ripping the coupon out of the ad, even after I've volunteered to cut it for them. I'm just going to have to cut it out anyway, so it will fit in my drawer, and half the time they end up ripping it down the middle.

    Just take the substitute.
    A woman asked me where our scrapbook refill sheets were and I showed them to her. First thing she said when we got there:
    SC: I already looked through all of these, where do you have more?
    I explained we did not have more elsewhere and that this was it. She wanted refill sheets with only two holes punched, as opposed to the ones we have with three holes. She laid one she brought from home over a three holed one, and the top and bottom holes both lined up. Therefore it would have fit perfectly into her scrapbook, it would have just had a hole with no ring through it. I mentioned this, but she would have none of it, and then asked me if we had a way of filling in the center hole so it would only have two holes. Just no...

    Stupid Senior discounts!
    Corporate has decided we are going to offer senior discounts on Tuesdays, so since I always forget to ask, and would rather not ask and offend anyone anyway, I taped one of the fliers to my register. All was well until a senior "lady" came to my register. She had a small plastic container for bead storage, which I believe cost around $1.99, and a coupon for 40% off. She hands me both and I scan them, then she mentions that she is a senior too. So I explain that you can only use one discount at a time, the 10% senior of the 40% coupon. She throws a fit and demands the senior discount a couple times before I think I get it through her thick skull. She swipes her cards and I ask for a zip code:
    SC: I don't have one!
    Me: *thinking* Really? You're homeless and you're spending your money on bead storage?
    So she pays and goes to leave:
    Me: Have a nice day.
    SC: That sign is misleading!
    A few minutes later management tells us to take down all the signs and only give a discount if they ask for it. Seriously!? This old bat was so upset over not saving twenty cents that she has to ruin it for everyone!?

    Two different things.
    A lady (SC for silly customer) calls in and I answer the phone.
    SC: Do you sell tracing paper?
    Me: Yes we do.
    SC: Is it on rolls and how big is it?
    Me: No, it is in sheets in pads (gives sizes, and price range when she asks).
    SC: And is it carbon or some other material?
    Me: *thinking* WTF? Carbon? Did you mean transfer paper?
    SC: Yes that's what I said.

    Serious buisness!
    A woman comes in and asks for hats, as she is joining the "Red Ladies" and needs one. I tell her we only have baseball caps and kids foam hats. She tells me "No, this is an adult organization! It isn't for children!" Really? 'Cause my mom used to be red lady, and from what I recall it's an "organization" for older ladies to dress silly and go to tea or lunch and be loud and silly. I think a kids hat, in the right colors, would fit right in, maybe this isn't the best club for you to be joining?

    Crazy tree lady.
    So a few minutes before I leave for the day, and I'm running around trying to finish my work and I take a call for a woman who wants a certain fake tree. She tells me she called earlier and "S" confirmed that we had them in stock. She was just "Oh so worried" that we would sell out of them and wanted us to hold them for her. Now I really don't want to do this because they would be held up front, where they would only be in the way, for who knows how long. Also because if we sell one tree a week, it's a busy week for trees, there just isn't a demand. So I find the trees, and they are in the far back corner of the store on the top shelf. They aren't going anywhere and I don't wanna find a ladder and drag them to the front when I only have a few minutes left to finish my work. So I tell her they are in a safe place and no one will touch them. But she wants me to pick out only the best looking one and put it "somewhere safe" and put a tag with her name on it. She says she is so worried because she is 25 miles away, and won't be here for two hours, but that she is "leaving right now, and getting on the freeway". Really? You're going to drive twelve and a half miles an hour on the freeway? I wouldn't recommend that. So I found a tree on the floor (thankfully) and drug it up front, I told the FES where to find the others and clocked out twenty minutes late.

    I'm typing this in white text so only read if you want. But I have officially dealt with the five main bodily fluids at my work.

    While escorting two ladies to a product I realized I stepped in something terrible. A long trail spreading from one aisle to the next of dark yellow liquid. For a brief second I thought, "Maybe it isn't what I think it is." Then the smell hits me, and yes, yes it is. I paged for someone to keep an eye on it and make sure no one slips in it and went to get a mop. "D" who helped me said she had heard a child in the area crying a bit ago about having to go pee, so I'm guessing that's the culprit. I do not know what they were feeding their kid but MAN did it stink! I could smell it a few aisles away. It was like a rodent cage that hadn't been cleaned in weeks. Seriously, if your child needs to pee TAKE THEM!! It's mostly just cruel to the poor kid.

    The other four, incase you are morbidly curious,
    Blood, an older lady had cut her foot somewhere at the check out while wearing sandals, and didn't realize until a large puddle had been tracked everywhere.
    Vomit, someone puked in a craft bag and put it back on the shelf, where I found it.
    Poop, someone apparently wiped their butt, or babies butt, with a teddybear tee-shirt, wadded it up and put it back on a shelf. I didn't touch the poo THANK GOD! But it "un-wadded" itself in my hands.
    and Boogers, someone's "precious" child picked their nose and wiped the "findings" all over the labels in an aisle..................I don't get paid enough...
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.

  • #2
    Quoth Nyx View Post

    Serious buisness!
    A woman comes in and asks for hats, as she is joining the "Red Ladies" and needs one. I tell her we only have baseball caps and kids foam hats. She tells me "No, this is an adult organization! It isn't for children!"
    I know somebody who might argue otherwise.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      At least be thankful you haven't dealt region fluids.

      Re the coupons: This is why I have a box cutter, SO much easier than a big honking pair of scissors. 4 quick swipes around the edge and you're done.
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


      • #4
        I remember reading how Peter the Great's son (what ever his name was, I'm to much in a hurry to get to work) went to Austria (or whereever) to meet his fiancee. It has been reported in the history books that he wiped his ass on the curtains in his guest bedroom.

        You'd think humans have advanced the past 300 years.
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          Quoth Nyx:

          Serious buisness!
          A woman comes in and asks for hats, as she is joining the "Red Ladies" and needs one. I tell her we only have baseball caps and kids foam hats. She tells me "No, this is an adult organization! It isn't for children!"
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          I know somebody who might argue otherwise.
          Oh gods... *runs and hides*

          Actually, though, the customer is right--we're pretty strict about not allowing kids at events. Why? Because it's supposed to be a time for women to have fun together, not be bothered with babysitting their kids or grandkids (or have to put up with other people's grandkids!!) That said, any group can host a single event that includes kids, like a mother-daughter tea or something. It's not like we can stop them.

          In the office, however, kids would be welcome--they'd bring more sanity than the "adults"! *headdesk*
          "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

          My pony dolls:


          • #6
            I think carbon paper IS transfer paper... I remember calling it carbon paper when I was a kid, and it is used for tracing. I really don't see the suckiness...
            Ultimate Ginger Extraordinaire.


            • #7
              Quoth labgirl27 View Post
              I think carbon paper IS transfer paper... I remember calling it carbon paper when I was a kid, and it is used for tracing. I really don't see the suckiness...
              The SC said "tracing paper" the first time, which is very different...
              It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


              • #8
                Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
                The SC said "tracing paper" the first time, which is very different...
                Yep. Tracing paper is basically glorified tissue paper. If you want it to do transfers, you have to get crazy with the pencil on both sides of it (effectively turning it into carbon paper).

                At least, this is what I know to be tracing paper. It may be different for other people.
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  Quoth ralerin View Post
                  At least be thankful you haven't dealt region fluids.
                  LOL No, not yet, and believe me, I am thankful! I did see a used condom right out front of the store, in the parking lot once. Really it just made us all laugh, as we couldn't figure why anyone would wanna do it in front of our store.

                  Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                  Actually, though, the customer is right--we're pretty strict about not allowing kids at events.
                  Yeah, but it wasn't about kids or not, it was more of, she was acting as if the group was a serious one, for serious ladies to discuss serious business.

                  Quoth labgirl27 View Post
                  I think carbon paper IS transfer paper... I remember calling it carbon paper when I was a kid, and it is used for tracing. I really don't see the suckiness...
                  Well she said tracing paper not transfer. And I sad she was silly not sucky.
                  wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
                  Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    I know somebody who might argue otherwise.
                    Ooh! I bet we know the same person!
                    Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                    In the office, however, kids would be welcome--they'd bring more sanity than the "adults"! *headdesk*
                    And there she is!

                    ... particularly in regards to your CEO, right?
                    Quoth Nyx View Post
                    Yeah, but it wasn't about kids or not, it was more of, she was acting as if the group was a serious one, for serious ladies to discuss serious business.
                    I'm sure, for some of them, it is "serious business."

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                      Ooh! I bet we know the same person!

                      And there she is!

                      ... particularly in regards to your CEO, right?

                      I'm sure, for some of them, it is "serious business."

                      Oh, you have NO IDEA. The calls I used to field in Member Services...

                      "But I can't wear gold jewelry! Only the Queen of our chapter can!"

                      "I can't wear a print! It HAS to be the solid color!"

                      "I need to know if this outfit has enough of the approved colors--I'm attaching a photo to this email..."

                      And let's not forget the wonderful power-hungry chapter "Queens." Most of them really are wonderful people...but you get a few who organize their own little hierarchies, and are absolutely TERRIBLE to others. Sigh.
                      "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                      My pony dolls:


                      • #12

                        I'm glad I'm a member of the "Pot-Bellied, With Torn T-Shirt Guys "!

                        Much less stressful!


