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Ignore What I'm Saying, Ok?

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  • Ignore What I'm Saying, Ok?

    It was hellishly busy today because we're one of the few stores open because we still have power because of the storm that's currently hammering where I live. The Aid of Rite up the road is closed, my college closed (which means I didn't get to take Philosophy this week, yaaaaaaaaay! I don't like my teacher but that's a rant for a different day). Ice sold out, batteries and flashlights are almost gone, water is almost gone, candles are almost gone, you get the picture.

    So just before the end of my shift tonight, I'm struggling to get a pack of makeup some idiot decided she didn't want and stuffed it behind one of the displays in an area that's very hard to get to.

    I say, "Oh my god, what the hell? I hate people."

    Lady just around the corner (and I mean less than 8 inches away...) asks me to help her find something. She wants glue for her nails, she's got the nails already but wants the glue.

    "Ok, we have this, that and these."

    "But I don't like this brand, it doesn't stay. Don't you have any glue?"

    "Yes, we have that and these that people seem to like."

    "*eyes some of the nails* These don't come with glue, do they?"

    "Not that brand, but we have the plain glue here."

    *a few minutes of the same-look at the nails, ask if they have glue, say I have glue RIGHT FREAKIN' HERE, look at the nails...*

    "But I like these nails. I'll take them. Thanks anyways".

    Why ask for my help if you don't need it?
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Nowadays I'd like to tell my customers (especially the ones who think they're allowed to barge through my mop water), and try to excuse it with "Can I just sneak/squeeze by?"

    I hear that at least ten times a working day. I put up with sneaking by in D&D rogues, not customers.

    All I want to say back (though I haven't yet is) "Go shop at K-Mart."
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

