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A day of suck

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  • A day of suck

    Well today was just a day of suck. No way around it. And I think I shall start with those who piss about with store property.

    The layout of my store is that all checkout are in big long T shape. And facing this are the aisles and at the end of the aisles bang in the middle is the till superviser desk. At this desk we have a computer 9remote access to money and product searches etc) and we also have the telephone system which connects to our PA (luckily you need to know an access code to use it). I was doing some duty till superciseing whilst my actual till sups are away doing cash ups etc. So I am standing at the desk and notice this group of 4 boys who are at he age of 12/13 and think they impress the girls they are with by trying to be a smartass. It got very busy so I had to jump back onto my till and as i jamp on these boys all jamp at the till superviser desk and instantly I just stared at them. And onen of them started giving me abuse. i maintained my staring at stance and hurridly closed my checkout to go over to them and get them to fuck away as they were touching the computer and attempting to use the phone.Sadly as I approached they ran away. However as one of the dauntless I had to find them. And they came to the checkouts and I then noticed that from the till superviser desk we had missing a rather expenisve piece of equipment worth around £2000. And I notice done of them with it. So i called them on it and there response was to throw it against the wall. All I can say is wow! Just wow! You my friend have just earned a debt and better be able to explain to the manager why you did that. The response of the boy was not good.

    The till cash up was being done on was near to the till superviser desk where i had pulled them up to damaging the damned equipment and they took a run and kick at our check out closed barrier. In the process they managed to kick the checkout and quite a bit of money went flying. They my friends are what I call a bunch of areholes. I hope for there sakes there parents can afford a good lawyer or are very wealthy.

    And tale of suck number 2. I was serving (again teenagers) all small items bottles of juice and crisps etc. And they all started to laugh just before I got to serve them. i know they were laughing at me. So I had my checkout speech ready hello. WOuld you like bag? Would you like stamps or top ups?. And I finished scanning last ones item one turned round and shouted at me "See you later Pauk". I should add in some people feel I look like Paul O'Grady. Well that just angered me and made me want to cry.

    I have more day of suck. However, I must depart.

  • #2
    Well, there's worse people you could look like, Paul O'Grady is awesome, so you must be too if you look like him

    A few years back, around the time a certain wizard related series of movies first came out, I had medium length brown hair and glasses, yeah, guess what i got called all the time It was so bad in one place i worked, that i stopped responding to my own name and instead only responded to the titular characters first name, that took quite a while to shake off and start responding to my own name.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

