Ugh, today's asshole.
Background-I'm very short and apparently have a quiet voice. The registers at my Aid of Rite are very tall, surrounded by candy racks nearly as tall as I am. I've taken to waving my hands or waving around one of those LED flashlight things so I can be seen.
Guy came in and was standing at Fs line, looking a bit bored. I called him over, he didn't hear me, I waited. F pointed him down to me and Guy came over, looking a bit miffed.
G: "Well, I'm hard of hearing, no wonder I didn't see you!"
Fair enough, I rang him out. After I closed the drawer, he handed over the $10 and asked for two $5's. I'm not allowed to open my register too much since we get frowned on by the Area LP's and upper management to do so.
Me: "I wish you had asked me that before I closed the register." I open it anyway and give him his change.
G: "Oh, was that so hard? You can't open the register and suddenly you can? That's nice! It's not so much of an inconvenience then!"
Me: *blink* "I'm not allowed to open it, it's not an inconvenience."
G: "Well can I have my tickets, then?" (side note: Aid of Rite has been running a game for the past month, it's similar to Monopoly. Customers get tickets based on how many and what type of things they purchase. Since today's the final day, we're handing out tickets like Halloween candy. 3 of my nice customers got stacks of 100, one got 75, and rude people got 5 or less)
Me: "Ok. *checks his receipt* 2...ok, I can give you that. 1...2..."
G: "Is that all I get?"
Me: "3...4...5. Have a good night."
G walks off, muttering to himself.
Fair enough, I'm walking the store doing sales signs when Sm calls me and manager S2 over to have a talk in the office.
SM: "Did you have a problem with this guy, asked for change? He called and said he wanted to make a complaint, said you were rude to him."
I tell SM what happened and she said "yeah, I thought so. He called and said that you were really rude and he demanded I take down his phone number so you" *points to me* "can personally call him back. I told him no, he got my apology, now it's up to me to discipline her. He hung up. Then he called back, said that I should take down his number now and isn't the customer always right? I said no, and he asked for my name and last name, I told him he wasn't going to get that, then he asked for the DM and that we haven't seen the last of this. If he comes back and starts a scene, call the police."
Turns out that the guy was being a jerk to S2 earlier with a Western Union payment taking overly long and began cursing her out. S2 was not pleased.
About an hour after that talk, guess who comes in? S2 is doing her pickup, I turn white when I recognize who it is, say "Oh fuck." Guy goes right past me without saying a word.
S2: 'That him?"
Me: "yes."
S2: "Breakroom. Now. Stay there."
I whizz past into the breakroom (thankfully R was there, I told him earlier what had happened and he trails S2 and me to be sure) and stay there while Guy buys a case of beer and leaves.
I could have kissed them all-SM, S2 and R.
Background-I'm very short and apparently have a quiet voice. The registers at my Aid of Rite are very tall, surrounded by candy racks nearly as tall as I am. I've taken to waving my hands or waving around one of those LED flashlight things so I can be seen.
Guy came in and was standing at Fs line, looking a bit bored. I called him over, he didn't hear me, I waited. F pointed him down to me and Guy came over, looking a bit miffed.
G: "Well, I'm hard of hearing, no wonder I didn't see you!"
Fair enough, I rang him out. After I closed the drawer, he handed over the $10 and asked for two $5's. I'm not allowed to open my register too much since we get frowned on by the Area LP's and upper management to do so.
Me: "I wish you had asked me that before I closed the register." I open it anyway and give him his change.
G: "Oh, was that so hard? You can't open the register and suddenly you can? That's nice! It's not so much of an inconvenience then!"
Me: *blink* "I'm not allowed to open it, it's not an inconvenience."
G: "Well can I have my tickets, then?" (side note: Aid of Rite has been running a game for the past month, it's similar to Monopoly. Customers get tickets based on how many and what type of things they purchase. Since today's the final day, we're handing out tickets like Halloween candy. 3 of my nice customers got stacks of 100, one got 75, and rude people got 5 or less)
Me: "Ok. *checks his receipt* 2...ok, I can give you that. 1...2..."
G: "Is that all I get?"
Me: "3...4...5. Have a good night."
G walks off, muttering to himself.
Fair enough, I'm walking the store doing sales signs when Sm calls me and manager S2 over to have a talk in the office.
SM: "Did you have a problem with this guy, asked for change? He called and said he wanted to make a complaint, said you were rude to him."
I tell SM what happened and she said "yeah, I thought so. He called and said that you were really rude and he demanded I take down his phone number so you" *points to me* "can personally call him back. I told him no, he got my apology, now it's up to me to discipline her. He hung up. Then he called back, said that I should take down his number now and isn't the customer always right? I said no, and he asked for my name and last name, I told him he wasn't going to get that, then he asked for the DM and that we haven't seen the last of this. If he comes back and starts a scene, call the police."
Turns out that the guy was being a jerk to S2 earlier with a Western Union payment taking overly long and began cursing her out. S2 was not pleased.
About an hour after that talk, guess who comes in? S2 is doing her pickup, I turn white when I recognize who it is, say "Oh fuck." Guy goes right past me without saying a word.
S2: 'That him?"
Me: "yes."
S2: "Breakroom. Now. Stay there."
I whizz past into the breakroom (thankfully R was there, I told him earlier what had happened and he trails S2 and me to be sure) and stay there while Guy buys a case of beer and leaves.
I could have kissed them all-SM, S2 and R.