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Reading is fundy-mental (quite long, some language)

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  • Reading is fundy-mental (quite long, some language)

    Oy VEY!

    The stupid, it burns so badly. Please, please, won't someone take pity on my poor, beleaguered brain cells?

    On to the stories:

    So it's the holidays season, whether you're celebrating Christmas v 1.0 (religious), Christmas v 2.0 (commercial), Yule/Solstice, Hannukah, Kwanzaa or wtf-ever holiday falls around this darkest (meterologically speaking and shopping-wise) time of year, and as we all know, the SC's are out in force.

    A bit of background, first.

    So I work for a catalog shoe company, and we've been stocking up on ugly velour slippers, and gift sets pre-boxed, bright colored robes and warm woolen socks, hideous boots tied with fake rawhide string, these are a few of my least favorite things.

    ....*ahem* sorry. Why is that considered a Christmas song anyway?

    Right. Moving on.

    Look, guys. Please, next year, can we NOT do this stupid promotion? Please? Because no one GETS it! Your brilliant idea has generated more customer service calls in 3 weeks than any other promotion does ALL YEAR! Take the hint! Cut it out!

    The promotion in question grants any customer who spends more than $60.00 in an order a free upgrade to FedEx shipping. That's it. The UPGRADE is free. The standard shipping is not. Why they upstairs would think this is brilliant NOW when they toss out free STANDARD shipping promos the rest of the year is beyond me. Oh, and you can't combine promotions. So if you have the catalog from November that says free STANDARD shipping, and you get an e-mail offering the free FedEx UPGRADE, you have to take one or the other. Not both. So sorry.

    Anyway, before this becomes an all work rant and completely in the wrong forum, let me get to the SC's themselves.

    SC1 has received the e-mail for the free UPGRADE. Like all SC's who receive this promo e-mail, she sees the GIGANTIC "FREE FedEx Shipping!" and not the (slightly, like maybe 16 point instead of 18 point) smaller "Home Delivery Upgrade" just below it. So she places an order for some $80 shoes and applies her promotion. The specific promo she has also offers 15% off her order, so she gets the discount and the upgrade. The math works this way: $79.95 x .85 = $67.96. Shipping on all orders between $50 and $79 is $11.95. So her total comes to $79.91. So the discount is about the same as her shipping anyway, with me so far? Right, and instead of getting it in 6-10 business days, she's gonna get it in 3-5 business days. Helluva a jump for shipping, wouldn't you think? You'd think that was a good deal, yes? Not she. She wants the 15% off, the free upgrade, AND free standard shipping. Basically, she wants to pay the $67.96 and get it in 3-5 biz days. Well, her total shows as the $79.91, and mind you, this comes up, working the math out FOR YOU, before you submit your order into the Internet ether. Like most SC’s, she completely misses this. So she sends a rather snarky e-mail asking us why the bait and switch? So I politely write her back informing her that we’ve been getting this misunderstanding for weeks, so very sorry, just the upgrade is free, but HEY, still a good deal, right? Thanks, have a nice day, clear the e-mail queue, move along. If this were a normal situation, it would end there. But this involves an SC, so you KNOW that’s not the end of it.

    About 30 minutes later, I see her e-mail address back in the queue. WTF? Didn’t I already deal with her? Bring it up, same thing. But new and improved, now with MORE SNARK! She hasn’t quite gotten to the point of screaming “FALSE ADVERTISING! I’LL SUE!”, but I can see that’s just around the corner. I politely explain again that NO, it’s just the upgrade that’s free, so very sorry for the miscommunication, thenk yew veddy much, hev a nice day. Offer to cancel her order if she’s not happy about the situation. Clear her out of the queue, again. Move along, again.

    But wait, there’s MORE! That’s right folks, she was BACK in the queue a couple hours later! This time, she is in fact screaming, ”FALSE ADVERTISING! I’LL SUE!”, in true SC style. Even better, she starts making personal comments about me, telling me I’m terrifically incompetent, I must be a total idiot to think she doesn’t know what’s going on, yadda yadda yadda. Right, you’ve got the balls to call me names, through e-mails, but you don’t have the gumption to admit when you’re wrong? Now it is personal. But I’m cool, man, I’m cool. I keep it all professional. I send her a copy of the e-mail promotion, highlighting the section that says “Home Delivery Upgrade”, explain to her AGAIN, that the only recourse she has at this point is to cancel the order and take her $$ to a competitor. So very very sorry, nothing more we can do, thanks again, HAVE A NICE FUCKING DAY! Clear her out of the queue, please, oh please let this be the last time.

    But no. My peace of mind is not to be settled at this juncture. She comes back, yet again, this time within 10 minutes. This time she is condescending as all fuck. She offers to send me a copy of the screenshot she took of her order total just before she clicked “Submit Order”. She does the math for me (leaving out a key point I might add) and explaining to me as though I were a retarded 5th grader flunking basic math that x+y+z=$67.96. But AH HAH! Now I have her! The lovely, lovely thing about our website is that it stores in the admin function a copy of the order as it was submitted by the customer. Neener neener! I have you now, you wasciwwy wabbit! Here’s what she sent me:
    Product total: $79.95
    Discount: -$11.99
    FedEx Shipping: FREE!

    Here’s what was in the system:

    Product total: $79.95
    Discount: -$11.99
    Standard shipping: $11.95
    FedEx Shipping: FREE!

    I send back a copy of this gem to her, explaining for the LAST TIME that she most emphatically does NOT get free standard shipping and a shipping upgrade, $79.91 is her correct total, if you don’t like it, go piss up a rope, have a very MERRY fucking holiday season, you dried up old cunt. (no, I didn’t actually say those things, I was professional to the end.)

    And that’s the last we heard from her. REASON TRIUMPHS ONCE AGAIN! YA-HAR!

    P.S. I checked her order today. It shipped, FedEx Home Delivery, with the standard shipping charges still on the order. Score one for our heroine!

    The 2nd SC was much lighter. A short e-mail sent thusly:

    “I was so thrilled to find your catalog with all those ‘hard to find’ widths! I was very excited about placing an order, and then I saw it was a “Holiday” catalog! WHAT HOLIDAY? ITS (sic) CALLED CHRISTMAS, YOU BLASPHEMOUS HEATHENS! I will NEVER buy from your company, and I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know not to buy from you either!

    P.S. Your (sic) all going to hell.”

    Yes, I saved that little piece of lovingkindness for prosperity. It’s going to be framed and hung in my cage cubical. I just love how the “going to hell” part is an afterthought

    FWIW, the president and owner of the company is Jewish. She’s lucky we don’t send out catalogs specifically for Hannukah.
    There is a slight flaw in my character.

  • #2
    Damn... People freak about December being the Christmas month (Merry Christmas), so other people think up "Holidays" (Happy Holidays) as a non-denominational form of Christmas... but then OTHER people freak about it not being called Christmas? Craaaazies


    • #3
      Man. I don't even want to get started on those asshats that think Christmas is the ONLY holiday in December! I just won't go there!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        My first thought was "Thanksgiving isn't a holiday anymore?" I consider the whole time between Thanksgiving and Christmas the "Holiday Season".

        I guess that would make me a blasphemous heathen though, wouldn't it?


        • #5
          I consider "the holiday season" to run from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.
          "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

          "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


          • #6
            Quoth ladylabyrinth View Post
            Why is that considered a Christmas song anyway?

            Probably because it has the words "snowflakes", "warm woolen mittens" and "packages tied up with string" in it. I was thinking that the other day when the song came on the loop.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth ladylabyrinth View Post
              Why is that considered a Christmas song anyway?
              I wonder that myself, every time I hear it (ever since the first time it ended up in a "Christmas" loop.

              As for "Holidays," I too consider the Holiday Season to be Thanksgiving through New Year's Day, which includes Yule, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, etc. So I don't mind saying "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" instead of just "Merry Christmas," because you never know what someone else celebrates. And most people I've met don't mind when I do say "Merry Christmas" to them, even if they aren't Christian or Christmas-celebrating folks, because they'll just reply with their own version (like a Jewish person telling me "Happy Hannukah" back). The SC2 in the OP is just looking for something to gripe about.
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


              • #8
                Quoth ladylabyrinth View Post
                Why is that considered a Christmas song anyway?
                (OT)I don't know, but I want to bang my head against a wall whenever I hear it so it will knock me out and I don't have to hear the d*mn song again. It's from The Sound of Music, a show that I have been in nine separate times in seven different theaters. I've played every female child, Maria and Elsa. Hearing that song once in bad enough; imagine having to SING it five times a week for a month straight nine years in a row (almost).

                Sorry. I just REALLY hate that song. The Do-Re-Mi one too.(/OT)

                Some people are stupid. We all know that SCs have selevtive reading skills and only read the phrases and passages that are good for them. The sign can say "Free plastic mug with $150 purchase" and all they'll see is the "FREE" and want everything in the store. Is it obvious that I *don't* miss retail at Christmas time?

                I feel bad for y'all.
                "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                  And most people I've met don't mind when I do say "Merry Christmas" to them, even if they aren't Christian or Christmas-celebrating folks, because they'll just reply with their own version (like a Jewish person telling me "Happy Hannukah" back).

                  Last year, the owner and the owner's son separately wished me a Merry Christmas. Since Chanukah was over, I said thank you. I still kinda feel weird about my reply.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Quoth ladylabyrinth View Post
                    “I was so thrilled to find your catalog with all those ‘hard to find’ widths! I was very excited about placing an order, and then I saw it was a “Holiday” catalog! WHAT HOLIDAY? ITS (sic) CALLED CHRISTMAS, YOU BLASPHEMOUS HEATHENS! I will NEVER buy from your company, and I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know not to buy from you either!

                    P.S. Your (sic) all going to hell.”
                    Since when is Christmas not a holiday? Oh wait... they're idiots.
                    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


                    • #11
                      Do, a deer, a fe-male deer, Re, a light of falling sun! Mi, a name I call myself! Fa, a long long way to runnnnnnn!


                      • #12
                        Do, the stuff that buys my beer
                        Ra, the guy that sells me beer
                        Mi, the guy that drinks my beer
                        Fa, a long way to the john
                        So, let's have another beer
                        La,.......let's have another beer,
                        Ti, no thanks, I'm drinking beer...

                        Okay, okay. Topic.

                        This EXCRUCIATING pettyness that is "political correctness" dictating that nobody mention Christmas for fear of offending some overly sensitive douchbag is as annoying to me as it is to the next person.

                        Having said that, I remember when I was a tiny little girl helping decorate for christmas. This was nearly 40 years ago, before anyone knew what political correctness was. One of the items in the glitz box was a red plastic set of words for setting into windowpanes. It said "Happy holidays." Yes, it used to be as acceptable to say "Happy Holidays" as it was to say "Merry Christmas."

                        Isn't it ironic that now you can say neither without offending the douchbags.


                        • #13
                          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                          Isn't it ironic that now you can say neither without offending the douchbags.
                          And that is why I said "Have a nice day" on the 24th just like every other day... I don't want to deal with either type of douchebag!
                          free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


                          • #14
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Yes, it used to be as acceptable to say "Happy Holidays" as it was to say "Merry Christmas."

                            Isn't it ironic that now you can say neither without offending the douchbags.
                            Tell me about it. I'm a Christian, I celebrate Christmas, yet I don't get my knickers in a twist if someone says, "Happy Hanukkah!" "Happy Solstice!" or whatever. It's the Holiday Season, people. That means everybody's holidays, not just yours. Chill out already! Live and let live.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              Why is that considered a Christmas song anyway?
                              Apparently it became a Christmas song when someone recorded it with a background of jingling bells. Closest thing to a reason I can find, anyway.
                              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

