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Our "No outside food and drink policy", what does that mean to customers? Nothing!

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  • #46
    I am a former food sneaker to movie theaters. Actually, I read this thread yesterday with every intention of picking up a bottled water for my purse before going to the theater to see Alice in Wonderland. My husband was having the same thoughts, but I just hadn't thought of it from the perspective of the employees. You guys don't make the rules, but you get in trouble if somebody breaks them. I told my husband this and we both agreed to buy a large bottled water there and share it. That's all we want while watching a movie, anyway.
    The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


    • #47
      On the rare occasions I go to a movie, I don't eat there. They usually have nothing kosher at the concessions, and in any case I eat before I go. I'm overweight enough as it is, and I found that eating while you're doing something else that requires your attention is a real good way to eat a hell of a lot more than you realize... the hand goes between the bag and the mouth on autopilot, without the brain ever noticing that the stomach is full, and before you know it the popcorn bucket is empty and you wonder where it all went.

      The rest of the audience can do what they want, except when it affects me. There's a theater in Brooklyn where I went to see The Two Towers, which I had a complimentary ticket for, and the place was filled to capacity; I got literally the last seat they had, because I heard them starting to tell people behind me to come back for the next showing. The capacity crowd was surprisingly well behaved, too, no talking, cell phones, or anything. But I discovered that this theater has concessions that must sell nearly everything, because the guy sitting elbow-to-elbow with me was eating the stinkiest nacho I ever smelled, and I know he bought it there because it was in one of those official paper trays along with his cup of soda. Seriously, I was ready to from the smell of his cheese.

      So go ahead and eat, but please don't pollute the air I've gotta breathe, thank you very much.

      (Well, I saw the bottom half of it, anyway. The focus kept wavering in and out, as if the film wasn't quite flat in the plane of the projector. It got worse and worse as the showing went on, until by the end, when the credits started scrolling up, I was watching the lettering start nice and sharp at the bottom of the screen, then get progressively fuzzier as they crawled upwards, until at the top, the picture was like the one I used to get on my old colour TV which apparently had one of the electron guns out of line with the other two. I think they also had the surround sound hooked up backwards. If I'd paid for that ticket, I'd've demanded a refund. I went up to the back of the auditorium after the movie and stuck my head in the hole where the snout of the projector was, but there wasn't anyone around to complain to. I still can't believe that of all those hundreds of people in that theater, I was the only one who seemed to care. And it wasn't just my eyes, thank you very much, because my cousin saw it with me and he noticed it too.)


      • #48
        Two historical things-
        1) Originally they sold peanuts in movie theatres but when talkies came along they were deemed too noisy and replaced with popcorn.
        2) The present wrappers that candies come in are relatively quiet when being torn or opened. For this we can thank critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert. During the early seasons of "At the Movies" it became a cause celebre' and in response MM Mars, Nestle, and Hershey changed their wrapper materials.
        "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
        -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


        • #49
          I was wondering exactly why the Crunch bar wrappers were changed; thanks for that tidbit

          I have to admit, sometimes I have no problem paying movie popcorn prices; the small theater in my dad's town (it's a modestly-sized chain, but the building itself only has two screens) has some of the freshest movie popcorn I've tasted. They also have a "condiment bar" with different types of seasonings and because of this, the popcorn isn't oversalted or overbuttered.
          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


          • #50
            I also don't buy theater food either, but I also don't usually eat in the theater either. If I'm going to eat, I eat before or after. (Ok, one time I did bring a small pizza right in and ate it before the movie; but that's because it was from a new pizza joint that doesn't have any in store seating I could've eaten it at.) People, including a theater worker or two asked me how it was since it was a new place.
            Last edited by Dips; 03-12-2010, 02:57 PM. Reason: fratching


            • #51
              I've had to edit one post and delete another.

              This after two mods warnings.

              I guess it's not just SCs who don't read.

              Many thanks to those of you who tried to put this back on track.

              Thread closed.
              Last edited by Dips; 03-12-2010, 03:02 PM.
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.

