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So how are we are responsible for this?

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  • So how are we are responsible for this?

    Righty, this took place about a year back. I happened to be the person nearest the phone at the stockroom desk when the phone went off. So I answered it.

    J: Meh
    SC: Idiot

    J: Hello Argos [store location], [Lord Ludicrous] speaking, how may I help you?
    SC: Uh hello. I returned a TV to you a couple of days ago.
    J: Uh huh.
    SC: But it had the wrong remote in it. See we had the remote for our DVD player, and the remote for the TV we got. We let our boys pack the TV up again and I took it back to your store.
    J: Ok.
    SC: They put the wrong remote in the box. Ive got the remote for the TV. So is there any way that I could come and give you the right remote and take my one back.
    J: Uh, it really depends whether or not its been sent off. Ill go look for you.
    SC: Thanks.

    So off I go. I cant find the TV in the cage, so I ask the stock manager if its been sent off or not. She tells me that it was sent off yesterday. Ouch, poor bloke is out of luck. So I return to tell him the news.

    J: Im very sorry sir, but its been sent off.
    SC: Ah damn, is there no way you can get it back?
    J: Im afraid not, when it leaves the store its out of our hands. We're very sorry.
    SC: Shit, ok thanks mate.
    J: Goodbye.

    Ok, major suckage. Oh well. Thats the end of this story right?
    Oh no. Not by a long shot.

    About 10-15 minutes later, the phone rings again. So I answer it.

    J: Hello Argos [store location], [Lord Ludicrous] speaking, how may I help you?
    SC: Uh hi. I phoned up earlier about a TV that had the wrong remote in it.
    J: Yes, I know.
    SC: You do?
    J: Yeah, you spoke to me.
    SC: Ah right. So is there no way I can get it back?
    J: Regretfully no. Once stock leaves our store, its out of our hands completely.
    SC: So theres not even a number you can ring to find out.
    J: To my knowledge there isnt. It wouldnt make a difference anyway, as they wont send any damaged or faulty merchandise back to a store.
    SC: Cant you give me the numbers for your warehouses?
    J: Sorry I cant, theyre private numbers, they dont deal with customers.
    SC: Well thats fucking rediculous! So youre telling me that I cant get my remote back?!
    J: Yes sir, that is what Im telling you.
    SC: Well youre a lot of good arent you? Are you the manager?
    J: No sir, Im not.
    SC: Well where the hell is he? I want to talk to him.
    J: Im sorry, she is not available at the moment.
    SC: So, youre saying that you dont know what happens to your stuff once you send it off? So I could just turn up at the back of your store one day and take all your stock away?
    J:No, you could not, as you would need to be a registered member of delivery staff, and have ID on you. And we do know what happens to stock. It gets taken to a distribution point, then thrown in a tip.
    SC: Whats your name?
    J: [Lord Ludicrous].
    SC: Well, you arent being very helpful [Lord Ludicrous].
    J: Im sorry to hear that.
    SC: Well, Im now inconvenienced by your incompetence.
    J: Excuse me sir? *starting to get very annoyed* MY incompetence?
    SC: Well who else?
    J: Ok, let me ask you a question sir. Was it me who allowed my children to pack up an item to be returned to a shop, and let them put the wrong remote inside the box, did not check the contents before returning it, and then left it a couple of days before finding out about it?
    SC: Well excuse me-
    J: This situation is not the fault of myself or any other staff. Im very sorry sir, but theres nothing more we can do for you. Have a nice day! *click*

    Im suprised he didnt try to complain about me. Anyway, I mentioned what had happened to my manager, and she said that I had acted perfectly reasonably and politely as possible, and it was his own damn fault anyway. Then it turned out that the TV was STILL THERE! It hadnt been sent away. However, seeing how this man had spoken to me before (and bear in mind he spoke in a very condescending and sarcastic way), I decided that no, I wasnt going to inform him we still had it. I didnt have to, seeing as it was ours now anyway.

    Just goes to show that being rude gets you nowhere in my department

  • #2
    He knew he was wrong. What a friggin' idiot. I LOVE that you told him where to stick it!!!

    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      And come on, losing one remote is diasterous? Didn't this guy ever hear of a universal remote?


      • #4
        Quoth Knifeman View Post
        Didn't this guy ever hear of a universal remote?
        I always end up getting the remotes that aren't quite so universal.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          add him to your direct marketing list for universal remotes


          • #6
            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            I always end up getting the remotes that aren't quite so universal.
            Same here, unless I get one that's a dud. It's not difficult at all to locate a replacement remote online - I had to get one for a 25" Panasonic flat screen combo this past summer. Ordered it one day, had it 3 days later.

            You can use a universal remote, but as I learned the hard way there are just some functions that aren't covered under the universal remote, such as the menu options/clock setting/advanced DVD functions. That's why one really needs to have the factory remote to fully operate the device

            We now end this PSA and return you to your normally scheduled chatter . . .
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              The remote I have will "learn" functions from other remotes, even if it's not a standard button. You just set them about 6 inches apart on a table pointing at each other, press the learn key on one, press the button you want on the other, and it will pick it up. (there's generic macro buttons you assign this function to). There hasn't been a function it couldn't do yet.


