I am livid at the moment, and on the border of tears. Just....asjdhjkfsdAAAARGH.
Client: so you promised my mockup today, do you have it ready?
Seraph: I'm sorry, I thought I told everyone, my cat died yesterday...I am taking a couple days off to mourn him. Its been a rough couple of days.
Client: thats unacceptable you promised my mockup I am waiting on this
Client: you said you would be able to get to it and you havent
Client: I guess i will just have to go elsewhere HMMMMM
Seraph: You fecking do that.
Client: ?????
Seraph: See you. I don't need to deal with this.
Client: no
Seraph: You've been deleted from my "client" database, and I am now blocking your email. Goodbye!
I actually NEVER promised a mockup to this guy, he was just inquiring about a design, and I had given him an estimate. Not even an invoice. I was completely serious about what I did too, everything I was setting up for him has been deleted.
I am still seriously upset over my cat...pretty much, at about 1 am yesterday, my husband goes down to the basement room to get an italian ice from the freezer, and comes running back, white as a sheet. My cat was at the bottom of the basement stairs in his favorite spot to nap, not moving. It appears he died from heart failure...at only nine years of age.
Most of my clients were pretty understanding when I told them I had to sign off for the night immediately, and that I would be taking at least a day or two to deal with the grief. In fact, a few were pretty bleeping supportive, telling me to take the ENTIRE week off (wish we had the finances to do that).
Just....I'm gonna miss my Kyo...
Client: so you promised my mockup today, do you have it ready?
Seraph: I'm sorry, I thought I told everyone, my cat died yesterday...I am taking a couple days off to mourn him. Its been a rough couple of days.
Client: thats unacceptable you promised my mockup I am waiting on this
Client: you said you would be able to get to it and you havent
Client: I guess i will just have to go elsewhere HMMMMM
Seraph: You fecking do that.
Client: ?????
Seraph: See you. I don't need to deal with this.
Client: no
Seraph: You've been deleted from my "client" database, and I am now blocking your email. Goodbye!
I actually NEVER promised a mockup to this guy, he was just inquiring about a design, and I had given him an estimate. Not even an invoice. I was completely serious about what I did too, everything I was setting up for him has been deleted.
I am still seriously upset over my cat...pretty much, at about 1 am yesterday, my husband goes down to the basement room to get an italian ice from the freezer, and comes running back, white as a sheet. My cat was at the bottom of the basement stairs in his favorite spot to nap, not moving. It appears he died from heart failure...at only nine years of age.
Most of my clients were pretty understanding when I told them I had to sign off for the night immediately, and that I would be taking at least a day or two to deal with the grief. In fact, a few were pretty bleeping supportive, telling me to take the ENTIRE week off (wish we had the finances to do that).
Just....I'm gonna miss my Kyo...
