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That's what Ebay's for Dumbass

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  • That's what Ebay's for Dumbass

    Ok, now as most of you should know the PS3 is in very short supply. This of course means that some people are buying them to sell and make a good profit. Most people just sell them on Ebay but I had one moron with a great idea, why not advertise where everyone is going to look for them. A guy phoned in and asked if I could tell people that he was selling a PS3 when they came in to look for one and noticed we didn't have any. When I, of course, said no he asked if he could put up and advertisement that he was, of course, willing to pay for.

    Now I get that you want to make a profit but how stupid can you be. Even if he got someone to agree to advertise for him, that person would probably get fired when the first person that he told went to complain to the manager. People already think it's the stores creating a shortage to drive sales so saying “hey we don't have any but if you got a couple thousand dollars...” They'd just assume that it was the store trying to make a few extra bucks and go bitch at the store or district manager. And the people who are looking for them at our stores don’t want to pay extra for a PS3. And how many stores do you know that advertise for other people. You think if Wal-mart offered us an ass load of money they would get to put up a flyer. And besides, your going to get a lot more money on Ebay due to the volume of people looking for them there compared to few who come in to our store. It's not my fault you’re too lazy to do the legwork Dumbass.

  • #2
    I get that on occasion. Only my idiot customers want to sell their used tire chains out in the parking lot for "a few bucks". Some get it when I explain why they can't others just can't wrap their minds around why that's just wrong.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


    • #3
      PS3 isn't so rare anymore

      can get one for 750 from fruper today

