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Mr. Snooty Father of the Year and Social Class (Rather Long)

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  • Mr. Snooty Father of the Year and Social Class (Rather Long)

    Some Background Information:

    I haven't been able to post in a while because of some drastic changes in my life and because I haven't come across a sucky customer of which to speak of.

    Anyways, after leaving my previous teller job because of health reasons (Bipolar II Disorder) I ended up working for Wal-Mart as an unloader since then. I recently transferred to another location in the Houston, TX area because I wanted to search for better job opportunities and wanted a new start in life.

    Because of my perseverance I recently landed another teller job at a well-known national bank (think of the Stagecoach). What attracted me the most was the possibility to establish a better career and its Tuition Reimbursement program since I do want to go back to college as a business major.

    I just gave my two weeks’ notice at work because I am scheduled to start very soon and so management can find a replacement. I decided to leave not only because of lack of good opportunities, but because much of management in that location treats employees with such contempt as if they were children.

    Although I sort of expected that treatment from management (particularly in such a location), I was very shocked to hear something I heard while I was pulling out some merchandise on a pallet onto the sales floor.

    Main Story:

    SFY: Snooty Father of the Year (with young son)
    Me: Yours truly

    (as I was passing by a man and his young son)
    SFY: *talking to son* You see, son? You need to go to school so you don’t end up pulling pallets like him? *signals to me*
    Me: *turns around* Sir, I just got a new job at (Stagecoach) Bank, OK?
    SFY: *looks a bit surprised* Oh, OK. I see.

    Later that instant, I saw him sitting down by the Electronics department as I walked past him, carrying on my job with my head up, but disappointed in him. I really wanted to tell him off, but I like to display a very graceful behavior. I was that upset and I wanted to use my dry, sarcastic sense of humor against him, but did not want to get into problems with management. And I tend to be very laid back.

    I guess he was thinking that because of what I was doing and the work clothes I was wearing, he assumed that I must have been a non-English speaking lowly employee he could demean. What he probably did not realize was that I was trilingual (English, Spanish, French), enjoy a good bottle of Chianti or other wines, read “The Economist”, I am a business major, and I was doing this as a temporary job.

    Mr. Snooty Father of the Year was trying to teach his son a good lesson on the virtues of good education when he was the one who actually needed it and another one in humility. Often people who put others down are insecure about themselves, a sign of weakness.
    Last edited by Silas G. T. Brontë; 04-03-2010, 08:17 AM.

  • #2
    A better lesson to teach his son would have been "We're not always gonna be around to help you out while you're at college. You gotta go out there and make some money while you study."

    But ofcourse, that would be a sane and sensible man.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Something like that happened to me.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        I was that upset when it happened, but then I had to remind myself that he could not take my pride away from me. I really wish that had been my very last day so I could have given him a piece of my mind.

        I did tell my other co-workers what happened and they all said they would have gone much further than I would.


        • #5
          I was told that as a kid, but not in the "if you go to school you'll never work this sort of job." way. I was told that while no job is "beneath you", if you go to school, you'll have more opportunities when the time comes. It annoys me that parents drill that into kids heads that some jobs are menial and below them.

          I believe this sums it up: "There are no menial jobs, just menial people. As long as you can pay the bills, it's a good job." --My Dad.

          You have a good job lined up, and are working with a lot on your plate it sounds like. Don't let the menial people around you tell you otherwise. :-)
          Coworker: Distro of choice?
          Me: Gentoo.
          Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


          • #6
            these days there are doctorates pushing brooms at wal-mart. they are called the underemployed.


            • #7
              Quoth Aislin View Post
              these days there are doctorates pushing brooms at wal-mart. they are called the underemployed.
              You know what? That could have been very well the case since there are many people who lost their well-paid jobs because they were victims of the economic downturn, but probably this thought never crossed this man's mind...for shame.

              Quoth Midorikawa
              I believe this sums it up: "There are no menial jobs, just menial people. As long as you can pay the bills, it's a good job." --My Dad.

              You have a good job lined up, and are working with a lot on your plate it sounds like. Don't let the menial people around you tell you otherwise. :-)
              Heck, with that little job I still managed to keep my good credit score and save up a little.

              Thank you for your kind words!
              Last edited by Silas G. T. Brontë; 04-03-2010, 04:13 PM. Reason: Merging Answers


              • #8
                Quoth Midorikawa View Post
                I was told that as a kid, but not in the "if you go to school you'll never work this sort of job." way. I was told that while no job is "beneath you", if you go to school, you'll have more opportunities when the time comes. It annoys me that parents drill that into kids heads that some jobs are menial and below them.

                That's exactly what I always told my daughter - no matter how she chose to use it (or not use it), the more education she had, the more choices she had, and the more choices, the likelier a person is to find something they're happy doing.

                And a person should be able to do what makes them happy without having other people judge them - not everyone has to have a high paying job, a big house and 3 cars, some people are quite content to live more simply with a lower paying lower stress job (not that lower paying jobs are necessarily lower stress: ) Having more education may just mean that youCHOOSE to work at WalMart rather than HAVE to work at WalMart, which can be a huge factor in how happy you are.

                * Just for the record, my two other worst peeves are (1) those who don't seem to get the difference between education and intelligence -some of the smartest people I've know had very little formal education, and some of the most educated people I've met have been the stupidest - and (2) those who have to judge women on whether they work or stay home with their kids - doesn't matter which side they're on, it's no one's business but the mom which is the right choice for her.

                Anybody else want the soapbox next

                Madness takes it's toll....
                Please have exact change ready.


                • #9
                  (as I was passing by a man and his young son)
                  SFY: *talking to son* You see, son? You need to go to school so you don’t end up pulling pallets like him? *signals to me*
                  Good response to Father of the Year: Tell that to AIG. Where do you think I worked last?(Ba-dum-bump)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Merriweather View Post
                    And a person should be able to do what makes them happy without having other people judge them - not everyone has to have a high paying job, a big house and 3 cars, some people are quite content to live more simply with a lower paying lower stress job (not that lower paying jobs are necessarily lower stress: )
                    Precisely! My career as a systems admin is neither low stress nor high paying, but it's a diverse position, one day I'm a NOC tech, next day I'm a programmer, next I'm a hardware guy, and there's no way of knowing really what the day holds. If it weren't for a couple of obnoxious coworkers and higher ups, this would be my dream job, even if I'm still paid < $50k a year, and have started really losing my hair since starting. It's worth it, and I'm happy with what I do, just not the company I work for.
                    Coworker: Distro of choice?
                    Me: Gentoo.
                    Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                    • #11
                      I had someone say something like that to me once. Granted, I was a bit grubby--old clothes, spots of oil and grease etc. But what do you expect when you've been working on a car? The look on his face after he'd followed me out the door...and I jumped into the MG...was awesome
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Pardon my ignorance...what's an MG?


                        • #13
                          Say it again

                          Quoth Merriweather View Post
                          And a person should be able to do what makes them happy without having other people judge them - not everyone has to have a high paying job, a big house and 3 cars, some people are quite content to live more simply with a lower paying lower stress job (not that lower paying jobs are necessarily lower stress: ) Having more education may just mean that you CHOOSE to work at WalMart rather than HAVE to work at WalMart, which can be a huge factor in how happy you are.
                          While I had lots of fun as a computer tech for the first decade or so, the last years at work started to be a drag. And while I made good money I never seemed to have the time to enjoy it.

                          It was only *AFTER* losing my computer and started working part-time at Arbys did I find myself going on Caribbean cruises, going up to my cabin in near Parry Sound and spend 2-3-even 4 weeks at the cabin.

                          Today I am looking for another computer job, but it will be part-time only. I have no plans to go back to that rat-race so many people think you MUST do even if you do not need the money.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Hobbs View Post
                            Pardon my ignorance...what's an MG?
                            An upscale type car. As opposed to a Yugo, if anyone remembers those.
                            Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.


                            • #15
                              i love when people find out how much i make, they are quite after that.

