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A few of my favorite (sarcasm so thick you could cut) customers.[epic length, sorry!]

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  • A few of my favorite (sarcasm so thick you could cut) customers.[epic length, sorry!]

    I do apologize for the length; I'm at work and it's slow. Stories about some of my favorite regular customers. And by favorite... well, I am known to be a bit too bitter and sarcastic for someone my age

    Borrowing the popular and organised format so many of you use.

    *Number*. A day. A week. Silence.

    One guy, who, according to a CW who went to high school with him has to be between 28 and 30 years of age, comes in every day to rent games. He wears black pants, black sneakers, black tshirt (or sweater if the weather so dictates) and a backwards black hat and SUNGLASSES. Every day, even if it's pouring rain. Even if he comes in at night. I have never seen his eyes. He lives with his mother. Overall, has a very serious basement-dweller vibe.

    This is not what makes him sucky.

    What makes him sucky? Here is a conversation. Like, literally ANY conversation you have with him.

    M: Hi! How are you?
    SC: *account number*
    M: Okay. How long would you like the game for?
    SC: A week.
    M: This one's pretty popular!
    SC: *silence*
    M: There you go! That'll be $X.XX, please.
    SC: *silence, hands money*
    M: Thank you! Have a good day!
    SC: *silence, walks away with game*

    One time he was renting a movie and a CW dared me to attempt to start a conversation.

    SC: *hands me Smokin' Aces 2*
    M: Hi! How are you today?
    SC: *silence*
    M: Just the one night?
    SC: *silence*
    M: I loved the first one, I haven't seen this one yet but people have been telling me it's got decent action.
    SC: *silence*
    M: Have you seen the first one?
    SC: *silence*
    M: ... that'll be $X.XX, please.

    I don't know if he's rude or just terribly anti-social, but it really bothers me. I demand to be acknowledged!

    You've ruined my weekend!

    Ah, regular customers. If they're well-paying and have been around forever, my manager will practically bend over backwards for them. There is one couple, Mr. and Mrs. M, who come in every Thursday to book movies for Friday and Saturday. Now, for everyone else - if you book a movie for Friday, it is not put aside until Friday. We don't just automatically save it, because then we lose rental. The problem with Mr. and Mrs. M is that they don't go for A-titles, which we will have between 12 and 30 copies, but the random movies we get only one copy of. We get the movies in on Thursday for the following Tuesday, and rent them out to people if they request them (they just can't be displayed on the floor). People know this and many come in Thursday and rent the new stuff. For some reason, all the regulars love the B-title movies, and scramble for them. With one or two copies max, this leads to a lot of people having to wait for them when someone rents them out. Apparently one time, the movie Mr. and Mrs. M booked was still on rent by Friday (a notoriously late customer had it out) and Mrs. M FLIPPED HER LID, called and cursed out my manager, going on about how her night was ruined, and "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?"

    ... seriously? Yeah, seriously.

    Ever since, my manager has put aside their movies DAYS in advance, losing rental on them. But even then, sometimes they pick something that was rented out Thursday morning before they got in to make their choices for the weekend. Mr. M is fantastic, super-nice, and one of the few customers that can call me "buddy" (I'm the baby of the store, and female, so I get "sweetie" and "hun" a lot, drives me nuts!) without my getting mad. But his wife... another story entirely. Most of the time, he'll come in and pick up the movies they booked, and if one didn't come back he just says, "Oh, that's fine. Give us a call if it does." Ten minutes later, you can bet Mrs. M will be calling, flipping out and wondering where it is.

    Entitlement Wenches are sad, sad people.

    Oh, I guess I'll pick something else out..

    Two men that come in every Monday. One has the account with the store and is very nice. The other is his friend and is very loud. They'll pick something out, come up to the counter, and my manager always tries to recommend the movies (people like to know how they are, of course), but she should know by now not to tell them it's good.

    M1: I heard this one's great. Really good feedback.
    SC: Oh... we don't want it then. Let's pick something else.


    And repeat, til she wisens up and says she hasn't heard anything about it.

    Gravity doesn't even know your name!

    This guy doesn't come around any more, thank you tiny Jeebus.

    He'd only come in on Tuesday when my CW, a 29-year-old female who looks about 23 was working, and Wednesdays with little ol' me. He'd browse, get 4 movies, and then come up to pay. And chat. Forever. He'd badger CW aout her love life (she just got married to her boyfriend of over a decade) and "joked" about the sex stopping now, and how she's tied down, and how if she ever felt like having an affair, give him a call . Yes, he was dead serious. The kicker? This guy's 50. He came in on my birthday a few months back, and one of my friends had just left and said, Happy birthday! as they went out the door, and he said, "Oh, it's your birthday? How old are you, 12?" (har har.) "I'm 21." "Is that all? Gravity doesn't even know your name yet!" *looks at chest*

    Luckily he got in to an argument about policy on new releases one day with CW and started renting at our other branch. Good riddance to creep-tastic rubbish.

    Which of course is a lovely lead-in to...

    We're the only store in the city that rents out ... "ADULT" movies. You can imagine the fun that comes along with that.

    Don't get me wrong, 90% of the people renting adult material are nice, normal, whatever. But there's a solid 10% that are creepy. A few are fond of asking if I'd seen whatever they happened to be renting that day. No, I'm sorry, I haven't watched Service Animals 10. Women in leashes being treated like dogs isn't exactly my cup of tea.

    NOTE: I've seen my fair share of adult material (oh hi, internet!). I'm not a prude. It's just the fetish stuff that weirds me out, and either way - full grown men should not be discussing such things with a video store clerk who looks and very well could be underage, thanks.

    On Hallowe'en I was working alone (in the day time), and I was dressed up as a witch. A cute witch, not a skanky one. Green face included, it could not be misconstrued as "sexy" in any way. Two different men told me I should've been wearing hooker boots (their exact words) and not sneakers. Thanks for the fashion advice.
    "All god does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring." - Invisible Monsters

    "The only thing stronger than fear is hope." - Suzanne Collins

  • #2
    Quoth vstorevigilante View Post
    They'll pick something out, come up to the counter, and my manager always tries to recommend the movies (people like to know how they are, of course), but she should know by now not to tell them it's good.

    M1: I heard this one's great. Really good feedback.
    SC: Oh... we don't want it then. Let's pick something else.
    It's not that they want to watch a bad movie. It's that they don't want to watch any movie bad enough that the general public loved that. I admit, it took me a long time to outgrow that (and I probably haven't quite done so yet), but it's pretty bad.


    • #3
      Quoth Magpie View Post
      It's not that they want to watch a bad movie. It's that they don't want to watch any movie bad enough that the general public loved that. I admit, it took me a long time to outgrow that (and I probably haven't quite done so yet), but it's pretty bad.
      You know what, I was like that too. All through high school, if it didn't have serious indie cred or total obscurity I wouldn't touch it with a 50-foot pole. I was the same with with music... and books... I was a pop-culture snob. And I agree, it is really hard to get over it, but I am definitely over it now (but I won't watch anything with Steven Segal! ), so I get where they're coming from on that, if that is indeed the case. But they don't go for obscure titles with no-name actors, they go for the A-titles with A-list actors They just don't want to hear that it's good. They baffle me.
      "All god does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring." - Invisible Monsters

      "The only thing stronger than fear is hope." - Suzanne Collins


      • #4
        Well no wonder he won't talk to you! You referred to his dwelling as his mom's basement instead of a "Command Center"!

        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          My guess regarding basement guy is severe, crippling shyness.
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            Quoth vstorevigilante View Post
            He'd badger CW aout her love life (she just got married to her boyfriend of over a decade) and "joked" about the sex stopping now, and how she's tied down, and how if she ever felt like having an affair, give him a call . Yes, he was dead serious. The kicker? This guy's 50.
            And naturally, still thinks he's a hot stud that all the girls fall all over.
            Quoth vstorevigilante View Post
            Gravity doesn't even know your name yet!" *looks at chest*
            "Well, it certainly knows yours, sir!" *looks at drooping jowls and earlobes*
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth XCashier View Post
              And naturally, still thinks he's a hot stud that all the girls fall all over.

              "Well, it certainly knows yours, sir!" *looks at drooping jowls and earlobes*
              Oh, I should've. But I was too taken aback by his comment to think of a good response.
              "All god does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring." - Invisible Monsters

              "The only thing stronger than fear is hope." - Suzanne Collins


              • #8
                Quoth vstorevigilante View Post

                SC: *hands me Smokin' Aces 2*
                M: Hi! How are you today?
                SC: *silence*
                M: Just the one night?
                SC: *silence*
                M: I loved the first one, I haven't seen this one yet but people have been telling me it's got decent action.
                SC: *silence*
                M: Have you seen the first one?
                SC: *silence*
                M: ... that'll be $X.XX, please.

                I don't know if he's rude or just terribly anti-social, but it really bothers me. I demand to be acknowledged!
                If you weren't in Nova Scotia I'd SWEAR you were talking about one of my neighbours here in the 'park. Give a very small wave, very slowly, and he'll nod at ya. Smile or say "hi" and he looks in the other direction.

                Beer Guy (I don't know his name but he's absolutely fascinated by us for some some reason) says that he used to do hardcore baaaaad drugs and it screwed with him mentally.

                Which is sad because he's maaaaaaad adorable.

                Quoth vstorevigilante View Post

                Gravity doesn't even know your name!

                This guy doesn't come around any more, thank you tiny Jeebus.

                He'd only come in on Tuesday when my CW, a 29-year-old female who looks about 23 was working, and Wednesdays with little ol' me. He'd browse, get 4 movies, and then come up to pay. And chat. Forever. He'd badger CW aout her love life (she just got married to her boyfriend of over a decade) and "joked" about the sex stopping now, and how she's tied down, and how if she ever felt like having an affair, give him a call . Yes, he was dead serious. The kicker? This guy's 50. He came in on my birthday a few months back, and one of my friends had just left and said, Happy birthday! as they went out the door, and he said, "Oh, it's your birthday? How old are you, 12?" (har har.) "I'm 21." "Is that all? Gravity doesn't even know your name yet!" *looks at chest*
       Glenn has a BROTHER! RUUUUUUUN!

                *Hides under Flea-Bit's bed again*
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  Quoth vstorevigilante View Post
                  I don't know if he's rude or just terribly anti-social, but it really bothers me. I demand to be acknowledged!
                  Could be a severe case of social anxiety. That would explain both the shades and the lack of conversation. I do believe that shades were one of the things suggested for the CS board member with that very problem.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

