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I'm special, so special, I gotta have some of your attention, give it to me!

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  • I'm special, so special, I gotta have some of your attention, give it to me!

    Well, this is a pretty lightweight SC moment, but I'm bored so I'll share.

    It was a particularly busy day at my last place of employment (rhymes with Marshall's ), and a group of winners sauntered up to my register.
    They had several large foo-foo type decorative items (okay, they were ugly tacky faux-finished vases) that I rang up and, seeing as how they were sizable pieces, I attempted to drape large bags over them.
    Now, this kind of bagging was just fine with 99% of the customers we had. It doesn't afford much protection, really, but it's a reasonable way to protect the item temporarily. Unless you're going mud-racing before you get home, chances are, they'll be just fine. And, in most cases, even if something is wrapped really well, you drop it and bye-bye. But still...
    It wasn't good enough for these folks.
    "Wrap them good!" I was ordered.
    My head began to reel from the realization of just how much paper it would take to wrap these monstrosities and I began to feel a headache coming on when I gave a quick glance at the already-long and ever-growing line of people waiting to be checked out.
    Still, ever the trooper (okay, simpering wimp), I grabbed a pile of wrapping paper and a roll of scotch tape and was ready to push on when one of the 'ladies' took the paper and tape from me and began to wrap them herself.
    I'm like, "Okay. That works for me."
    I proceed to the next customer, but before I can hit the first key on the register, I hear: "Are you not going to help us with this?"
    Now, there were 3 or 4 of them in their group, all perfectly capable of taking on the job of wrapping a few big ugly vases, and none of them appeared to be blind so I'm sure they saw the mass of people waiting behind them. But they STILL insisted that I help.
    I just kinda blinked at them, looked at the next folks (a couple) in line, and wasn't sure how to proceed with this.
    The lady of the couple started to say something to the group of ladies to the effect that there were others waiting, but her husband stepped up and said he would help them while I helped everyone else.
    Dude, you rock. If I knew who you were, you'd be on my Xmas card list.

    Like I said, lightweight but SC all the way. I mean, seriously. We were short-handed that day and the people who weren't running registers (all of them were going, mind you) were on the floor helping customers, so I was SOL for extra help. And these people felt that they were above doing a little wrapping on their own which was WAY beyond the normal wrapping request.

    Oh, well.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY

  • #2
    *LOVE* the title.
    But I could have done without that damn crappy song getting stuck in my head.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

