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I'm going someplace where they'll charge more and do less!

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  • I'm going someplace where they'll charge more and do less!

    This just happened a little while ago.

    Working in the computer store, we've had a local kid (early 20's) call or stop in a couple of times. Has questions about Linux and dual boots. We don't do Linux stuff, so there's not much we've been able to do for him.

    Now, this guy is a little... off. I can't tell if there's some sort of mental handicap (like Asperberger's, mild autism, or just your basic closet-case) but he just looks and sounds a little weird. Which is fine - we're computer geeks, so weird is relative.

    Guy comes in today because he has a 3 month old laptop and he somehow put a dual-boot on it so he could have Windows 7 and Linux. Screwed it up. Wants us to fix it.

    Now, I'm already a little tired of dealing with the guy so I pass him off to the head technician. The conversation goes something like this:

    WCG: Weird computer guy
    AT: Awesome tech
    Moi: Moi

    WCG: So can you remove the <dual boot software>?

    AT: Not without reloading Windows. It's all screwed up at this point. How old is the laptop?

    WCG: It has Windows 7.

    AT: That's not what I asked you. When did you purchase the laptop?

    WCG: Three months ago.

    AT: If you didn't delete the restore partition we should be able to reload Windows pretty easily.

    WCG: So you can save my data and settings?

    AT: We can try to save the data. (I'm not sure what he meant by settings... but we can usually back up docs, pictures, music, email and even IE favorites)

    WCG: Well, I'll just go to the Geek Squad, then!

    AT: Okay. They charge more than we do. (not to mention their record for backing up data isn't so good)

    The guy is pretty much stomping out like a spoiled child at this point. Which is weird, because we hadn't even given him a price yet and we did say we could back up his data. I guess he expected we could just wave a magic wand and repair the damage he'd done with his dual-boot program.

    I notice that WCG has left his power cord on my counter.

    Moi: Would you like your power cord back?

    WCG: Yes, I would like my power cord back.

    He grabs the power cord and heads out the door. As he's doing so, the cord catches one of those little plastic trays for business cards. (we have three - one for me, one for the Ebay guy and one for the head tech) His cord knocks one of the trays onto the floor, spilling a dozen or so business cards.

    Moi: That's awesome.

    WCG exits without making any attempt to clean up the business cards and without saying "sorry". I was actually sort of bemused by the entire thing so I didn't think to make any sort of closing comment. (i.e. The Geek Squad charges twice what we do - good luck with that. Or some such thing)

    So he's taking his laptop to the Geek Squad who will probably charge him money just for walking in the door, not to mention possibly reloading Windows and potentially not backing up his data for almost twice what we charge for the same thing.

    Me, the Ebay guy and the tech are taking bets on when he'll be back. I'm saying we see him before closing time (8pm) tonight. (which is why I'm leaving the business cards on the floor for a while... in case he comes back I want to make him clean them up) the Ebay guy thinks he'll be back over the weekend and the tech thinks he won't be back ever - which is fine with me.

  • #2
    I'd like to point out, it's a neurological disorder, not a handicap, thankyouverymuch! :P


    • #3
      Unless there's some reason to believe otherwise, wouldn't "settings" be all the stuff in Control Panel?
      Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


      • #4
        Quoth HYHYBT View Post
        Unless there's some reason to believe otherwise, wouldn't "settings" be all the stuff in Control Panel?
        Eh, the control panel is just a place you can go to change the settings. The settings themselves are stored in the registry/mysterious places.

        It's one of those things that's really just more trouble than it's worth.

        Plus, that's only the Windows settings :P


        • #5
          Quoth Hawaiian Eskimo View Post
          Eh, the control panel is just a place you can go to change the settings. The settings themselves are stored in the registry/mysterious places.

          It's one of those things that's really just more trouble than it's worth.

          Plus, that's only the Windows settings :P

          Really depends what sort of "settings" he was referring to, anyway. I'm not even sure what he meant. Screen resolution? Favorites? Desktop background? Who knows. We'd have asked him what he meant if he didn't go storming out like a 12 year old who didn't get his ice cream.


          • #6
            Quoth An Haddock View Post
            We don't do Linux stuff, so there's not much we've been able to do for him.
            I don't know of any computer repair places that do linux. Generally linux users are geeky enough to be able to fix something as simple as a h0rked bootloader, especially when GRUB is a common one to screw up when dual booting with windows. Something to do with windows having a higher opinion of itself than it's earned...

            No really, I'm not a Linux zealot. :-P
            Coworker: Distro of choice?
            Me: Gentoo.
            Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


            • #7
              Quoth Midorikawa View Post
              Generally linux users are geeky enough to be able to fix something...
              Not to mention to proud to admit when they borked something up.
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Quoth lordlundar View Post
                Not to mention to proud to admit when they borked something up.
                not always the case. I readily admit the fact that I once rm -rf'd /usr one morning before I'd had my coffee on my live server. I realized about half a second after it finished that "hrm...that command's taking too long." Oops.

                To my credit, I rebuilt the server with 0 downtime for clients, and sent out an "ooops. my bad" later. Thanks, Gentoo, for giving me everything I need to rebuild without any reboots or downtime, even when I'm a freaking moron for rooting with too much blood in my caffeine vessels. :-P
                Coworker: Distro of choice?
                Me: Gentoo.
                Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                • #9
                  Quoth An Haddock View Post
                  Really depends what sort of "settings" he was referring to, anyway. I'm not even sure what he meant. Screen resolution? Favorites? Desktop background? Who knows. We'd have asked him what he meant if he didn't go storming out like a 12 year old who didn't get his ice cream.
                  All of the above items and anything like them, collectively, I would want to keep if it could easily be done. Wouldn't you? But if it couldn't, that'd be fine too; If I remember rightly, on a working Mac it's just a matter of copying two folders (that will at least get most of it), but his computer is neither, so for all I know it may well be a lot harder or impossible. Anyway, I have a backup and would, in the same situation as the SC, have been not only polite, but meek and apologetic as well And would consider myself lucky if you could save anything.

                  Edited to add: I'd completely forgotten until just now that "Documents and Settings" is the name of an actual folder in Windows, and the one you'd be most likely to want to keep. That changes everything!
                  Last edited by HYHYBT; 04-17-2010, 12:27 AM. Reason: D'oh!
                  Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                  • #10
                    Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                    I'd completely forgotten until just now that "Documents and Settings" is the name of an actual folder in Windows, and the one you'd be most likely to want to keep. That changes everything!
                    I actually specifically avoid those auto-generated folders. I couldn't explain to anyone precisely why I won't use them, I just won't.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      I do the duel boot between Windows7 and Linex (Kubuntu actually. Aren't there a lot of different Linex operating systems?). I set it up that way (with help) because I am super new to Linex, and definitely NOT good enough to figure out some things if I screw up (but I'm learning!). Maybe that was his thought process too? To keep a Window's log-in as a "safety net" in case something went screwy with the Linex side of things?

                      I haven't had too much trouble so far, except Kubuntu won't recognize my wireless for some reason. That alone keeps getting me logging into the Windows boot. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth the bother


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        I actually specifically avoid those auto-generated folders. I couldn't explain to anyone precisely why I won't use them, I just won't.

                        I use them for temporary stuff I'm working with, but not for any long term files and things I want to keep. And of course there are a few programs that insist on dumping data there.

                        I do it partly because I've been using my own tree structure in the same place and the same format since before windows came up with the idea of a documents folder (actually, longer than windows, period).

                        Partly because I like to know exactly where my files are on the directory - if you look at windows, especially Vista, half the time when you see a folder on the directory, it really isn't the folder, it's just a link off to where ever they burried the real folder. I like to be in much more control than that.

                        And lastly, not sure about lately, but there have been plenty of nasties - viruses and so forth - that target not your whole hard drive, but just those familiar MS created folders - so your files are safer elsewhere.

                        Oh, and one final reason - I want it my way, I hate that windows keeps getting worse and worse about making it hard for me to do it my way instead of the windows way, so I take any and all chances I get to do it my way

                        Madness takes it's toll....
                        Please have exact change ready.


                        • #13
                          *reads Merriweather's post*

                          Yup, that about sums it up for me.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Quoth bankworking View Post
                            I haven't had too much trouble so far, except Kubuntu won't recognize my wireless for some reason. That alone keeps getting me logging into the Windows boot. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth the bother
                            You probably have a local linux user group, who can help you fix the wireless settings.
                            Seshat's self-help guide:
                            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Seshat View Post
                              You probably have a local linux user group, who can help you fix the wireless settings.
                              I also PM'd him with a list of suggestions. What sort of linux zealot would I be if I didn't assist newbies when needed. :-P

                              Granted, getting involved in your local LUG is a very good idea, and can help you immensely. Among the more advanced users, jobs can be found too.
                              Coworker: Distro of choice?
                              Me: Gentoo.
                              Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.

