Yesterday was sheer chaos, as Christmas comes closer and you can imagine the hell it is in grocery stores. The Kitty is no exception.
While most transactions go off without a hitch, I had two full buggies of stuff to send back because the trasnactions wouldn't complete.
First one: Lady came through (I was on an end register) with a huge buggy of stuff - typical order for Christmas dinner (ham, potatoes, fixings, baking stuff, etc) Total came to over $125 after store discount card was scanned.
The register wouldn't accept her check. I had to call Madame Fifi (the young CSR who just had her hair done in a wild pouffy mess reminiscent of Beyonce in the last Austin Powers movie) to assist. The check was declined due to license number being on the negative file (meaning someone on the account wrote a bad check.) License number that showed was the woman's husband's number (joint account.)
The lady was not pleased by finding this out. She commented that she was going to kill him. We apologized, as she very well may not have known that there was a bad check on the account.
Madame Fifi suggested she make sure there were NO witnesses when she killed the hubby. I suggested pleading self-defense, the woman said she may use the temporary insanity defense (which could work knowing our state.) I really felt bad for her .. . . but I'm sure hubby has some 'splaning to do
Second one: I was on a different register and about 1/2 hour before I was to leave. Woman comes through w/large order and proceeds to use a credit card.
Credit card was declined due to insufficient funds. I once again call Madame Fifi, who quickly came and tried to explain to the customer that the card was declined.
Customer didn't want to accept it (not surprising.) Customer stated she didn't know there was a limit on the card (dur?? There's a limit on a credit card, for crying out loud.) She kept arguing that she hadn't used her card much, yadda yadda.
I stepped in (yes, a mere cashier such as I would dare, especially when my line is getting longer and longer and people are growing more impatient) and told her point blank "Ma'am, that's something you'll have to discuss with the bank that issued the credit card. We cannot override the computer."
Fifi asked her if she had another way to pay, such as a debit card, or cash or another credit card. Customer stated she didn't and still wanted to argue over not knowing the limit on her card (that's a personal problem IMO.) Fifi voided off the order, I wrote on the ticket the reason and stashed in the drawer and started with the next order.
Geez, people, please try to make sure you have funds before you shop. It'll make your checkout experience a bit more pleasant and smooth.
While most transactions go off without a hitch, I had two full buggies of stuff to send back because the trasnactions wouldn't complete.
First one: Lady came through (I was on an end register) with a huge buggy of stuff - typical order for Christmas dinner (ham, potatoes, fixings, baking stuff, etc) Total came to over $125 after store discount card was scanned.
The register wouldn't accept her check. I had to call Madame Fifi (the young CSR who just had her hair done in a wild pouffy mess reminiscent of Beyonce in the last Austin Powers movie) to assist. The check was declined due to license number being on the negative file (meaning someone on the account wrote a bad check.) License number that showed was the woman's husband's number (joint account.)
The lady was not pleased by finding this out. She commented that she was going to kill him. We apologized, as she very well may not have known that there was a bad check on the account.
Madame Fifi suggested she make sure there were NO witnesses when she killed the hubby. I suggested pleading self-defense, the woman said she may use the temporary insanity defense (which could work knowing our state.) I really felt bad for her .. . . but I'm sure hubby has some 'splaning to do

Second one: I was on a different register and about 1/2 hour before I was to leave. Woman comes through w/large order and proceeds to use a credit card.
Credit card was declined due to insufficient funds. I once again call Madame Fifi, who quickly came and tried to explain to the customer that the card was declined.
Customer didn't want to accept it (not surprising.) Customer stated she didn't know there was a limit on the card (dur?? There's a limit on a credit card, for crying out loud.) She kept arguing that she hadn't used her card much, yadda yadda.
I stepped in (yes, a mere cashier such as I would dare, especially when my line is getting longer and longer and people are growing more impatient) and told her point blank "Ma'am, that's something you'll have to discuss with the bank that issued the credit card. We cannot override the computer."
Fifi asked her if she had another way to pay, such as a debit card, or cash or another credit card. Customer stated she didn't and still wanted to argue over not knowing the limit on her card (that's a personal problem IMO.) Fifi voided off the order, I wrote on the ticket the reason and stashed in the drawer and started with the next order.
Geez, people, please try to make sure you have funds before you shop. It'll make your checkout experience a bit more pleasant and smooth.
