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so much for the christmas spirit!

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  • so much for the christmas spirit!

    Today we were only open until 2pm and were dead ALL day until around 1:30...

    everyone had cleared out by 10 minutes to close and because were only paid until 2pm we started closing up.

    miss snooty and her daugter walk in and start looking around, we have 3 parts to our store and they were in the main part, so the other staff turned off the lights for parts one and three, shut the gallery up while I did the closing paperwork

    miss snooty calls from across the store "oh are you closing" and I respond "yes because its christmas eve were closing at 2, in about 5 minutes", all of the staff were happy because we got to close early, we had an easy shift and yay we were a few minutes away from being off work!

    so she sees some of the areas are blocked off and gets her panties in a bunch "oh what so I cant even go into that room can I!?" sounding all put out like its the end of the world....

    now usually we dont close until after all customers are done, but usually were paid until half an hour after close, my family has christmas today because of the time zones and are waiting at home for my call! If she was nice I might have considered pulling out all of the roll outs and letting her in, but just he attitude she had...I was like screw it....its mid afternoon on christmas eve, she was only shopping for stocking take that kind of attitude and its getting you no where fast!

    "Im a member you know" (woopteedee) its christmas eve lady, if you havent brought your gifts by now thats not my problem

    so she comes up to the counter and buys a few things and pays with debt but of course goes to the opposite side of the counter to the debit machine and when my co-irker says "oh the debit machines on this side" she looks even more put out and snarks "well I will JUST HAVE TO MOVE THEN wont I" in this absolutely nasty tone....

    me and the other co-worker just gog at each other.... jeez lady if moving 2 feet is too much trouble I wonder how youd cope in a real crisis!... we wish her a merry christmas as she leves and we get a "yeah whatever" in return!

    so much for the christmas spirit.....good will to all men. I hope someone puts a lump of coal in her stocking!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    I wasn't aware that there was such thing as "christmas spirit" in retail anymore.
    Ubi dubium ibi libertas: Where there is doubt, there is freedom.


    • #3
      Well Kiwi, I'm sure she was in the Christmas spirit until you ruined it for her!



      • #4
        Na, not a lump of coal in her stocking because coal might actually be useful. A lump of something else. heh.

        We were trying to throw people out tonight, yet at 6..there were still some dumbasses milling around. I wanted to get on the PA and announce "Seriously people, GO HOME. The people who work here want to LEAVE. So, get your asses to the front NOW." But they wouldn't let me. They are no fun.

        I was seriously lacking the Christmas spirit today. Until I got home and was greeted by my super excited kids. May they never have to work Christmas eve in retail. heh
        you are = you're. not "your".


        • #5
          we also had that problem; last minute shoppers and door rattlers. guess what? you miss the six o' clock, you lose, and all the glares, door rattling, birds and what not won't produce squat. TAKE YOUR SORRY ASS HOME.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            You know, I didn't get my shopping done until the twenty-first, and still I feel better than those who didn't get their shopping done until the twenty-fourth. Fifty-five minutes 'til Christmas on the West coast, I wonder if Wal-Mart is still open.

            EDIT: No offense to those who may have legitimate reasons to be shopping today.
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              i had an annoying few......

              we had been open 24 hrs since wednesday (not wal-mart) and it freakin amazes me that people STILL come to late and whine and whine. 'I just need one more thing!' 'Your ruining christmas!' if you can shop here afterhours TODAY you then should have been able to the past 3 DAYS
              Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


              • #8
                I felt so sorry for the poor girl, N, on the door yesterday advising customers we were closed after 4 (Hehe - I love UK Sunday trading laws!)

                As customer approaches: "I'm sorry, we are closed until Wednesday"

                A selection of replies:
                "F*** you" (And you sir) - this happened 6 or 7 times.
                "But I just need to get a turkey!"
                "Christmas murderer..." (Do what now?!)
                "But I just need the toilets!" (and her daughter stage whispered "but I thought we needed to get a present for...)

                When a "lady" came running up with a trolley and was informed we were closed, she turned around and seemed to be going away. Until she turned on her heel and charged for the entrance, almost knocking N flying!

                It was at this point she was replaced by our beefy security guard.


                • #9
                  I love UK Sunday laws too! I'm glad most stores are shut till Wednesday and don't open Boxing day

                  Oh apart from in Scotland, they have different laws.
                  No longer a flight atttendant!


                  • #10

                    Hmmm, let's see...the "lady:" was a MEMBER of your gallery, so one would think she received regular mailings regarding displays, collections, and what not, along with CHANGES IN OPERATING HOURS due to holidays. Seems to me that she isn't a very ACTIVE member, is she? <insert diatribe on non-reading patrons/customers>


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kiwi View Post
                      so she comes up to the counter and buys a few things and pays with debt
                      I know that was unintentional, but that's funny.
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid

