This story just came back to me, and I don't think I've posted it before, so......
Had a guy a couple months ago give me a $10 off coupon he'd gotten in his email from Staples. Now, any and all online coupons from Staples will fill an 8 x 11 sheet of paper when printed out. At the top is the offer, in the middle is the coupon code and bar code, at the bottom is the fine print.
His coupon had the fine print cut off, with scissors. One very important piece of information in the fine print is the EXPIRATION DATE. I found the fact that this was missing more than a little suspicious.
Me: Sir, what happened to the rest of the coupon?
SC: It's right there.
Me: No, I mean the bottom half. It's missing.
SC: No, I just cut the coupion from the page. That IS the coupon.
Me: Um......this is a Staples email coupon. These always fill the page when printed out. Where's the bottom half?
SC: I cut it out.
Me: Well, the fine print, including the experiation date, is missing, so the coupon isn't complete. I really can't accept this.
SC: Can you just try it anyway?
Me: Well I could, but I have no way of knowing if this is valid.
SC: Fine, toss it then.
*I throw out the coupon.*
SC: No, wait, give that back
*gives it back*
He paid, then hurried over to the Service Desk to loudly complain to the girl there that I refused his perfectly valid coupon for no reason. Apparently he erroneously believed that she was somehow senior to me when she was not. Well she paged Dan, who wound up Post Voiding theorder and having it re-rung so the coupon could be tried.
Guess what? It was EXPIRED! I KNEW it! He tried to hoodwink me by cutting out the expiration date in the vain hope that I'd take the coupon anyway. And he had the nerve to complain when I didn't fall for it!
He ended up leaving without his precious $10 discount.
Had a guy a couple months ago give me a $10 off coupon he'd gotten in his email from Staples. Now, any and all online coupons from Staples will fill an 8 x 11 sheet of paper when printed out. At the top is the offer, in the middle is the coupon code and bar code, at the bottom is the fine print.
His coupon had the fine print cut off, with scissors. One very important piece of information in the fine print is the EXPIRATION DATE. I found the fact that this was missing more than a little suspicious.
Me: Sir, what happened to the rest of the coupon?
SC: It's right there.
Me: No, I mean the bottom half. It's missing.
SC: No, I just cut the coupion from the page. That IS the coupon.
Me: Um......this is a Staples email coupon. These always fill the page when printed out. Where's the bottom half?
SC: I cut it out.
Me: Well, the fine print, including the experiation date, is missing, so the coupon isn't complete. I really can't accept this.
SC: Can you just try it anyway?
Me: Well I could, but I have no way of knowing if this is valid.
SC: Fine, toss it then.
*I throw out the coupon.*
SC: No, wait, give that back
*gives it back*
He paid, then hurried over to the Service Desk to loudly complain to the girl there that I refused his perfectly valid coupon for no reason. Apparently he erroneously believed that she was somehow senior to me when she was not. Well she paged Dan, who wound up Post Voiding theorder and having it re-rung so the coupon could be tried.
Guess what? It was EXPIRED! I KNEW it! He tried to hoodwink me by cutting out the expiration date in the vain hope that I'd take the coupon anyway. And he had the nerve to complain when I didn't fall for it!

He ended up leaving without his precious $10 discount.
