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Christmas Day at work (sorry so long)

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  • Christmas Day at work (sorry so long)

    OMG! What a day! Since the grocery stores were closed today, so people were flocking to my C-store. We never close. Open 24 hrs, 365. Anyways. I have several stories to share. So, here I go...

    Bad Mother
    There was a woman and her three kids who came in. I didn't notice them since we had a long line of people waiting to cash out. M (my co-worker) noticed that they have hanged around the cheap candy aisle way too long than normal. Only thing purchased was a bag of chips that one of the little boys paid for. After they leave, M goes look on the computer to see if they steal anything. Oh yeah. this wench steals a lot of the cheap candy and stuffs it down her pockets while her kids watch. Yeah, thank you Mom. Teaching your kids to steal. When they grow up, they'll end up in jail and we will have to support them. This waste of oxygen is a regular at our store. Not anymore. She's banned.

    Egg Nog Lady
    Okay, it's Christmas Day. Egg Nog is the drink of choice. Of course, mix it with Southern Comfort, it is extra tasty! Being we are the only store open, we ran out of egg nog. People would ask if we had anymore, of course not! They accepted this and go on with the day. Nope, not this lady.

    ENL: Do you have anymore egg nog? (rudely and grinch like)
    Me: No maam, we do not have any more.
    ENL: How can you not have anymore egg nog? It is Christmas Day!
    Me: We do not have anymore. Maybe other C-stores have some, but, I doubt it.
    ENL: Do you know if any grocery stores are open?
    Me: Maam, Safeway and Fry's are closed.
    ENL: Well, some help you are.

    Whatever. Come on, egg nog is sold out. Smart people buy egg nog before Christmas Day. I can't pull egg nog out of my ass. But, that would be a neat trick would it.

    Fake Baby in Stroller
    Now, I knew they were trouble right when they entered the store. Two grown women, with no children with them. Are pushing a stroller with a fake baby. WTF?M and I had a line going, but, I still kept an eye on them. They hung around the useless junk aisle for 5 minutes. Mostly, people don't hang around in an aisle at C-store that long. They stroll around the store some more and they come up to M. After they leave, I told M that they had a babydoll in there stroller and hung around in the junk aisle. She immediantly goes into the back and watches them on the computer. These two wenches stole an air freshner for the car and tried to steal the phone in the display case. By pulling it around. She was determined to steal a phone that does NOT work. Dumbass.

    An hour later, one of our buddies who hangs with the employees is outside. I go out and talk to him about the weirdos who came in. I told him the fake baby women and the stealing mother. After telling him about the mother, guess who comes along? The fake baby women. I got in before they did, I told M fake baby is coming back. I get behind the counter where it is safe.

    L1: *walks in, the other one is outside with stroller*
    M: Maam, you have to leave.
    L1:What? Why?
    M: You know what you did. We saw you on camara.
    L1: You didn't see anything on camara.
    M: Just leave.
    L1: *walks out*
    L2: *opens door* Why can't we come in?
    Me: Maam, you know what you did, we saw you on camara.
    L2: Like what?
    Me: Maam, you took a car air freshner and tried to pull a display phone that DOES NOT work out of it's case...
    L2: *Leaves and doesn't come back*

    Ha! You are caught. Thought you were so slick coming in with a fake baby and taking stuff.

    Tweaked out lady
    A woman comes in and she is obviously is on drugs. M and I are watching her and she stares back at us. She gets a hotdog and an Icee and she makes a huge mess. She comes to the counter and makes a mess there too. She plops money on the counter. The total was like $2.06. She puts down two dollars. I'am about to pick it up. Then she changes the dollar to a 5 bill and pushes it to me.

    Me: Maam, you had it right the first time. It is $2.06.
    TL: Oh. *changes money, moves around erractically*
    Me*Takes money*
    I have a line forming behind her and waiting on her to move so I can help the next customer. She is taking her money out of her wallet and very slowly straightens them out and trying to count her money.
    Me: Maam, is there anything else you need?
    TL: No, I'm done.
    Me: Then, it is time to move along.
    TL: Okay....
    Me: *watches her leave and shaking head*

    Yeah, stay off the drugs. They are bad! She wasn't sucky. We don't need druggies hanging around too long before they do something stupid.

    There were other people who had attitudes about the ID issue. Which is an everyday thing.
    I had to tell a guy to leave the property for asking people for money. I was outside listening to him when he asked someone. Moron

    Next door at the strip club, someone drew a shot gun on somebody and the cops were called. A guy with a cow boy hat was arrested. Soon after, the K-9 Unit was called over. I'm sure there was some drug activity going on.

    Well, that was my Christmas. Lovely. So, how was work today for you?

  • #2
    *fixes you some spiked Eggnog* Cheers!

    I feel horrible for you. That sounds like Christmas EVE last year for me (my manager was nice enough to give everyone Christmas off and she ran the store for a few hours of hell that day).

    Keep your spirits up, we fellow CSers will make everything better!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth PorkChop View Post

      L1: *walks in, the other one is outside with stroller*
      M: Maam, you have to leave.
      L1:What? Why?
      M: You know what you did. We saw you on camara.
      L1: You didn't see anything on camara.
      M: Just leave.
      L1: *walks out*
      L2: *opens door* Why can't we come in?
      Me: Maam, you know what you did, we saw you on camara.
      L2: Like what?
      Me: Maam, you took a car air freshner and tried to pull a display phone that DOES NOT work out of it's case...
      L2: *Leaves and doesn't come back*
      Okay, if I was a shoplifter and I had been told I was caught on tape, I would not stand there and argue with the clerk about it, I would hightail it out of freakin' sight and never go back to the scene of the crime. However, some criminals are just so dumb!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Quoth PorkChop View Post
        I can't pull egg nog out of my ass. But, that would be a neat trick.
        Thanks. My wife just asked if I wanted some. Somehow it lost its appeal after the image of that trick got in my mind.
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          Whenever someone asks "How can you be out of (doodad)?", get technical.

          "Well, people come in the store before you and buy the (doodad), and this happens at a constant rate until they buy out our stock. After that, you come in and bitch about how bad we are because we don't have it."

          "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


          • #6
            Quoth PorkChop View Post
            I can't pull egg nog out of my ass. But, that would be a neat trick would it.

            You could've rounded up some friends and have them offer to pee it out. But I get weird thoughts like that sometimes.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Heh, my Christmas work day wasn't nearly that exciting. Somebody's house burnt to the ground while they watched and I had 10 obits...yup, nothing makes you feel the Christmas spirit like writing an obit for a 17-year-old on Christmas day. *sigh* Oh well, that's why the emotional husks like me do the nasty jobs even at the newspapers...
              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


              • #8
                Quoth PorkChop View Post
                I can't pull egg nog out of my ass. But, that would be a neat trick would it.
                I know what you can pull out your arse and fob off as eggnog. Preferably to someone with no sense of smell...

                Eeeeewwwww!!! *bonks self on head*

                *goes back to playing new Dawn of War game*
                "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                • #9
                  Ouch, working retail on christmas day, that awful.

                  Luckily the UK shuts down at Christmas, so i dont have Xmas day stories to share, merely Xmas Eve including this year where it fell on a sunday.

                  First an explanation.

                  For those of you unaware of UK Sunday trading legislation stores over a certain sq ft may only open for a total of 6 continual hours between the hours of 10:00 and 18:00, and may open for half an hour before that for browsing time where customers are allowed in but cannot purchase anything, and half an hour after for finishing time. Al of this is punishable by a hefty fine to head office. Our stores opening times (for the tills) are 10:30-16:30

                  So this year christamas eve falls on a sunday.


                  A queue forming outside the doors at 09:55 with people banging on the doors (I Would ask if you had seen the sign on the windows but that would be a stupid question)

                  People demanding to be served at 10:15, then getting more than slightly upset at not being able to then claiming that W Next door is open and serving so why cant you?

                  People hammering on the door at 16:35 demanding to be let in and screaming blue murder that they cant come in and buy their product, screaming that they'll never come back, and me replying that the exorbatant fine that we would receive for breaking the law would wipe out our entire profit for the day, and said cutomer screaming that they still want to come in to but their shopping.

                  At this point i'm glad of several things that all lead to the next. 1) I work in loss prevention 2) I have a town link radio which feeds into the police control room 3) there is a highly visible police CCTV Camera outside the store and finally 4 I can get said camera to turn and face the front doors pretty much any time i wish. This course of action seems to calm most people down as they realise the police are watching and not just some 'shop security'.

                  Any how i hope you enjoyed what remained of your christmas, and you had a nice time once you got home!

                  Stay Safe
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
                    Whenever someone asks "How can you be out of (doodad)?", get technical.

                    "Well, people come in the store before you and buy the (doodad), and this happens at a constant rate until they buy out our stock. After that, you come in and bitch about how bad we are because we don't have it."

                    Oh no, get technical and politely snarky.

                    "Well, people realize that (Eggnog) is a very popular item this time of year, therefore they plan ahead to purchase their (Eggnog). Because they were here before you and bought (Eggnog), we no longer have any (Eggnog) seeing as many customers over the span of several days/weeks purchased all we had. If you had thought about purchasing (Eggnog) earlier, we would have had (Eggnog) left in stock. But unfortunately, you did not and everyone else has already bought all of our (Eggnog). What else can I help you with today? Oh, I'm giving you attitude? Well ma'am, here's something else for you - the door, you can please leave now.

                    Ok, the last part is what we'd like to do, but.....hey, you're being perfectly polite while explaining she is an idiot, right? No manager SHOULD ever write you up for that or anything!


                    • #11
                      Quoth crazylegs View Post
                      Luckily the UK shuts down at Christmas, so i dont have Xmas day stories to share, merely Xmas Eve including this year where it fell on a sunday.
                      Heh - more Brits. Whereabout are you? I'm up here in sunny (!) Yorkshire.



                      • #12
                        At a risk of going off thread, Gloucestershire, where it is as equally as sunny!

                        Stay Safe
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

